Word.UnderlineType enum
// Underline format text
// Run a batch operation against the Word object model.
await Word.run(async (context) => {
// Create a range proxy object for the current selection.
const selection = context.document.getSelection();
// Queue a command to underline the current selection.
selection.font.underline = Word.UnderlineType.single;
// Synchronize the document state by executing the queued commands,
// and return a promise to indicate task completion.
await context.sync();
console.log('The selection now has an underline style.');
dashLine = "DashLine" | 单个短划线下划线。 |
dashLineHeavy = "DashLineHeavy" | |
dashLineLong = "DashLineLong" | |
dashLineLongHeavy = "DashLineLongHeavy" | |
dotDashLine = "DotDashLine" | 交替的点破折线下划线。 |
dotDashLineHeavy = "DotDashLineHeavy" | |
dotLine = "DotLine" | 警告:dotLine 已弃用。 |
dotted = "Dotted" | 虚线下划线。 |
dottedHeavy = "DottedHeavy" | |
double = "Double" | 双下划线。 |
hidden = "Hidden" | 警告:已弃用隐藏。 |
mixed = "Mixed" | |
none = "None" | 无下划线。 |
single = "Single" | 单个下划线。 此值为默认值。 |
thick = "Thick" | 单个粗下划线。 |
twoDotDashLine = "TwoDotDashLine" | 交替的点-点-短划线下划线。 |
twoDotDashLineHeavy = "TwoDotDashLineHeavy" | |
wave = "Wave" | 单个波浪下划线。 |
waveDouble = "WaveDouble" | |
waveHeavy = "WaveHeavy" | |
word = "Word" | 仅对单个字词下划线。 |