Office (Mailbox requirement set 1.15)

The Office namespace provides shared interfaces that are used by add-ins in all of the Office apps. This listing documents only those interfaces that are used by Outlook add-ins. For a full listing of the Office namespace, see the Common API.

Requirement Value
Minimum mailbox requirement set version 1.1
Applicable Outlook mode Compose or Read


Property Modes Return type Minimum
requirement set
context Compose
Context 1.1


Enumeration Modes Return type Minimum
requirement set
AsyncResultStatus Compose
String 1.1
CoercionType Compose
String 1.1
EventType Compose
String 1.5
HostType Compose
String 1.5
PlatformType Compose
String 1.5
SourceProperty Compose
String 1.1


MailboxEnums: Includes a number of Outlook-specific enumerations, for example, ItemType, EntityType, AttachmentType, RecipientType, ResponseType, and ItemNotificationMessageType.

Enumeration details

AsyncResultStatus: String

Specifies the result of an asynchronous call.

  • String
Name Type Description
Succeeded String The call succeeded.
Failed String The call failed.
Requirement Value
Minimum mailbox requirement set version 1.1
Applicable Outlook mode Compose or Read

CoercionType: String

Specifies how to coerce data returned or set by the invoked method.

  • String
Name Type Description
Html String Requests the data be returned in HTML format.
Text String Requests the data be returned in text format.
Requirement Value
Minimum mailbox requirement set version 1.1
Applicable Outlook mode Compose or Read

EventType: String

Specifies the event associated with an event handler.

  • String
Name Type Description Minimum requirement set
AppointmentTimeChanged String The date or time of the selected appointment or series has changed. 1.7
AttachmentsChanged String An attachment has been added to or removed from the item. 1.8
EnhancedLocationsChanged String The location of the selected appointment has changed. 1.8
InfobarClicked String An action on a notification message is selected. 1.10
InitializationContextChanged String An add-in's task pane is opened from an actionable message, InsightMessage notification, Smart Alerts dialog, or integrated spam-reporting dialog. 1.15
ItemChanged String A different Outlook item is selected for viewing while the task pane is pinned. 1.5
OfficeThemeChanged String The Office theme in Outlook has changed. 1.14
RecipientsChanged String The recipient list of the selected item or appointment location has changed. 1.7
RecurrenceChanged String The recurrence pattern of the selected series has changed. 1.7
SelectedItemsChanged String One or more messages are selected or deselected. 1.13
SensitivityLabelChanged String The sensitivity label of a message or appointment has changed. 1.13
SpamReporting String An unsolicited message has been reported in Outlook. 1.14
Requirement Value
Minimum mailbox requirement set version 1.5
Applicable Outlook mode Compose or Read

HostType: String

Specifies the host Office application in which the add-in is running.

  • String
Name Type Description Minimum requirement set
Outlook String The Office host is Microsoft Outlook. 1.5
Requirement Value
Minimum mailbox requirement set version 1.5
Applicable Outlook mode Compose or Read

PlatformType: String

Specifies the OS or other platform on which the Office host application is running.

  • String
Name Type Description Minimum requirement set
Android String The platform is an Android device. 1.5
iOS String The platform is an iOS device. 1.5
Mac String The platform is Mac. 1.5
OfficeOnline String The platform is Office on the web (in a browser). 1.5
PC String The platform is PC (Windows). 1.5
Universal String The platform is WinRT. 1.5
Requirement Value
Minimum mailbox requirement set version 1.5
Applicable Outlook mode Compose or Read

SourceProperty: String

Specifies the source of the data returned by the invoked method.

  • String
Name Type Description
Body String The source of the data is from the body of a message.
Subject String The source of the data is from the subject of a message.
Requirement Value
Minimum mailbox requirement set version 1.1
Applicable Outlook mode Compose or Read