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适用于 JavaScript 的 Azure 通信Email客户端库 - 版本 1.0.0

此包包含适用于 Email Azure 通信服务 的 JavaScript/TypeScript SDK。



需要 Azure 订阅通信服务资源和具有活动的Email通信资源

若要创建这些资源,可以使用 Azure 门户Azure PowerShell.NET 管理客户端库


npm install @azure/communication-email


EmailClient 提供发送电子邮件的功能。


Email客户端可以使用从 Azure 门户中的 Azure 通信资源获取的连接字符串进行身份验证。

const { EmailClient } = require("@azure/communication-email");

const connectionString = `endpoint=https://<resource-name>.communication.azure.com/;accessKey=<Base64-Encoded-Key>`;
const client = new EmailClient(connectionString);

还可以使用 Azure 标识库对 Azure Active Directory 进行身份验证。 若要使用如下所示的 DefaultAzureCredential 提供程序或 Azure SDK 随附的其他凭据提供程序,请安装 @azure/identity 包:

npm install @azure/identity

@azure/identity 包提供应用程序可用于执行此操作的各种凭据类型。 @azure/identity 的自述文件提供了更多详细信息和示例来帮助你入门。 AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET,需要AZURE_CLIENT_ID和AZURE_TENANT_ID环境变量来创建 DefaultAzureCredential 对象。

import { DefaultAzureCredential } from "@azure/identity";
import { EmailClient } from "@azure/communication-email";

const endpoint = "https://<resource-name>.communication.azure.com";
let credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
const client = new EmailClient(endpoint, credential);


若要发送电子邮件,请从 EmailClient 调用 beginSend 函数。 这将返回投票器。 可以使用此轮询器检查操作的状态,并在操作完成后检索结果。

const message = {
  senderAddress: "sender@contoso.com",
  content: {
    subject: "This is the subject",
    plainText: "This is the body",
  recipients: {
    to: [
        address: "customer@domain.com",
        displayName: "Customer Name",

const poller = await emailClient.beginSend(message);
const response = await poller.pollUntilDone();


若要向多个收件人发送电子邮件,请为每个收件人类型添加一个 对象,为每个收件人添加一个 对象。

const message = {
  senderAddress: "sender@contoso.com",
  content: {
    subject: "This is the subject",
    plainText: "This is the body",
  recipients: {
    to: [
        address: "customer1@domain.com",
        displayName: "Customer Name 1",
        address: "customer2@domain.com",
        displayName: "Customer Name 2",
    cc: [
        address: "ccCustomer1@domain.com",
        displayName: " CC Customer 1",
        address: "ccCustomer2@domain.com",
        displayName: "CC Customer 2",
    bcc: [
        address: "bccCustomer1@domain.com",
        displayName: " BCC Customer 1",
        address: "bccCustomer2@domain.com",
        displayName: "BCC Customer 2",

const poller = await emailClient.beginSend(message);
const response = await poller.pollUntilDone();


Azure 通信服务支持发送包含附件的电子邮件。

const filePath = "C://readme.txt";

const message = {
  senderAddress: "sender@contoso.com",
  content: {
    subject: "This is the subject",
    plainText: "This is the body",
  recipients: {
    to: [
        address: "customer@domain.com",
        displayName: "Customer Name",
  attachments: [
      name: path.basename(filePath),
      contentType: "text/plain",
      contentInBase64: readFileSync(filePath, "base64"),

const poller = await emailClient.beginSend(message);
const response = await poller.pollUntilDone();



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