Office.MailboxEnums.MoveSpamItemTo enum
若要了解有关集成垃圾邮件报告功能的详细信息,请参阅 实现集成的垃圾邮件报告加载项。
适用的 Outlook 模式:邮件读取
重要说明:此枚举只能用于将值分配给 event.completed 方法的 moveItemTo 属性。 如果使用的是仅支持 postProcessingAction
属性的 Outlook on Windows 版本,则必须为其分配不同的字符串值。 有关支持的字符串值的列表,请参阅 Office.SpamReportingEventCompletedOptions.postProcessingAction。
// The following example handles a SpamReporting event to process a reported spam or phishing message.
function onSpamReport(event) {
// Get the Base64-encoded EML format of a reported message.
Office.context.mailbox.item.getAsFileAsync({ asyncContext: event }, (asyncResult) => {
if (asyncResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) {
console.log(`Error encountered during message processing: ${asyncResult.error.message}`);
// Run additional processing operations here.
* Signal that the spam-reporting event has completed processing.
* It then moves the reported message to a custom mailbox folder named "Reported Messages"
* and shows a post-processing dialog to the user.
* If an error occurs while the message is being processed, the `onErrorDeleteItem`
* property determines whether the message will be deleted.
const event = asyncResult.asyncContext;
moveItemTo: Office.MailboxEnums.MoveSpamItemTo.CustomFolder,
folderName: "Reported Messages",
onErrorDeleteItem: true,
showPostProcessingDialog: {
title: "Contoso Spam Reporting",
description: "Thank you for reporting this message.",
CustomFolder = "customFolder" | 指定将报告的邮件移动到邮箱中的自定义文件夹。 |
DeletedItemsFolder = "deletedItemsFolder" | 指定将报告的邮件移动到邮箱的 “已删除邮件” 文件夹中。 |
JunkFolder = "junkFolder" | 指定将报告的邮件移动到邮箱的“垃圾邮件Email”文件夹中。 |
NoMove = "noMove" | 指定报告的邮件保留在邮箱中的当前文件夹中。 |