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CustomerProvidedKey Class

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.azure.storage.blob.models.CustomerProvidedKey

public class CustomerProvidedKey

Contains the customer provided key information used to encrypt a blob's content on the server.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
CustomerProvidedKey(byte[] key)

Creates a new wrapper for a client provided key.

CustomerProvidedKey(String key)

Creates a new wrapper for a client provided key.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
EncryptionAlgorithmType getEncryptionAlgorithm()

Gets the algorithm to use this key with.

String getKey()

Gets the encryption key.

String getKeySha256()

Gets the encryption key's hash.

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Constructor Details


public CustomerProvidedKey(byte[] key)

Creates a new wrapper for a client provided key.


key - The encryption key bytes.


public CustomerProvidedKey(String key)

Creates a new wrapper for a client provided key.


key - The encryption key encoded as a base64 string.

Method Details


public EncryptionAlgorithmType getEncryptionAlgorithm()

Gets the algorithm to use this key with.


A label for the encryption algorithm, as understood by Azure Storage.


public String getKey()

Gets the encryption key.


A base64 encoded string of the encryption key.


public String getKeySha256()

Gets the encryption key's hash.


A base64 encoded string of the encryption key hash.

Applies to