HIS 迁移工具


HIS 迁移工具有助于从早期版本的 HIS 迁移到 HIS 2016,并协助将配置从现有 HIS 2016 安装迁移到另一台服务器。 迁移工具将获取现有 HIS 安装中的配置信息,并允许该信息应用于 HIS 2016 的新安装。 获取的配置信息包括 HIS Services、注册表项、配置文件和 SNA 网关配置信息。


    HisMigration drive:path [/Apply | /Save] [/Overwrite] [/?]

    drive:path The full path to an existing directory.

    /Apply     Apply a previously saved configuration to the current version of HIS.

    /Overwrite Overwrite any existing files when doing a /Save.
               This entry is ignored when using /Apply.

    /Save      Save all HIS configuration information to the specified directory.
               If the directory is not empty, then /Overwrite must also be specified.
               This is the default if /Apply is not specified.

    /?         Displays this information.

