Microsoft Graph SDK 客户端配置一组默认的中间件,该中间件允许 SDK 与 Microsoft Graph 终结点通信。 此可自定义的默认值集允许更改客户端的行为。 例如,可以插入自定义日志记录或测试处理程序来模拟特定方案。 可以添加和删除中间件组件。 请务必注意,中间件组件的运行顺序非常重要。
// tokenCredential is one of the credential classes from Azure.Identity
// scopes is an array of permission scope strings
var authProvider = new AzureIdentityAuthenticationProvider(tokenCredential, isCaeEnabled: true, scopes: scopes);
var handlers = GraphClientFactory.CreateDefaultHandlers();
// ChaosHandler simulates random server failures
// Microsoft.Kiota.Http.HttpClientLibrary.Middleware.ChaosHandler
handlers.Add(new ChaosHandler());
var httpClient = GraphClientFactory.Create(handlers);
var customGraphClient = new GraphServiceClient(httpClient, authProvider);
import (
khttp ""
graph ""
graphcore ""
// tokenCredential is one of the credential classes from azidentity
// scopes is an array of permission scope strings
authProvider, _ := authentication.NewAzureIdentityAuthenticationProviderWithScopes(credential, scopes)
// Get default middleware from SDK
defaultClientOptions := graph.GetDefaultClientOptions()
defaultMiddleWare := graphcore.GetDefaultMiddlewaresWithOptions(&defaultClientOptions)
// Add chaos handler to default middleware
chaosHandler := khttp.NewChaosHandler()
allMiddleware := append(defaultMiddleWare, chaosHandler)
// Create an HTTP client with the middleware
httpClient := khttp.GetDefaultClient(allMiddleware...)
// Create the adapter
// Passing nil values causes the adapter to use default implementations
adapter, _ :=
authProvider, nil, nil, httpClient)
graphClient := graph.NewGraphServiceClient(adapter)
// tokenCredential is one of the credential classes from azure-identity
// scopes is a list of permission scope strings
final AzureIdentityAuthenticationProvider authProvider =
new AzureIdentityAuthenticationProvider(credential, allowedHosts, scopes);
final ChaosHandler chaosHandler = new ChaosHandler();
final OkHttpClient httpClient = GraphClientFactory.create()
if (null == httpClient) {
throw new Exception("Could not create HTTP client.");
final GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authProvider, httpClient);
// Create the default handler stack
$handlerStack = GraphClientFactory::getDefaultHandlerStack();
// Add the chaos handler
// Create an HTTP client with the handler stack
$httpClient = GraphClientFactory::createWithMiddleware($handlerStack);
// Create the Graph service client
// $authProvider is an implementation of
// Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Authentication\AuthenticationProvider
$adapter = new GraphRequestAdapter($authProvider, $httpClient);
$graphClient = GraphServiceClient::createWithRequestAdapter($adapter);
# Create an authentication provider
# credential is one of the credential classes from azure.identity
# scopes is an array of permission scope strings
auth_provider = AzureIdentityAuthenticationProvider(credential, scopes=scopes)
# Get default middleware
# msgraph_core.GraphClientFactory
middleware = GraphClientFactory.get_default_middleware(options=None)
# Add custom middleware
# Implement a custom middleware by extending the BaseMiddleware class
# Create an HTTP client with the middleware
http_client = GraphClientFactory.create_with_custom_middleware(middleware)
# Create a request adapter with the HTTP client
adapter = GraphRequestAdapter(auth_provider, http_client)
# Create the Graph client
graph_client = GraphServiceClient(request_adapter=adapter)
from kiota_http.middleware.middleware import BaseMiddleware
from httpx import Request, Response, AsyncBaseTransport
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class CustomMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):
async def send(self, request: Request, transport: AsyncBaseTransport) -> Response:
print(request.method, request.url)
response = await super().send(request, transport)
return response
// credential is one of the credential classes from @azure/identity
// scopes is an array of permission scope strings
const authProvider = new TokenCredentialAuthenticationProvider(credential, {
scopes: scopes,
// Create an authentication handler (from @microsoft/microsoft-graph-client)
const authHandler = new AuthenticationHandler(authProvider);
// Create a chaos handler (from @microsoft/microsoft-graph-client)
const chaosHandler = new ChaosHandler();
// Create a standard HTTP handler (from @microsoft/microsoft-graph-client)
const httpHandler = new HTTPMessageHandler();
// Use setNext to chain handlers together
// auth -> chaos -> http
// Pass the first middleware in the chain in the middleWare property
const graphClient = Client.initWithMiddleware({
middleware: authHandler,
// URI to proxy
var proxyAddress = "http://localhost:8888";
// Create an HttpClientHandler with the proxy to
// pass to the Azure.Identity token credential
var handler = new HttpClientHandler
Proxy = new WebProxy(proxyAddress),
// Create an options object that corresponds to the
// token credential being used. For example, this sample
// uses a ClientSecretCredential, so the corresponding
// options object is ClientSecretCredentialOptions
var options = new ClientSecretCredentialOptions()
Transport = new HttpClientTransport(handler),
var tokenCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(
// NOTE: Authentication requests will not go through the proxy.
// Azure.Identity token credential classes have their own separate method
// for configuring a proxy using TokenCredentialOptions.Transport
var authProvider = new AzureIdentityAuthenticationProvider(tokenCredential, isCaeEnabled: true, scopes: scopes);
// This example works with Microsoft.Graph 5+
// Use the GraphClientFactory to create an HttpClient with the proxy
var httpClient = GraphClientFactory.Create(proxy: new WebProxy(proxyAddress));
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(httpClient, authProvider);
import (
khttp ""
graph ""
graphcore ""
proxyAddress := "http://proxy-url"
proxyUrl, _ := url.Parse(proxyAddress)
// Setup proxy for the token credential from azidentity
authClient := &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyURL(proxyUrl),
credential, _ := azidentity.NewClientSecretCredential(
"CLIENT_ID", "TENANT_ID", "SECRET", &azidentity.ClientSecretCredentialOptions{
// Pass the proxied client to the credential
ClientOptions: policy.ClientOptions{
Transport: authClient,
// scopes is an array of permission scope strings
authProvider, _ := authentication.NewAzureIdentityAuthenticationProviderWithScopes(credential, scopes)
// Get default middleware from SDK
defaultClientOptions := graph.GetDefaultClientOptions()
defaultMiddleWare := graphcore.GetDefaultMiddlewaresWithOptions(&defaultClientOptions)
// Create an HTTP client with the middleware
httpClient, _ := khttp.GetClientWithProxySettings(proxyAddress, defaultMiddleWare...)
// For authenticated proxy, use
// khttp.GetClientWithAuthenticatedProxySettings(
// proxyAddress, "user", "password", defaultMiddleWare...)
// Create the adapter
// Passing nil values causes the adapter to use default implementations
adapter, _ :=
authProvider, nil, nil, httpClient)
graphClient := graph.NewGraphServiceClient(adapter)
final String proxyHost = "localhost";
final int proxyPort = 8888;
final InetSocketAddress proxyAddress = new InetSocketAddress(proxyHost,
// Setup proxy for the token credential from azure-identity
// From the* packages
final ProxyOptions options = new ProxyOptions(Type.HTTP, proxyAddress);
// If the proxy requires authentication, use setCredentials
options.setCredentials("username", "password");
final HttpClient authClient = new NettyAsyncHttpClientBuilder().proxy(options)
final ClientSecretCredential credential = new ClientSecretCredentialBuilder()
if (credential == null) {
throw new Exception("Could not create credential");
// scopes is a list of permission scope strings
final AzureIdentityAuthenticationProvider authProvider =
new AzureIdentityAuthenticationProvider(credential, allowedHosts, scopes);
// Setup proxy for the Graph client
final Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, proxyAddress);
// This object is only needed if the proxy requires authentication
final Authenticator proxyAuthenticator = new Authenticator() {
public Request authenticate(Route route, Response response)
throws IOException {
String credential = Credentials.basic("username", "password");
return response.request().newBuilder()
.header("Proxy-Authorization", credential).build();
// Omit proxyAuthenticator if no authentication required
final OkHttpClient httpClient = GraphClientFactory.create().proxy(proxy)
if (null == httpClient) {
throw new Exception("Could not create HTTP client.");
final GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authProvider, httpClient);
// Create HTTP client with a Guzzle config
// to specify proxy
$guzzleConfig = [
'proxy' => 'http://localhost:8888'
$httpClient = GraphClientFactory::createWithConfig($guzzleConfig);
// Create the Graph service client
// $authProvider is an implementation of
// Microsoft\Kiota\Abstractions\Authentication\AuthenticationProvider
$adapter = new GraphRequestAdapter($authProvider, $httpClient);
$graphClient = GraphServiceClient::createWithRequestAdapter($adapter);
# Proxy URLs
proxies = {
'http': 'http://proxy-url',
'https': 'http://proxy-url',
# Create a token credential with the proxies. It can be any
# of the credential classes from azure.identity
credential = DeviceCodeCredential(
"client_id", tenant_id = "tenant_id", proxies = proxies)
# Create an authentication provider
# credential is one of the credential classes from azure.identity
# scopes is an array of permission scope strings
# proxies is an optional dict containing proxies configuration in requests format
auth_provider = AzureIdentityAuthenticationProvider(credential, scopes=scopes)
# HTTPX Proxy URLs
httpx_proxies = {
'http://': proxies['http'],
'https://': proxies['https'],
# Create a custom HTTP client with the proxies
# httpx.AsyncClient
# proxies is an optional dict containing proxies configuration in httpx format
http_client = AsyncClient(proxies=httpx_proxies) # type: ignore
# Apply the default Graph middleware to the HTTP client
http_client = GraphClientFactory.create_with_default_middleware(client=http_client)
# Create a request adapter with the HTTP client
adapter = GraphRequestAdapter(auth_provider, http_client)
# Create the Graph client
graph_client = GraphServiceClient(request_adapter=adapter)
// Setup proxy for the token credential from @azure/identity
const credential = new ClientSecretCredential(
proxyOptions: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 8888,
// scopes is an array of permission scope strings
const authProvider = new TokenCredentialAuthenticationProvider(credential, {
scopes: scopes,
// Create a new HTTPS proxy agent (from https-proxy-agent)
const proxyAgent = new HttpsProxyAgent('http://localhost:8888');
// Create a client with the proxy
const graphClient = Client.initWithMiddleware({
authProvider: authProvider,
fetchOptions: {
agent: proxyAgent,