列出 changeItemBase 对象
Microsoft Graph /beta
版本下的 API 可能会发生更改。 不支持在生产应用程序中使用这些 API。 若要确定 API 是否在 v1.0 中可用,请使用 版本 选择器。
获取 changeItemBase 对象及其属性的列表。 API 返回Microsoft Entra更改公告和版本。
此 API 可用于以下国家级云部署。
全局服务 | 美国政府 L4 | 美国政府 L5 (DOD) | 由世纪互联运营的中国 |
✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ |
为此 API 选择标记为最低特权的权限。 只有在应用需要它时,才使用更高的特权权限。 有关委派权限和应用程序权限的详细信息,请参阅权限类型。 要了解有关这些权限的详细信息,请参阅 权限参考。
权限类型 | 最低特权权限 | 更高特权权限 |
委派(工作或学校帐户) | ChangeManagement.Read.All | 不可用。 |
委派(个人 Microsoft 帐户) | 不支持。 | 不支持。 |
应用程序 | ChangeManagement.Read.All | 不可用。 |
任何用户可以调用这些 API,没有管理员角色要求。
GET /identity/productChanges
此方法支持 $count
、 $filter
、 ne
、 in
、 startswith
) 、 $orderby
、 $search
、 $top
(默认页面大小为 10 个项目,最大为 250 项) ,OData $select
查询参数 可帮助自定义响应。
名称 | 说明 |
Authorization | 持有者 {token}。 必填。 详细了解 身份验证和授权。 |
如果成功,此方法在响应正文中返回响应 200 OK
代码和 changeItemBase 对象集合。
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/identity/productChanges
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#identity/productChanges",
"@odata.nextLink": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/identity/productChanges?$skip=10",
"@microsoft.graph.tips": "Use $select to choose only the properties your app needs, as this can lead to performance improvements. For example: GET identity/productChanges?$select=changeItemService,description",
"value": [
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.announcement",
"id": "01ec4ab4-e288-4e1c-8f8c-d5b0bc68b866",
"changeItemService": "msGraph",
"tags": [
"Identity Security"
"systemTags": [],
"documentationUrls": [
"shortDescription": "Latest update on migrating your applications from Azure AD Graph to Microsoft Graph",
"title": "Migrate your apps to Microsoft Graph API",
"description": "In June of 2023, we shared an update on completion of a three-year notice period for the deprecation of the Azure AD Graph API service. The service is now in the retirement cycle and retirement (shut down) will be done with incremental stages. In the first stage of this retirement cycle, applications that are created after June 30, 2024, will receive an error (HTTP 403) for any requests to Azure AD Graph APIs ( https://graph.windows.net ). \n \n We understand that some apps may not have fully completed migration to Microsoft Graph. We are providing an optional configuration that will allow an application created after June 30, 2024, to resume use of Azure AD Graph APIs through June 2025. If you develop or distribute software that requires applications to be created as part of the installation or setup, and these applications will need to access Azure AD Graph APIs, you must prepare now to avoid interruption. \n \n We have recently begun rollout of Microsoft Entra recommendations to help monitor the status of your tenant, plus provide information about applications and service principals that are using Azure AD Graph APIs in your tenant. These new recommendations provide information to support your efforts to migrate the impacted applications and service principals to Microsoft Graph. \n \n For more information on Azure AD Graph retirement, the new recommendations for Azure AD Graph, and configuring applications created after June 30, 2024, for an extension of Azure AD Graph APIs, please click 'Learn more' below.",
"announcementDateTime": "2020-06-23T00:00:00Z",
"targetDateTime": "2024-06-30T00:00:00Z",
"impactLink": null,
"changeType": "retirement",
"isCustomerActionRequired": true
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.roadmap",
"id": "0d17a065-f34c-4954-9a0a-2f9b45c5c166",
"changeItemService": "entitlementManagement",
"tags": [
"systemTags": [],
"documentationUrls": [
"shortDescription": "",
"title": "Organizational Branding role for Entra ID Company Branding",
"description": "The new Organizational Branding Administrator privileges are limited to branding, allowing you to adhere to the principle of least privilege by eliminating the need for the Global Administrator role to configure branding.",
"changeItemState": "available",
"deliveryStage": "ga",
"category": "accessControl",
"publishedDateTime": "2024-05-06T07:00:00Z",
"gotoLink": null