
使用 Microsoft Entra ID 中的批量操作,可以一次性针对多个实体(例如用户、组和设备)执行操作。 这些操作可能包括在单个操作中创建、删除或更新多个记录。 批量操作可以大大简化管理任务并提高效率。

在 Microsoft Entra 管理门户中,针对大型租户的批量操作可能会超时并失败。 此限制是一个由缩放限制导致的已知问题。


执行批量操作(如导入或创建)时,如果批量操作未在一小时内完成,可能会遇到问题。 若要解决此问题,建议拆分每批处理的记录数。 例如,在开始导出之前,可以通过筛选组类型或用户名来限制结果集,以减少结果的大小。 通过优化筛选器,实质上你是在限制批量操作返回的数据。


此问题的解决方法之一是使用 PowerShell 发出直接 Microsoft Graph API 调用。 对于批量下载用户和组失败,我们建议使用 PowerShell cmdlet GET-MgGroup -AllGET-MgUser -All

以下 PowerShell 代码示例适用于与以下场景相关的批量操作:



# Import the Microsoft Graph module 
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph 

# Authenticate to Microsoft Graph (you may need to provide your credentials) 
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All" 

# Get all users using Get-MgUser 
$users = Get-MgUser -All -ConsistencyLevel eventual -Property Id, DisplayName, UserPrincipalName,UserType,OnPremisesSyncEnabled,CompanyName,CreationType 

# Specify the output CSV file path 
$outputCsvPath = "C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\Documents\\Users.csv"  

# Create a custom object to store user data 
$userData = @() 

# Loop through each user and collect relevant data 
foreach ($user in $users) { 
    $userObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ 
        Id = $user.Id 
        DisplayName = $user.DisplayName 
        UserPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName 
        UserType = $user.UserType 
        OnPremisesSyncEnabled = $user.OnPremisesSyncEnabled 
        CompanyName = $user.CompanyName 
        CreationType = $user.CreationType 
    $userData += $userObject 

# Export user data to a CSV file 
$userData | Export-Csv -Path $outputCsvPath -NoTypeInformation 

# Disconnect from Microsoft Graph 

Write-Host "User data exported to $outputCsvPath" 


# Import the Microsoft Graph module 
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph 

# Authenticate to Microsoft Graph (you may need to provide your credentials) 
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All" 

# Specify the path to the CSV file containing user data 
$csvFilePath = "C:\\Path\\To\\Your\\Users.csv" 

# Read the CSV file (adjust the column names as needed) 
$usersData = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath 

# Loop through each row in the CSV and create users \
foreach ($userRow in $usersData) { 
    $userParams = @{ 
        DisplayName = $userRow.'Name [displayName] Required' 
        UserPrincipalName = $userRow.'User name [userPrincipalName] Required' 
        PasswordProfile = @{ 
            Password = $userRow.'Initial password [passwordProfile] Required' 
        AccountEnabled = $true 
        MailNickName = $userRow.mailNickName 
    try { 
        New-MgUser @userParams 
        Write-Host "User $($userRow.UserPrincipalName) created successfully." 
    } catch { 
        Write-Host "Error creating user $($userRow.UserPrincipalName): $($_.Exception.Message)" 

# Disconnect from Microsoft Graph 

Write-Host "Bulk user creation completed." 


请确保 CSV 文件包含必要的列(例如 DisplayNameUserPrincipalName 等)。 此外,请调整脚本以匹配 CSV 文件中的实际列名。


# Import the Microsoft Graph module 
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph 

# Authenticate to Microsoft Graph (you may need to provide your credentials) 
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All" 

# Specify the path to the CSV file containing user data 
$csvFilePath = "C:\\Path\\To\\Your\\Users.csv" 

# Read the CSV file (adjust the column names as needed) 
$usersData = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilePath 

# Loop through each row in the CSV and delete users 
foreach ($userRow in $usersData) { 
    try { 
        Remove-MgUser -UserId $userRow.UserPrincipalName -Confirm:$false 
        Write-Host "User $($userRow.UserPrincipalName) deleted successfully." 
    } catch { 
        Write-Host "Error deleting user $($userRow.UserPrincipalName): $($_.Exception.Message)" 

# Disconnect from Microsoft Graph 

Write-Host "Bulk user deletion completed." 


请确保 CSV 文件包含必要的列(例如 UserPrincipalName)。 此外,请调整脚本以匹配 CSV 文件中的实际列名。



Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups 

 # Authenticate to Microsoft Graph (you may need to provide your credentials) 
 Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Group.Read.All" 

 # Get the group members 
 $groups = Get-MgGroup -All | Select displayName, Id, groupTypes,mail 

 # Create a custom object to store group data 
$groupData = @() 

# Loop through each group and collect relevant data 
foreach ($group in $groups) { 
    if ($group.groupTypes -contains "Unified"){$groupType = "Microsoft 365"} 
    else {$groupType = "Security"} 
    if ($group.groupTypes -contains "DynamicMembership"){$membershipType = "Dynamic"} 
    else {$membershipType = "Assigned"} 
    $groupObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ 
        Id = $group.Id 
        DisplayName = $group.displayName 
        Mail = $group.mail 
        GroupType = $groupType 
        MemebershipType = $membershipType 
    $groupData += $groupObject 

 # Specify the output CSV file path 
 $outputCsvPath = "C:\\Users\\<YourUsername>\\Documents\\Groups.csv" 

 $groupData| Export-Csv -Path $outputCsvPath -NoTypeInformation 
 Write-Host "Group members exported to $outputCsvPath" 


Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups 

 # Authenticate to Microsoft Graph (you may need to provide your credentials) 
 Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Group.Read.All,GroupMember.Read.All" 

 # Set the group ID of the group whose members you want to download 
 $groupId = "your_group_id" 

 # Get the group members 
 $members = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $groupId -All | select * -ExpandProperty additionalProperties | Select-Object @( 
                @{  Name       = 'userPrincipalName' 
                    Expression = { $_.AdditionalProperties["userPrincipalName"] } 
                @{  Name = 'displayName' 
                Expression = { $_.AdditionalProperties["displayName"] } 

 # Specify the output CSV file path 
 $outputCsvPath = "C:\\Users\\YourUserName\\Documents\\GroupMembers.csv" 

 $members| Export-Csv -Path $outputCsvPath -NoTypeInformation 

# Disconnect from Microsoft Graph 

 Write-Host "Group members exported to $outputCsvPath"  


Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups 

 # Authenticate to Microsoft Graph (you may need to provide your credentials) 
 Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "GroupMember.ReadWrite.All" 

# Import the CSV file 
$members = Import-Csv -Path "C:\path\to\your\file.csv" 

# Define the Group ID 
$groupId = "your-group-id" 

# Iterate over each member and add them to the group 
foreach ($member in $members) { 
        New-MgGroupMember -GroupId $groupId -DirectoryObjectId $member.memberObjectId 
  	 Write-Host "Added $($member.memberObjectId) to the group."  
        Write-Host "Error adding member $($member.memberObjectId):$($_.Exception.Message)" 

# Disconnect from Microsoft Graph 


Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Groups 

 # Authenticate to Microsoft Graph (you may need to provide your credentials) 
 Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "GroupMember.ReadWrite.All" 

# Import the CSV file 
$members = Import-Csv -Path "C:\path\to\your\file.csv" 

# Define the Group ID 
$groupId = "your-group-id" 

# Iterate over each member and add them to the group 
foreach ($member in $members) { 
        Remove-MgGroupMemberByRef -GroupId $groupId -DirectoryObjectId $member.memberObjectId \
        Write-Host "Removed $($member.memberObjectId) from the group." 
        Write-Host "Error removing member $($member.memberObjectId):$($_.Exception.Message)" 

# Disconnect from Microsoft Graph 



Import-Module Microsoft.Graph 

 # Authenticate to Microsoft Graph (you may need to provide your credentials) 
 Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Device.Read.All" 

 # Get all devices  
 $devices = Get-MgDevice -All |select displayName,deviceId,operatingSystem,operatingSystemVersion,isManaged,isCompliant,mdmAppId,registeredOwners,TrustType 

 # Specify the output CSV file path 
 $outputCsvPath = "C:\\Users\\YourUserName\\Documents\\Devices.csv" 

 $devices| Export-Csv -Path $outputCsvPath -NoTypeInformation 

 Write-Host "Devices exported to $outputCsvPath"