Campaign Item (CampaignItem) table/entity reference (Microsoft Dynamics 365)
Work item in a campaign, a list or sales literature.
The following table lists the messages for the Campaign Item (CampaignItem) table. Messages represent operations that can be performed on the table. They may also be events.
Name Is Event? |
Web API Operation | SDK for .NET |
Associate Event: True |
Associate records | Associate records |
Create Event: True |
POST /campaignitemsSee Create |
Create records |
Delete Event: True |
DELETE /campaignitems(campaignitemid)See Delete |
Delete records |
Disassociate Event: True |
Disassociate records | Disassociate records |
Retrieve Event: True |
GET /campaignitems(campaignitemid)See Retrieve |
Retrieve records |
RetrieveMultiple Event: True |
GET /campaignitemsSee Query data |
Query data |
The following table lists selected properties for the Campaign Item (CampaignItem) table.
Property | Value |
DisplayName | Campaign Item |
DisplayCollectionName | Campaign Items |
SchemaName | CampaignItem |
EntitySetName | campaignitems |
LogicalName | campaignitem |
PrimaryIdAttribute | campaignitemid |
PrimaryNameAttribute | name |
TableType | Standard |
OwnershipType | None |
Writable columns/attributes
These columns/attributes return true for either IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate (usually both). Listed by SchemaName.
- CampaignId
- CampaignItemId
- EntityId
- EntityType
- ImportSequenceNumber
- Name
- OverriddenCreatedOn
- TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber
- UTCConversionTimeZoneCode
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the campaign that is associated with the individual item. |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | campaignid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Lookup |
Targets | campaign |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the campaign item. |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | campaignitemid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the entity for the campaign item. |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | entityid |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | Object type of entity for the campaign item. |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | entitytype |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | EntityName |
Property | Value |
Description | Sequence number of the import that created this record. |
DisplayName | Import Sequence Number |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | importsequencenumber |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | -2147483648 |
Property | Value |
Description | name |
DisplayName | name |
IsValidForForm | True |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | name |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Type | String |
Format | Text |
FormatName | Text |
ImeMode | Auto |
IsLocalizable | False |
MaxLength | 100 |
Property | Value |
Description | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
DisplayName | Record Created On |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | overriddencreatedon |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | DateTime |
CanChangeDateTimeBehavior | False |
DateTimeBehavior | UserLocal |
Format | DateOnly |
ImeMode | Inactive |
SourceTypeMask | 0 |
Property | Value |
Description | For internal use only. |
DisplayName | Time Zone Rule Version Number |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | timezoneruleversionnumber |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | -1 |
Property | Value |
Description | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
DisplayName | UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | utcconversiontimezonecode |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Integer |
MaxValue | 2147483647 |
MinValue | -1 |
Read-only columns/attributes
These columns/attributes return false for both IsValidForCreate and IsValidForUpdate. Listed by SchemaName.
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign item. |
DisplayName | Owner |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | ownerid |
RequiredLevel | ApplicationRequired |
Type | Owner |
Targets | systemuser, team |
Property | Value |
Description | |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owneridtype |
RequiredLevel | SystemRequired |
Type | EntityName |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the campaign item. |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owningbusinessunit |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | Unique identifier of the user that owns the campaign item. |
DisplayName | |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | owninguser |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | Uniqueidentifier |
Property | Value |
Description | Version Number |
DisplayName | Version Number |
IsValidForForm | False |
IsValidForRead | True |
LogicalName | versionnumber |
RequiredLevel | None |
Type | BigInt |
MaxValue | 9223372036854775807 |
MinValue | -9223372036854775808 |
One-to-Many relationships
These relationships are one-to-many. Listed by SchemaName.
- campaignitem_AsyncOperations
- campaignitem_BulkDeleteFailures
- campaignitem_MailboxTrackingFolders
- campaignitem_PrincipalObjectAttributeAccesses
Many-To-One Relationship: asyncoperation campaignitem_AsyncOperations
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | asyncoperation |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | campaignitem_AsyncOperations |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-To-One Relationship: bulkdeletefailure campaignitem_BulkDeleteFailures
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | bulkdeletefailure |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | campaignitem_BulkDeleteFailures |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-To-One Relationship: mailboxtrackingfolder campaignitem_MailboxTrackingFolders
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | mailboxtrackingfolder |
ReferencingAttribute | regardingobjectid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | campaignitem_MailboxTrackingFolders |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-To-One Relationship: principalobjectattributeaccess campaignitem_PrincipalObjectAttributeAccesses
Property | Value |
ReferencingEntity | principalobjectattributeaccess |
ReferencingAttribute | objectid |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName | campaignitem_PrincipalObjectAttributeAccesses |
IsCustomizable | True |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration | AvailableOffline: True Behavior: DoNotDisplay Group: Details Label: MenuId: null Order: QueryApi: null ViewId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Many-to-Many relationships
These relationships are many-to-many. Listed by SchemaName.
- campaigncampaign_association
- campaignlist_association
- campaignproduct_association
- campaignsalesliterature_association
Property | Value |
IntersectEntityName | campaignitem |
IsCustomizable | False |
SchemaName | campaigncampaign_association |
Property | Value |
IntersectEntityName | campaignitem |
IsCustomizable | False |
SchemaName | campaignlist_association |
Property | Value |
IntersectEntityName | campaignitem |
IsCustomizable | False |
SchemaName | campaignproduct_association |
Property | Value |
IntersectEntityName | campaignitem |
IsCustomizable | False |
SchemaName | campaignsalesliterature_association |
See also
Dataverse table/entity reference
Dataverse Web API Reference