MobileOfflineProfileItemAssociation entity reference
Information on relationships to be used to follow related entity's records for mobile offline profile item.
Property |
Value |
CollectionSchemaName |
MobileOfflineProfileItemAssociations |
DisplayCollectionName |
Mobile Offline Profile Item Associations |
DisplayName |
Mobile Offline Profile Item Association |
EntitySetName |
mobileofflineprofileitemassociations |
IsBPFEntity |
False |
LogicalCollectionName |
mobileofflineprofileitemassociations |
LogicalName |
mobileofflineprofileitemassociation |
OwnershipType |
OrganizationOwned |
PrimaryIdAttribute |
mobileofflineprofileitemassociationid |
PrimaryNameAttribute |
name |
SchemaName |
MobileOfflineProfileItemAssociation |
Writable attributes
These attributes return true for either IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate (usually both). Listed by SchemaName.
Property |
Value |
Description |
Version in which the Mobile offline Profile Item Association is introduced. |
DisplayName |
Introduced Version |
FormatName |
VersionNumber |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
introducedversion |
MaxLength |
48 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the mobile offline profile item associaition. |
DisplayName |
Mobile Offline profileitemassociation |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
mobileofflineprofileitemassociationid |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Id of the parent profile item. |
DisplayName |
Regarding |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
mobileofflineprofileitemid |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Targets |
mobileofflineprofileitem |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
mobileofflineprofileitemidname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Enter the name of the mobile offline profile item association. |
DisplayName |
Name |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
name |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Shows the ID of the process. |
DisplayName |
Process |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
processid |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Profile item association entity filter criteria. |
DisplayName |
Profile item association entity filter |
Format |
TextArea |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
profileitemassociationentityfilter |
MaxLength |
1073741823 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Memo |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Internal Use Only |
DisplayName |
Internal Use Only |
Format |
TextArea |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
relationshipdata |
MaxLength |
1073741823 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Memo |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Entity relationship schema name |
DisplayName |
Entity Relationship |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
relationshipdisplayname |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Shows the relationship |
DisplayName |
Shows the relationship |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
relationshipid |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
List of relationships of entity selected in parent profile item |
DisplayName |
Entity Relationship |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
selectedrelationshipsschema |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Picklist |
SelectedRelationShipsSchema Choices/Options
Property |
Value |
Description |
Shows the ID of the stage. |
DisplayName |
Process Stage |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
stageid |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
For internal use only. |
DisplayName |
Traversed Path |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
traversedpath |
MaxLength |
1250 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Read-only attributes
These attributes return false for both IsValidForCreate or IsValidForUpdate. Listed by SchemaName.
Property |
Value |
Description |
For internal use only. |
DisplayName |
Component State |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
componentstate |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Picklist |
ComponentState Choices/Options
Value |
Label |
Description |
0 |
Published |
1 |
Unpublished |
2 |
Deleted |
3 |
Deleted Unpublished |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Shows who created the record. |
DisplayName |
Created By |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdbyname |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdbyyominame |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options. |
DisplayName |
Created On |
Format |
DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdon |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
DateTime |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Shows who created the record on behalf of another user. |
DisplayName |
Created By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
For internal use only. |
DisplayName |
Is Managed |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
ismanaged |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Boolean |
IsManaged Choices/Options
Value |
Label |
Description |
1 |
Managed |
0 |
Unmanaged |
DefaultValue: 0
Property |
Value |
Description |
Information about whether profile item association is validated or not |
DisplayName |
Is Valid For Mobile Offline |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
isvalidated |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Boolean |
IsValidated Choices/Options
Value |
Label |
Description |
1 |
Yes |
0 |
No |
DefaultValue: 0
Property |
Value |
Description |
For Internal Use Only |
DisplayName |
Unique Id |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
mobileofflineprofileitemassociationidunique |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Shows who last updated the record. |
DisplayName |
Modified By |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedbyname |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedbyyominame |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics 365 options. |
DisplayName |
Modified On |
Format |
DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedon |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
DateTime |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Shows who updated the record on behalf of another user. |
DisplayName |
Modified By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the organization associated with the Mobile Offline Profile Item Association. |
DisplayName |
Organization |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
organizationid |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Targets |
organization |
Type |
Lookup |
Property |
Value |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
organizationidname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
For internal use only. |
DisplayName |
Record Overwrite Time |
Format |
DateOnly |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
overwritetime |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
DateTime |
Property |
Value |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Displays the last published date time. |
DisplayName |
Published On |
Format |
DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
publishedon |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
DateTime |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Display name of entity relationship |
DisplayName |
Entity Relationship |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
relationshipname |
MaxLength |
200 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
DisplayName |
Solution |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
solutionid |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
For internal use only. |
DisplayName |
Solution |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
False |
LogicalName |
supportingsolutionid |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Version number of the Mobile Offline profileitemassociation. |
DisplayName |
Version Number |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
versionnumber |
MaxValue |
9223372036854775807 |
MinValue |
-9223372036854775808 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
BigInt |
Many-To-One Relationships
Each Many-To-One relationship is defined by a corresponding One-To-Many relationship with the related entity. Listed by SchemaName.
See the lk_mobileofflineprofileitemassociation_modifiedby one-to-many relationship for the systemuser entity.
See the lk_mobileofflineprofileitemassociation_modifiedonbehalfby one-to-many relationship for the systemuser entity.
See the MobileOfflineProfileItem_MobileOfflineProfileItemAssociation one-to-many relationship for the mobileofflineprofileitem entity.
See the lk_MobileOfflineProfileItemAssociation_createdby one-to-many relationship for the systemuser entity.
See the MobileOfflineProfileItemAssociation_organization one-to-many relationship for the organization entity.
See the lk_mobileofflineprofileitemassociation_createdonbehalfby one-to-many relationship for the systemuser entity.
See also
About the Entity Reference
Web API EntityType Reference