从 Xamarin.Essentials 安全存储迁移到 .NET MAUI 安全存储

Xamarin.Essentials 和 .NET 多平台应用 UI(.NET MAUI)都有一个 SecureStorage 类,可帮助你安全地存储简单的键/值对。 但是,Xamarin.Essentials 和 .NET MAUI 中的类之间存在 SecureStorage 实现差异:

平台 Xamarin.Essentials .NET MAUI
Android Android KeyStore 被用来存储密码密钥,该密钥用于在将值保存到名为 {您的应用包 ID}.xamarinessentials 的共享首选项对象之前进行加密。 数据使用EncryptedSharedPreferences类进行加密,该类包装了SharedPreferences类,并自动加密键和值。 使用的名称是 {您的应用包 ID}.microsoft.maui.essentials.preferences。
iOS 密钥链用于在 iOS 设备上安全地存储值。 用于存储值的 SecRecord 具有设置为[您的应用包 ID].xamarinessentials 的 Service 值。 密钥链用于在 iOS 设备上安全地存储值。 SecRecord用于存储值的值Service设置为 {您的应用包 ID}.microsoft.maui.essentials.preferences。

有关 Xamarin.Essentials 中的类的详细信息 SecureStorage ,请参阅 Xamarin.Essentials:安全存储。 有关 .NET MAUI 中的类的详细信息 SecureStorage ,请参阅 安全存储

将使用该 SecureStorage 类的 Xamarin.Forms 应用迁移到 .NET MAUI 时,必须处理这些实现差异,为用户提供流畅的升级体验。 本文介绍了如何使用 LegacySecureStorage 类和帮助程序类来处理实现差异。 该 LegacySecureStorage 类使 Android 和 iOS 上的 .NET MAUI 应用能够读取使用应用以前的 Xamarin.Forms 版本创建的安全存储数据。


以下代码显示了该 LegacySecureStorage 类,该类提供来自 Xamarin.Essentials 的安全存储实现:


要使用此代码,请将其添加到 .NET MAUI 应用项目中名为 LegacySecureStorage 的类。

#nullable enable

namespace MigrationHelpers;

public class LegacySecureStorage
    internal static readonly string Alias = $"{AppInfo.PackageName}.xamarinessentials";

    public static Task<string> GetAsync(string key)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));

        string result = string.Empty;

        object locker = new object();
        string? encVal = Preferences.Get(key, null, Alias);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(encVal))
            byte[] encData = Convert.FromBase64String(encVal);
            lock (locker)
                AndroidKeyStore keyStore = new AndroidKeyStore(Platform.AppContext, Alias, false);
                result = keyStore.Decrypt(encData);
#elif IOS
        KeyChain keyChain = new KeyChain();
        result = keyChain.ValueForKey(key, Alias);
        return Task.FromResult(result);

    public static bool Remove(string key)
        bool result = false;

        Preferences.Remove(key, Alias);
        result = true;
#elif IOS
        KeyChain keyChain = new KeyChain();
        result = keyChain.Remove(key, Alias);
        return result;

    public static void RemoveAll()
#elif IOS
        KeyChain keyChain = new KeyChain();


在 Android 上,LegacySecureStorage类使用AndroidKeyStore类来存储用于加密值的密码密钥,然后将其保存到名为{您的应用包 ID}.xamarinessentials的共享首选项对象中。 以下代码显示 AndroidKeyStore 类:


要使用此代码,请将其添加到 .NET MAUI 应用项目的 Platforms\Android 文件夹中名为 AndroidKeyStore 的类。

using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Security;
using Android.Security.Keystore;
using Java.Security;
using Javax.Crypto;
using Javax.Crypto.Spec;
using System.Text;

namespace MigrationHelpers;

class AndroidKeyStore
    const string androidKeyStore = "AndroidKeyStore"; // this is an Android const value
    const string aesAlgorithm = "AES";
    const string cipherTransformationAsymmetric = "RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding";
    const string cipherTransformationSymmetric = "AES/GCM/NoPadding";
    const string prefsMasterKey = "SecureStorageKey";
    const int initializationVectorLen = 12; // Android supports an IV of 12 for AES/GCM

    internal AndroidKeyStore(Context context, string keystoreAlias, bool alwaysUseAsymmetricKeyStorage)
        alwaysUseAsymmetricKey = alwaysUseAsymmetricKeyStorage;
        appContext = context;
        alias = keystoreAlias;

        keyStore = KeyStore.GetInstance(androidKeyStore);

    readonly Context appContext;
    readonly string alias;
    readonly bool alwaysUseAsymmetricKey;
    readonly string useSymmetricPreferenceKey = "essentials_use_symmetric";

    KeyStore keyStore;
    bool useSymmetric = false;

    ISecretKey GetKey()
        // check to see if we need to get our key from past-versions or newer versions.
        // we want to use symmetric if we are >= 23 or we didn't set it previously.
        var hasApiLevel = Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.M;

        useSymmetric = Preferences.Get(useSymmetricPreferenceKey, hasApiLevel, alias);

        // If >= API 23 we can use the KeyStore's symmetric key
        if (useSymmetric && !alwaysUseAsymmetricKey)
            return GetSymmetricKey();

        // NOTE: KeyStore in < API 23 can only store asymmetric keys
        // specifically, only RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding
        // So we will wrap our symmetric AES key we just generated
        // with this and save the encrypted/wrapped key out to
        // preferences for future use.
        // ECB should be fine in this case as the AES key should be
        // contained in one block.

        // Get the asymmetric key pair
        var keyPair = GetAsymmetricKeyPair();

        var existingKeyStr = Preferences.Get(prefsMasterKey, null, alias);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingKeyStr))
                var wrappedKey = Convert.FromBase64String(existingKeyStr);

                var unwrappedKey = UnwrapKey(wrappedKey, keyPair.Private);
                var kp = unwrappedKey.JavaCast<ISecretKey>();

                return kp;
            catch (InvalidKeyException ikEx)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Unable to unwrap key: Invalid Key. This may be caused by system backup or upgrades. All secure storage items will now be removed. {ikEx.Message}");
            catch (IllegalBlockSizeException ibsEx)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Unable to unwrap key: Illegal Block Size. This may be caused by system backup or upgrades. All secure storage items will now be removed. {ibsEx.Message}");
            catch (BadPaddingException paddingEx)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Unable to unwrap key: Bad Padding. This may be caused by system backup or upgrades. All secure storage items will now be removed. {paddingEx.Message}");

        var keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.GetInstance(aesAlgorithm);
        var defSymmetricKey = keyGenerator.GenerateKey();

        var newWrappedKey = WrapKey(defSymmetricKey, keyPair.Public);

        Preferences.Set(prefsMasterKey, Convert.ToBase64String(newWrappedKey), alias);

        return defSymmetricKey;

    // API 23+ Only
#pragma warning disable CA1416
    ISecretKey GetSymmetricKey()
        Preferences.Set(useSymmetricPreferenceKey, true, alias);

        var existingKey = keyStore.GetKey(alias, null);

        if (existingKey != null)
            var existingSecretKey = existingKey.JavaCast<ISecretKey>();
            return existingSecretKey;

        var keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.GetInstance(KeyProperties.KeyAlgorithmAes, androidKeyStore);
        var builder = new KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder(alias, KeyStorePurpose.Encrypt | KeyStorePurpose.Decrypt)


        return keyGenerator.GenerateKey();
#pragma warning restore CA1416

    KeyPair GetAsymmetricKeyPair()
        // set that we generated keys on pre-m device.
        Preferences.Set(useSymmetricPreferenceKey, false, alias);

        var asymmetricAlias = $"{alias}.asymmetric";

        var privateKey = keyStore.GetKey(asymmetricAlias, null)?.JavaCast<IPrivateKey>();
        var publicKey = keyStore.GetCertificate(asymmetricAlias)?.PublicKey;

        // Return the existing key if found
        if (privateKey != null && publicKey != null)
            return new KeyPair(publicKey, privateKey);

        var originalLocale = Java.Util.Locale.Default;
            // Force to english for known bug in date parsing:
            // https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37095309

            // Otherwise we create a new key
#pragma warning disable CA1416
            var generator = KeyPairGenerator.GetInstance(KeyProperties.KeyAlgorithmRsa, androidKeyStore);
#pragma warning restore CA1416

            var end = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(20);
            var startDate = new Java.Util.Date();
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
            var endDate = new Java.Util.Date(end.Year, end.Month, end.Day);
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete

#pragma warning disable CS0618
            var builder = new KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder(Platform.AppContext)
                .SetSubject(new Javax.Security.Auth.X500.X500Principal($"CN={asymmetricAlias} CA Certificate"))

#pragma warning restore CS0618

            return generator.GenerateKeyPair();

    byte[] WrapKey(IKey keyToWrap, IKey withKey)
        var cipher = Cipher.GetInstance(cipherTransformationAsymmetric);
        cipher.Init(CipherMode.WrapMode, withKey);
        return cipher.Wrap(keyToWrap);

#pragma warning disable CA1416
    IKey UnwrapKey(byte[] wrappedData, IKey withKey)
        var cipher = Cipher.GetInstance(cipherTransformationAsymmetric);
        cipher.Init(CipherMode.UnwrapMode, withKey);
        var unwrapped = cipher.Unwrap(wrappedData, KeyProperties.KeyAlgorithmAes, KeyType.SecretKey);
        return unwrapped;
#pragma warning restore CA1416

    internal string Decrypt(byte[] data)
        if (data.Length < initializationVectorLen)
            return null;

        var key = GetKey();

        // IV will be the first 16 bytes of the encrypted data
        var iv = new byte[initializationVectorLen];
        Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, iv, 0, initializationVectorLen);

        Cipher cipher;

        // Attempt to use GCMParameterSpec by default
            cipher = Cipher.GetInstance(cipherTransformationSymmetric);
            cipher.Init(CipherMode.DecryptMode, key, new GCMParameterSpec(128, iv));
        catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException)
            // If we encounter this error, it's likely an old bouncycastle provider version
            // is being used which does not recognize GCMParameterSpec, but should work
            // with IvParameterSpec, however we only do this as a last effort since other
            // implementations will error if you use IvParameterSpec when GCMParameterSpec
            // is recognized and expected.
            cipher = Cipher.GetInstance(cipherTransformationSymmetric);
            cipher.Init(CipherMode.DecryptMode, key, new IvParameterSpec(iv));

        // Decrypt starting after the first 16 bytes from the IV
        var decryptedData = cipher.DoFinal(data, initializationVectorLen, data.Length - initializationVectorLen);

        return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedData);

    internal void SetLocale(Java.Util.Locale locale)
        Java.Util.Locale.Default = locale;
        var resources = appContext.Resources;
        var config = resources.Configuration;

        if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.N)
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
            config.Locale = locale;
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete

#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
        resources.UpdateConfiguration(config, resources.DisplayMetrics);
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete

Android 密钥存储用来存储用于在将值保存到文件名为 {您的应用包 ID}.xamarinessentials共享首选项中之前加密值的加密密钥。 这个密钥(非加密密钥,而是 密钥)是在共享偏好文件中使用的,它是传递给SecureStorage API的密钥的MD5哈希值

在 API 23+上,从 Android KeyStore 获取一个 AES 密钥,并使用 AES/GCM/NoPadding 密码来加密值,然后将其存储在共享首选项文件中。 在 API 22 及以下版本中,Android KeyStore 仅支持存储 RSA 密钥,该密钥与RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding加密算法一起使用,用于加密在运行时随机生成的AES密钥,并存储在共享首选项文件中的SecureStorageKey键下,如果尚未生成。


在 iOS 上, LegacySecureStorage 类使用 KeyChain 类安全地存储值。 用于存储值的 SecRecord 具有设置为[您的应用包 ID].xamarinessentials 的 Service 值。 以下代码显示 KeyChain 类:


要使用此代码,请将其添加到 .NET MAUI 应用项目 Platforms\iOS 文件夹中名为 KeyChain 的类。

using Foundation;
using Security;

namespace MigrationHelpers;

class KeyChain
    SecRecord ExistingRecordForKey(string key, string service)
        return new SecRecord(SecKind.GenericPassword)
            Account = key,
            Service = service

    internal string ValueForKey(string key, string service)
        using (var record = ExistingRecordForKey(key, service))
        using (var match = SecKeyChain.QueryAsRecord(record, out var resultCode))
            if (resultCode == SecStatusCode.Success)
                return NSString.FromData(match.ValueData, NSStringEncoding.UTF8);
                return null;

    internal bool Remove(string key, string service)
        using (var record = ExistingRecordForKey(key, service))
        using (var match = SecKeyChain.QueryAsRecord(record, out var resultCode))
            if (resultCode == SecStatusCode.Success)
                return true;
        return false;

    internal void RemoveAll(string service)
        using (var query = new SecRecord(SecKind.GenericPassword) { Service = service })

    bool RemoveRecord(SecRecord record)
        var result = SecKeyChain.Remove(record);
        if (result != SecStatusCode.Success && result != SecStatusCode.ItemNotFound)
            throw new Exception($"Error removing record: {result}");

        return true;

若要使用此代码,必须使用 Keychain 权利集为 iOS 应用设置 Entitlements.plist 文件:


还必须确保 Entitlements.plist 文件设置为应用的捆绑签名设置中的“自定义权利”字段。 有关详细信息,请参阅分配权利


LegacySecureStorage 类可用于在 Android 和 iOS 上使用旧版安全存储数据,该数据是使用应用以前的 Xamarin.Forms 版本创建的:

using MigrationHelpers;

string username = await LegacySecureStorage.GetAsync("username");
bool result = LegacySecureStorage.Remove("username");
await SecureStorage.SetAsync("username", username);

该示例演示如何使用 LegacySecureStorage 类读取和移除旧的安全存储器中的值,然后将该值写入 .NET MAUI 安全存储。