如何:在 StatusStrip 中以交互方式使用 Spring 属性

可以使用 Spring 属性将 ToolStripStatusLabel 控件放置在 StatusStrip 控件中。 Spring 属性确定 ToolStripStatusLabel 控件是否自动填充 StatusStrip 控件上的可用空间。

下面的代码示例演示如何使用 Spring 属性将 ToolStripStatusLabel 控件放置在 StatusStrip 控件中。 Click 事件处理程序执行独占或 XOR 操作来切换 Spring 属性的值。

若要使用此代码示例,请编译并运行应用程序,然后单击 StatusStrip 控件上的 中间(Spring) 以切换 Spring 属性的值。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing
// This code example demonstrates using the Spring property
// to interactively center a ToolStripStatusLabel in a StatusStrip.
class Form4 : Form
    // Declare the ToolStripStatusLabel.
    ToolStripStatusLabel middleLabel;

    public Form4()
        // Create a new StatusStrip control.
        StatusStrip ss = new StatusStrip();

        // Add the leftmost label.

        // Handle middle label separately -- action will occur
        // when the label is clicked.
        middleLabel = new ToolStripStatusLabel("Middle (Spring)");
        middleLabel.Click += new EventHandler(middleLabel_Click);

        // Add the rightmost label

        // Add the StatusStrip control to the controls collection.

    // This event hadler is invoked when the
    // middleLabel control is clicked. It toggles
    // the value of the Spring property.
    void middleLabel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Toggle the value of the Spring property.
        middleLabel.Spring ^= true;

        // Set the Text property according to the
        // value of the Spring property.
        middleLabel.Text =
            middleLabel.Spring ? "Middle (Spring - True)" : "Middle (Spring - False)";
' This code example demonstrates using the Spring property 
' to interactively center a ToolStripStatusLabel in a StatusStrip.
Class Form4
    Inherits Form

   ' Declare the ToolStripStatusLabel.
   Private middleLabel As ToolStripStatusLabel
   Public Sub New()
      ' Create a new StatusStrip control.
      Dim ss As New StatusStrip()
      ' Add the leftmost label.
      ' Handle middle label separately -- action will occur
      ' when the label is clicked.
      middleLabel = New ToolStripStatusLabel("Middle (Spring)")
      AddHandler middleLabel.Click, AddressOf middleLabel_Click
      ' Add the rightmost label
      ' Add the StatusStrip control to the controls collection.
    End Sub
   ' This event hadler is invoked when the 
   ' middleLabel control is clicked. It toggles
   ' the value of the Spring property.
    Sub middleLabel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

        ' Toggle the value of the Spring property.
        middleLabel.Spring = middleLabel.Spring Xor True

        ' Set the Text property according to the
        ' value of the Spring property. 
        middleLabel.Text = IIf(middleLabel.Spring, _
        "Middle (Spring - True)", "Middle (Spring - False)")
    End Sub
End Class



  • 对 System.Design、System.Drawing 和 System.Windows.Forms 程序集的引用。
