KnownAssemblyAttribute 示例演示如何使用 DataContractResolver 类来自定义序列化和反序列化过程。 此示例演示如何在序列化和反序列化过程中动态添加已知类型。
此示例由四个项目组成。 其中一个项目对应于定义以下服务协定并由 IIS 承载的服务。
// Definition of a service contract.
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://Microsoft.Samples.KAA")]
public interface IDataContractCalculator
ComplexNumber Add(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2);
ComplexNumber Subtract(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2);
ComplexNumber Multiply(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2);
ComplexNumber Divide(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2);
List<ComplexNumber> CombineLists(List<ComplexNumber> list1, List<ComplexNumber> list2);
// Service class that implements the service contract.
public class DataContractCalculatorService : IDataContractCalculator
public ComplexNumber Add(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2)
return new ComplexNumberWithMagnitude(n1.Real + n2.Real, n1.Imaginary + n2.Imaginary);
public ComplexNumber Subtract(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2)
return new ComplexNumberWithMagnitude(n1.Real - n2.Real, n1.Imaginary - n2.Imaginary);
public ComplexNumber Multiply(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2)
double real1 = n1.Real * n2.Real;
double imaginary1 = n1.Real * n2.Imaginary;
double imaginary2 = n2.Real * n1.Imaginary;
double real2 = n1.Imaginary * n2.Imaginary * -1;
return new ComplexNumber(real1 + real2, imaginary1 + imaginary2);
public ComplexNumber Divide(ComplexNumber n1, ComplexNumber n2)
ComplexNumber conjugate = new ComplexNumber(n2.Real, -1 * n2.Imaginary);
ComplexNumber numerator = Multiply(n1, conjugate);
ComplexNumber denominator = Multiply(n2, conjugate);
return new ComplexNumber(numerator.Real / denominator.Real, numerator.Imaginary);
public List<ComplexNumber> CombineLists(List<ComplexNumber> list1, List<ComplexNumber> list2)
List<ComplexNumber> result = new List<ComplexNumber>();
return result;
另一个项目对应于客户端,该客户端与服务器通信并调用其公开的方法。 客户端的定义显示在下面的示例中。
// Client implementation code.
class Client
static void Main()
// Create a channel.
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/servicemodelsamples/service.svc/IDataContractCalculator");
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
ChannelFactory<IDataContractCalculator> factory = new ChannelFactory<IDataContractCalculator>(binding, address);
IDataContractCalculator channel = factory.CreateChannel();
// Call the Add service operation.
ComplexNumber value1 = new ComplexNumber(1, 2);
ComplexNumber value2 = new ComplexNumberWithMagnitude(3, 4);
ComplexNumber result = channel.Add(value1, value2);
Console.WriteLine("Add({0} + {1}i, {2} + {3}i) = {4} + {5}i",
value1.Real, value1.Imaginary, value2.Real, value2.Imaginary, result.Real, result.Imaginary);
if (result is ComplexNumberWithMagnitude)
Console.WriteLine("Magnitude: {0}", ((ComplexNumberWithMagnitude)result).Magnitude);
Console.WriteLine("No magnitude was sent from the service");
// Call the Subtract service operation.
value1 = new ComplexNumber(1, 2);
value2 = new ComplexNumber(3, 4);
result = channel.Subtract(value1, value2);
Console.WriteLine("Subtract({0} + {1}i, {2} + {3}i) = {4} + {5}i",
value1.Real, value1.Imaginary, value2.Real, value2.Imaginary, result.Real, result.Imaginary);
if (result is ComplexNumberWithMagnitude)
Console.WriteLine("Magnitude: {0}", ((ComplexNumberWithMagnitude)result).Magnitude);
Console.WriteLine("No magnitude was sent from the service");
// Call the Multiply service operation.
value1 = new ComplexNumber(2, 3);
value2 = new ComplexNumber(4, 7);
result = channel.Multiply(value1, value2);
Console.WriteLine("Multiply({0} + {1}i, {2} + {3}i) = {4} + {5}i",
value1.Real, value1.Imaginary, value2.Real, value2.Imaginary, result.Real, result.Imaginary);
if (result is ComplexNumberWithMagnitude)
Console.WriteLine("Magnitude: {0}", ((ComplexNumberWithMagnitude)result).Magnitude);
Console.WriteLine("No magnitude was sent from the service");
// Call the Divide service operation.
value1 = new ComplexNumber(3, 7);
value2 = new ComplexNumber(5, -2);
result = channel.Divide(value1, value2);
Console.WriteLine("Divide({0} + {1}i, {2} + {3}i) = {4} + {5}i",
value1.Real, value1.Imaginary, value2.Real, value2.Imaginary, result.Real, result.Imaginary);
if (result is ComplexNumberWithMagnitude)
Console.WriteLine("Magnitude: {0}", ((ComplexNumberWithMagnitude)result).Magnitude);
Console.WriteLine("No magnitude was sent from the service");
// Call the CombineLists service operation.
List<ComplexNumber> list1 = new List<ComplexNumber>();
List<ComplexNumber> list2 = new List<ComplexNumber>();
list1.Add(new ComplexNumber(1, 1));
list1.Add(new ComplexNumber(2, 2));
list1.Add(new ComplexNumberWithMagnitude(3, 3));
list1.Add(new ComplexNumberWithMagnitude(4, 4));
List<ComplexNumber> listResult = channel.CombineLists(list1, list2);
Console.WriteLine("Lists combined:");
foreach (ComplexNumber n in listResult)
Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1}i", n.Real, n.Imaginary);
// Close the channel
Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to terminate client.");
服务协定的定义使用 KnownAssembly
特性进行标记。 此属性包含一个类型库的名称,服务和客户端会在运行时了解所有这些类型。
特性实现 IContractBehavior
以定义 DataContractSerializer
,并为每个操作行为都定义一个 DataContractResolver
。 DataContractResolver
在创建时反映程序集,并使用序列化和反序列化不同类型时要使用的类型和名称之间的映射创建字典。 这样,ResolveType
和 ResolveName
为此示例定义的 DataContractResolver
public class MyDataContractResolver : DataContractResolver
Dictionary<string, XmlDictionaryString> dictionary = new Dictionary<string, XmlDictionaryString>();
Assembly assembly;
public MyDataContractResolver(string assemblyName)
this.KnownTypes = new List<Type>();
assembly = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName(assemblyName));
foreach (Type type in assembly.GetTypes())
bool knownTypeFound = false;
System.Attribute[] attrs = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(type);
if (attrs.Length != 0)
foreach (System.Attribute attr in attrs)
if (attr is KnownTypeAttribute)
Type t = ((KnownTypeAttribute)attr).Type;
if (this.KnownTypes.IndexOf(t) < 0)
knownTypeFound = true;
if (!knownTypeFound)
string name = type.Name;
string namesp = type.Namespace;
if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(name))
dictionary.Add(name, new XmlDictionaryString(XmlDictionary.Empty, name, 0));
if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(namesp))
dictionary.Add(namesp, new XmlDictionaryString(XmlDictionary.Empty, namesp, 0));
public IList<Type> KnownTypes
get; set;
// Used at deserialization
// Allows users to map xsi:type name to any Type
public override Type ResolveName(string typeName, string typeNamespace, DataContractResolver knownTypeResolver)
XmlDictionaryString tName;
XmlDictionaryString tNamespace;
if (dictionary.TryGetValue(typeName, out tName) && dictionary.TryGetValue(typeNamespace, out tNamespace))
return this.assembly.GetType(tNamespace.Value + "." + tName.Value);
return knownTypeResolver.ResolveName(typeName, typeNamespace, null);
// Used at serialization
// Maps any Type to a new xsi:type representation
public override void ResolveType(Type dataContractType, DataContractResolver knownTypeResolver, out XmlDictionaryString typeName, out XmlDictionaryString typeNamespace)
knownTypeResolver.ResolveType(dataContractType, null, out typeName, out typeNamespace);
if (typeName == null || typeNamespace == null)
typeName = new XmlDictionaryString(XmlDictionary.Empty, dataContractType.Name, 0);
typeNamespace = new XmlDictionaryString(XmlDictionary.Empty, dataContractType.Namespace, 0);
public class ComplexNumber
private double real;
private double imaginary;
public ComplexNumber(double r1, double i1)
this.Real = r1;
this.Imaginary = i1;
public double Real
get { return real; }
set { real = value; }
public double Imaginary
get { return imaginary; }
set { imaginary = value; }
public class ComplexNumberWithMagnitude : ComplexNumber
public ComplexNumberWithMagnitude(double real, double imaginary) : base(real, imaginary) { }
public double Magnitude
get { return Math.Sqrt(Imaginary * Imaginary + Real * Real); }
set { }
不需要静态了解 ComplexNumberWithMagnitude
Add(1 + 2i, 3 + 4i) = 4 + 6i
Magnitude: 7.21110255092798
Subtract(1 + 2i, 3 + 4i) = -2 + -2i
Magnitude: 2.82842712474619
Multiply(2 + 3i, 4 + 7i) = -13 + 26i
No magnitude was sent from the service
Divide(3 + 7i, 5 + -2i) = 0.0344827586206897 + 41i
No magnitude was sent from the service
Lists combined:
1 + 1i
2 + 2i
3 + 3i
4 + 4i
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要生成解决方案,请按照生成 Windows Communication Foundation 示例中的说明进行操作。
要使用单机配置或跨计算机配置来运行示例,请按照运行 Windows Communication Foundation 示例中的说明进行操作。