如何:以异步方式调用 WCF 服务操作

本文介绍客户端如何以异步方式访问服务操作。 本文中的服务可实现 ICalculator 接口。 通过使用事件驱动的异步调用模型,客户端可以对此接口异步调用操作。 (有关基于事件的异步调用模型的详细信息,请参阅使用基于事件的异步模式进行多线程编程)。 有关如何在服务中异步调用操作的示例,请参阅如何:以异步方式实现服务操作。 有关同步和异步操作的详细信息,请参阅同步和异步操作


使用 ChannelFactory<TChannel> 时,不支持事件驱动的异步调用模型。 有关使用 ChannelFactory<TChannel> 进行异步调用的信息,请参阅如何:使用通道工厂以异步方式调用操作


以异步方式调用 WCF 服务操作

  1. 运行同时带有 /async/tcv:Version35 命令选项的 ServiceModel 元数据实用工具 (Svcutil.exe),如下面的命令所示。

    svcutil /n:http://Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples,Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples http://localhost:8000/servicemodelsamples/service/mex /a /tcv:Version35

    除了同步操作和基于委托的标准异步操作之外,此操作还会生成 WCF 客户端类,其中包含以下内容:

    • 两个与基于事件的异步调用方法一起使用的 <operationName>``Async 操作。 例如:

      public void AddAsync(double n1, double n2)
          this.AddAsync(n1, n2, null);
      public void AddAsync(double n1, double n2, object userState)
          if ((this.onBeginAddDelegate == null))
              this.onBeginAddDelegate = new BeginOperationDelegate(this.OnBeginAdd);
          if ((this.onEndAddDelegate == null))
              this.onEndAddDelegate = new EndOperationDelegate(this.OnEndAdd);
          if ((this.onAddCompletedDelegate == null))
              this.onAddCompletedDelegate = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnAddCompleted);
          base.InvokeAsync(this.onBeginAddDelegate, new object[] {
                      n2}, this.onEndAddDelegate, this.onAddCompletedDelegate, userState);
      Public Overloads Sub AddAsync(ByVal n1 As Double, ByVal n2 As Double)
          Me.AddAsync(n1, n2, Nothing)
      End Sub
      Public Overloads Sub AddAsync(ByVal n1 As Double, ByVal n2 As Double, ByVal userState As Object)
          If (Me.onBeginAddDelegate Is Nothing) Then
              Me.onBeginAddDelegate = AddressOf Me.OnBeginAdd
          End If
          If (Me.onEndAddDelegate Is Nothing) Then
              Me.onEndAddDelegate = AddressOf Me.OnEndAdd
          End If
          If (Me.onAddCompletedDelegate Is Nothing) Then
              Me.onAddCompletedDelegate = AddressOf Me.OnAddCompleted
          End If
          MyBase.InvokeAsync(Me.onBeginAddDelegate, New Object() {n1, n2}, Me.onEndAddDelegate, Me.onAddCompletedDelegate, userState)
      End Sub
    • 与基于事件的异步调用方法一起使用且形式为 <operationName>``Completed 的操作完成事件。 例如:

      public event System.EventHandler<AddCompletedEventArgs> AddCompleted;
      Public Event AddCompleted As System.EventHandler(Of AddCompletedEventArgs)
    • 与基于事件的异步调用方法一起使用的每个操作的 System.EventArgs 类型(形式为 <operationName>``CompletedEventArgs)。 例如:

      [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
      public partial class AddCompletedEventArgs : System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs
          private object[] results;
          public AddCompletedEventArgs(object[] results, System.Exception exception, bool cancelled, object userState) :
                  base(exception, cancelled, userState)
          {       this.results = results;         }
          public double Result
              get            {
                  return ((double)(this.results[0]));
      <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute(),  _
       System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")>  _
      Partial Public Class AddCompletedEventArgs
          Inherits System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs
          Private results() As Object
          Public Sub New(ByVal results() As Object, ByVal exception As System.Exception, ByVal cancelled As Boolean, ByVal userState As Object)
              MyBase.New(exception, cancelled, userState)
              Me.results = results
          End Sub
          Public ReadOnly Property Result() As Double
                  Return CType(Me.results(0),Double)
              End Get
          End Property
      End Class
  2. 在调用应用程序中,创建一个要在异步操作完成时调用的回调方法,如下面的示例代码所示。

    // Asynchronous callbacks for displaying results.
    static void AddCallback(object sender, AddCompletedEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Add Result: {0}", e.Result);
    ' Asynchronous callbacks for displaying results.
    Private Shared Sub AddCallback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AddCompletedEventArgs)
        Console.WriteLine("Add Result: {0}", e.Result)
    End Sub
  3. 在调用操作之前,请使用类型为 <operationName>``EventArgs 的新通用 System.EventHandler<TEventArgs> 将处理程序方法(在上一步中创建)添加到 <operationName>``Completed 事件。 然后调用 <operationName>``Async 方法。 例如:

    // AddAsync
    double value1 = 100.00D;
    double value2 = 15.99D;
    client.AddCompleted += new EventHandler<AddCompletedEventArgs>(AddCallback);
    client.AddAsync(value1, value2);
    Console.WriteLine("Add({0},{1})", value1, value2);
    ' AddAsync
    Dim value1 As Double = 100
    Dim value2 As Double = 15.99
    AddHandler client.AddCompleted, AddressOf AddCallback
    client.AddAsync(value1, value2)
    Console.WriteLine("Add({0},{1})", value1, value2)



基于事件的异步模型设计准则规定,如果返回了多个值,则一个值会作为 Result 属性返回,其他值会作为 EventArgs 对象上的属性返回。 因此产生的结果之一是,如果客户端使用基于事件的异步命令选项导入元数据,且该操作返回多个值,则默认的 EventArgs 对象返回一个值作为 Result 属性,返回的其余值是 EventArgs 对象的属性。如果要将消息对象作为 Result 属性来接收并要使返回的值作为该对象上的属性,请使用 /messageContract 命令选项。 这会生成一个签名,该签名会将响应消息作为 Result 对象上的 EventArgs 属性返回。 然后,所有内部返回值就都是响应消息对象的属性了。

using System;

namespace Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples
    // The service contract is defined in generatedClient.cs, generated from the service by the svcutil tool.

    class Client
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to terminate client once the output is displayed.");

            // Create a client
            CalculatorClient client = new CalculatorClient();

            // AddAsync
            double value1 = 100.00D;
            double value2 = 15.99D;
            client.AddCompleted += new EventHandler<AddCompletedEventArgs>(AddCallback);
            client.AddAsync(value1, value2);
            Console.WriteLine("Add({0},{1})", value1, value2);

            // SubtractAsync
            value1 = 145.00D;
            value2 = 76.54D;
            client.SubtractCompleted += new EventHandler<SubtractCompletedEventArgs>(SubtractCallback);
            client.SubtractAsync(value1, value2);
            Console.WriteLine("Subtract({0},{1})", value1, value2);

            // Multiply
            value1 = 9.00D;
            value2 = 81.25D;
            double result = client.Multiply(value1, value2);
            Console.WriteLine("Multiply({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result);

            // Divide
            value1 = 22.00D;
            value2 = 7.00D;
            result = client.Divide(value1, value2);
            Console.WriteLine("Divide({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result);


            //Closing the client gracefully closes the connection and cleans up resources

        // Asynchronous callbacks for displaying results.
        static void AddCallback(object sender, AddCompletedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Add Result: {0}", e.Result);

        static void SubtractCallback(object sender, SubtractCompletedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Subtract Result: {0}", e.Result);
Namespace Microsoft.ServiceModel.Samples

    ' The service contract is defined in generatedClient.vb, generated from the service by the svcutil tool.

    Class Client

        Public Shared Sub Main()

            Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to terminate client once the output is displayed.")

            ' Create a client
            Dim client As New CalculatorClient()

            ' AddAsync
            Dim value1 As Double = 100
            Dim value2 As Double = 15.99
            AddHandler client.AddCompleted, AddressOf AddCallback
            client.AddAsync(value1, value2)
            Console.WriteLine("Add({0},{1})", value1, value2)

            ' SubtractAsync
            value1 = 145
            value2 = 76.54
            AddHandler client.SubtractCompleted, AddressOf SubtractCallback
            client.SubtractAsync(value1, value2)
            Console.WriteLine("Subtract({0},{1})", value1, value2)

            ' Multiply
            value1 = 9
            value2 = 81.25
            Dim result As Double = client.Multiply(value1, value2)
            Console.WriteLine("Multiply({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result)

            ' Divide
            value1 = 22
            value2 = 7
            result = client.Divide(value1, value2)
            Console.WriteLine("Divide({0},{1}) = {2}", value1, value2, result)

            'Closing the client gracefully closes the connection and cleans up resources

        End Sub
        ' Asynchronous callbacks for displaying results.
        Private Shared Sub AddCallback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AddCompletedEventArgs)

            Console.WriteLine("Add Result: {0}", e.Result)

        End Sub
        Private Shared Sub SubtractCallback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SubtractCompletedEventArgs)

            Console.WriteLine("Subtract Result: {0}", e.Result)

        End Sub

    End Class

End Namespace
