如何:向 Viewbox 的内容应用 Stretch 属性
此示例演示如何更改 StretchDirection 的 Stretch 和 Viewbox 属性的值。
第一个示例使用 Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) 定义 Viewbox 元素。 它分配了 400 的 MaxWidth 和 MaxHeight。 该示例将 Image 元素嵌套在 Viewbox 中。 与 Button 和 Stretch 枚举的属性值对应的 StretchDirection 元素操作嵌套的 Image 的拉伸行为。
<StackPanel Margin="0,0,0,10" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Orientation="Horizontal" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<Button Name="btn1" Click="stretchNone">Stretch="None"</Button>
<Button Name="btn2" Click="stretchFill">Stretch="Fill"</Button>
<Button Name="btn3" Click="stretchUni">Stretch="Uniform"</Button>
<Button Name="btn4" Click="stretchUniFill">Stretch="UniformToFill"</Button>
<StackPanel Margin="0,0,0,10" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Orientation="Horizontal" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<Button Name="btn5" Click="sdUpOnly">StretchDirection="UpOnly"</Button>
<Button Name="btn6" Click="sdDownOnly">StretchDirection="DownOnly"</Button>
<Button Name="btn7" Click="sdBoth">StretchDirection="Both"</Button>
<TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Top" Name="txt1" />
<TextBlock DockPanel.Dock="Top" Name="txt2" />
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<Viewbox MaxWidth="500" MaxHeight="500" Name="vb1">
<Image Source="tulip_farm.jpg"/>
下面的代码隐藏文件处理上一个 XAML 示例定义的 ButtonClick 事件。
private void stretchNone(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
vb1.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.None;
txt1.Text = "Stretch is now set to None.";
private void stretchFill(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
vb1.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Fill;
txt1.Text = "Stretch is now set to Fill.";
private void stretchUni(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
vb1.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Uniform;
txt1.Text = "Stretch is now set to Uniform.";
private void stretchUniFill(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
vb1.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.UniformToFill;
txt1.Text = "Stretch is now set to UniformToFill.";
private void sdUpOnly(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
vb1.StretchDirection = System.Windows.Controls.StretchDirection.UpOnly;
txt2.Text = "StretchDirection is now UpOnly.";
private void sdDownOnly(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
vb1.StretchDirection = System.Windows.Controls.StretchDirection.DownOnly;
txt2.Text = "StretchDirection is now DownOnly.";
private void sdBoth(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
vb1.StretchDirection = System.Windows.Controls.StretchDirection.Both;
txt2.Text = "StretchDirection is now Both.";
Private Sub stretchNone(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As RoutedEventArgs)
vb1.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.None
txt1.Text = "Stretch is now set to None."
End Sub
Private Sub stretchFill(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As RoutedEventArgs)
vb1.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Fill
txt1.Text = "Stretch is now set to Fill."
End Sub
Private Sub stretchUni(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As RoutedEventArgs)
vb1.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.Uniform
txt1.Text = "Stretch is now set to Uniform."
End Sub
Private Sub stretchUniFill(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As RoutedEventArgs)
vb1.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.UniformToFill
txt1.Text = "Stretch is now set to UniformToFill."
End Sub
Private Sub sdUpOnly(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As RoutedEventArgs)
vb1.StretchDirection = System.Windows.Controls.StretchDirection.UpOnly
txt2.Text = "StretchDirection is now UpOnly."
End Sub
Private Sub sdDownOnly(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As RoutedEventArgs)
vb1.StretchDirection = System.Windows.Controls.StretchDirection.DownOnly
txt2.Text = "StretchDirection is now DownOnly."
End Sub
Private Sub sdBoth(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As RoutedEventArgs)
vb1.StretchDirection = System.Windows.Controls.StretchDirection.Both
txt2.Text = "StretchDirection is now Both."
End Sub