AnchorStyles 枚举




public enum class AnchorStyles
public enum AnchorStyles
type AnchorStyles = 
Public Enum AnchorStyles


名称 说明
Bottom 2


Left 4


None 0


Right 8


Top 1



以下示例将 添加到 Button 窗体并设置其一些常见属性。 该示例将按钮定位到窗体的右下角,以便在调整窗体大小时保持其相对位置。 接下来, BackgroundImage 它会设置 并将按钮大小调整为与 相同的大小 Image。 然后,该示例将 TabStop 设置为 true 并设置 TabIndex 属性。 最后,它添加事件处理程序来处理 Click 按钮的事件。 此示例假定你有一个名为 ImageListimageList1

   // Add a button to a form and set some of its common properties.
   void AddMyButton()
      // Create a button and add it to the form.
      Button^ button1 = gcnew Button;

      // Anchor the button to the bottom right corner of the form
      button1->Anchor = static_cast<AnchorStyles>(AnchorStyles::Bottom | AnchorStyles::Right);

      // Assign a background image.
      button1->BackgroundImage = imageList1->Images[ 0 ];

      // Specify the layout style of the background image. Tile is the default.
      button1->BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout::Center;

      // Make the button the same size as the image.
      button1->Size = button1->BackgroundImage->Size;

      // Set the button's TabIndex and TabStop properties.
      button1->TabIndex = 1;
      button1->TabStop = true;

      // Add a delegate to handle the Click event.
      button1->Click += gcnew System::EventHandler( this, &Form1::button1_Click );

      // Add the button to the form.
      this->Controls->Add( button1 );
// Add a button to a form and set some of its common properties.
private void AddMyButton()
   // Create a button and add it to the form.
   Button button1 = new Button();

   // Anchor the button to the bottom right corner of the form
   button1.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right);

   // Assign a background image.
   button1.BackgroundImage = imageList1.Images[0];

   // Specify the layout style of the background image. Tile is the default.
   button1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center;
   // Make the button the same size as the image.
   button1.Size = button1.BackgroundImage.Size;

   // Set the button's TabIndex and TabStop properties.
   button1.TabIndex = 1;
   button1.TabStop = true;

   // Add a delegate to handle the Click event.
   button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

   // Add the button to the form.
' Add a button to a form and set some of its common properties.
Private Sub AddMyButton()
   ' Create a button and add it to the form.
   Dim button1 As New Button()
   ' Anchor the button to the bottom right corner of the form
   button1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom Or AnchorStyles.Right
   ' Assign a background image.
   button1.BackgroundImage = imageList1.Images(0)

   ' Specify the layout style of the background image. Tile is the default.
   button1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center
   ' Make the button the same size as the image.
   button1.Size = button1.BackgroundImage.Size
   ' Set the button's TabIndex and TabStop properties.
   button1.TabIndex = 1
   button1.TabStop = True

   ' Add a delegate to handle the Click event.
   AddHandler button1.Click, AddressOf Me.button1_Click
   ' Add the button to the form.
End Sub


当控件定位到其容器的边缘时,当容器调整大小时,控件与指定边缘之间的距离将保持不变。 例如,如果控件定位到其容器的右边缘,则当容器调整大小时,控件的右边缘与容器右边缘之间的距离保持不变。 控件可以定位到控件边缘的任意组合。 例如,如果控件固定到其容器 (顶部和底部) 的相反边缘,则会在容器调整大小时调整大小。 如果控件的属性 Anchor 设置为“无”,则控件将移动控件容器大小一半的距离。 例如,如果 ButtonAnchor 的 属性设置为“无”,并且 Form 控件所在的 在任一方向上调整 20 个像素,则按钮将在两个方向上移动 10 个像素。

