AxisScaleBreakStyle.Spacing 属性
一些信息与预发行产品相关,相应产品在发行之前可能会进行重大修改。 对于此处提供的信息,Microsoft 不作任何明示或暗示的担保。
获取或设置刻度分隔线之间的间距。 该间距以 Y 轴的百分比表示。
property double Spacing { double get(); void set(double value); };
public double Spacing { get; set; }
member this.Spacing : double with get, set
Public Property Spacing As Double
一个 double
下面的代码示例演示如何设置与缩放中断相关的属性。 假定 Chart 控件已添加到设计图面。
Imports System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting
' Add data to the chart
Private Sub AddChartData()
chart1.Series("Default").Points.Add(New DataPoint(1, 2))
chart1.Series("Default").Points.Add(New DataPoint(2, 4))
chart1.Series("Default").Points.Add(New DataPoint(3, 400000))
chart1.Series("Default").Points.Add(New DataPoint(4, 3))
End Sub
Private Function AddScaleBreaks()
' Enable scale breaks.
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.Enabled = True
' Show scale break if more than 25% of the chart is empty space.
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.CollapsibleSpaceThreshold = 25
' Set the line width of the scale break.
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.LineWidth = 2
' Set the color of the scale break.
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.LineColor = Color.Red
' If all data points are significantly far from zero, the chart will calculate the scale minimum value.
chart1.ChartAreas("Default").AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.StartFromZero = AutoBool.Auto
' Set the spacing gap between the lines of the scale break (as a percentage of Y-axis).
chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.Spacing = 2;
End Function
using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting
// Add data to the chart
private void AddChartData()
chart1.Series["Default"].Points.Add(new DataPoint(1, 2));
chart1.Series["Default"].Points.Add(new DataPoint(2, 4));
chart1.Series["Default"].Points.Add(new DataPoint(3, 400000));
chart1.Series["Default"].Points.Add(new DataPoint(4, 3));
private void AddScaleBreaks()
// Enable scale breaks.
chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.Enabled = true;
// Show scale break if more than 25% of the chart is empty space.
chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.CollapsibleSpaceThreshold = 25;
// Set the line width of the scale break.
chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.LineWidth = 2;
// Set the color of the scale break.
chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.LineColor = Color.Red;
// If all data points are significantly far from zero, the chart will calculate the scale minimum value.
chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.StartFromZero = AutoBool.Auto;
// Set the spacing gap between the lines of the scale break (as a percentage of Y-axis).
chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].AxisY.ScaleBreakStyle.Spacing = 2;