GenericParameterAttributes 枚举




public enum class GenericParameterAttributes
public enum GenericParameterAttributes
type GenericParameterAttributes = 
Public Enum GenericParameterAttributes


名称 说明
AllowByRefLike 32

泛型类型参数可以 ByRefLike

Contravariant 2

泛型类型参数是逆变的。 逆变类型参数可以在方法签名中显示为参数类型。

Covariant 1

泛型类型参数是协变的。 协变类型参数可以显示为方法的结果类型、只读字段的类型、声明的基类型或实现的接口。

DefaultConstructorConstraint 16


None 0


NotNullableValueTypeConstraint 8

仅当类型为值类型且不可为 null 时,才能将类型替换为泛型类型参数。

ReferenceTypeConstraint 4


SpecialConstraintMask 28

选择所有特殊约束标志的组合。 此值是使用逻辑 OR 合并以下标志的结果:DefaultConstructorConstraintReferenceTypeConstraintNotNullableValueTypeConstraint

VarianceMask 3

选择所有方差标志的组合。 此值是使用逻辑 OR 合并以下标志的结果:ContravariantCovariant


下面的代码示例使用两个类型参数定义泛型类型 Test。 第二个类型参数具有基类约束和引用类型约束。 执行程序时,将使用 Type.GenericParameterAttributes 属性和 Type.GetGenericParameterConstraints 方法检查约束。

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Reflection;

// Define a sample interface to use as an interface constraint.
interface class ITest{};

// Define a base type to use as a class constraint.
public ref class Base{};

// Define the generic type to examine. The first generic type parameter,
// T, derives from the class Base and implements ITest. This demonstrates
// a base class constraint and an interface constraint. In the .NET
// Framework version 2.0, C++ has no way of expressing special constraints.
// See the C# example code.
generic <typename T, typename U>
   where T :  Base, ITest
ref class Test {};

// Define a type that derives from Base and implements interface
// ITest. This type satisfies the constraint on T in class Test.
public ref class Derived: public Base, public ITest {};

public ref class Example
   static void Main()
      // Create a constructed type from Test<T,U>, and from it
      // get the generic type definition.
      Type^ def = Test::typeid;
      Console::WriteLine( L"\r\nExamining generic type {0}", def );
      // Get the type parameters of the generic type definition,
      // and display them.
      for each (Type^ tp in def->GetGenericArguments())
         Console::WriteLine( L"\r\nType parameter: {0}", tp);
         Console::WriteLine( L"\t{0}", 
            ListGenericParameterAttributes( tp ) );
         // List the base class and interface constraints. The
         // constraints do not appear in any particular order. If
         // there are no class or interface constraints, an empty
         // array is returned.
         for each (Type^ constraint in tp->GetGenericParameterConstraints())
            Console::WriteLine( L"\t{0}", constraint );


   // List the variance and special constraint flags. 
   static String^ ListGenericParameterAttributes( Type^ t )
      String^ retval;
      GenericParameterAttributes gpa = t->GenericParameterAttributes;

      // Select the variance flag.
      GenericParameterAttributes variance =
            gpa & GenericParameterAttributes::VarianceMask );

      if ( variance == GenericParameterAttributes::None )
            retval = L"No variance flag;";
         if ( (variance & GenericParameterAttributes::Covariant) !=
               GenericParameterAttributes::None )
            retval = L"Covariant;";
            retval = L"Contravariant;";

      // Select the special constraint flags.
      GenericParameterAttributes constraints =
            gpa & GenericParameterAttributes::SpecialConstraintMask);

      if ( constraints == GenericParameterAttributes::None )
            retval = String::Concat( retval, L" No special constraints" );
         if ( (constraints & GenericParameterAttributes::ReferenceTypeConstraint) !=
               GenericParameterAttributes::None )
            retval = String::Concat( retval, L" ReferenceTypeConstraint" );

         if ( (constraints & GenericParameterAttributes::NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) !=
               GenericParameterAttributes::None )
            retval = String::Concat( retval, L" NotNullableValueTypeConstraint" );

         if ( (constraints & GenericParameterAttributes::DefaultConstructorConstraint) !=
               GenericParameterAttributes::None )
            retval = String::Concat( retval, L" DefaultConstructorConstraint" );

      return retval;

int main()

/* This example produces the following output:

Examining generic type Test`2[T,U]

Type parameter: T
        No variance flag; No special constraints

Type parameter: U
        No variance flag; No special constraints
using System;
using System.Reflection;

// Define a sample interface to use as an interface constraint.
public interface ITest {}

// Define a base type to use as a base class constraint.
public class Base {}

// Define the generic type to examine. The first generic type parameter,
// T, derives from the class Base and implements ITest. This demonstrates
// a base class constraint and an interface constraint. The second generic 
// type parameter, U, must be a reference type (class) and must have a 
// default constructor (new()). This demonstrates special constraints.
public class Test<T,U> 
    where T : Base, ITest 
    where U : class, new() {}

// Define a type that derives from Base and implements ITest. This type
// satisfies the constraints on T in class Test.
public class Derived : Base, ITest {}

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        // To get the generic type definition, omit the type
        // arguments but retain the comma to indicate the number
        // of type arguments. 
        Type def = typeof(Test<,>);
        Console.WriteLine("\r\nExamining generic type {0}", def);

        // Get the type parameters of the generic type definition,
        // and display them.
        Type[] defparams = def.GetGenericArguments();
        foreach (Type tp in defparams)
            Console.WriteLine("\r\nType parameter: {0}", tp.Name);

            // List the base class and interface constraints. The
            // constraints are returned in no particular order. If 
            // there are no class or interface constraints, an empty
            // array is returned.
            Type[] tpConstraints = tp.GetGenericParameterConstraints();
            foreach (Type tpc in tpConstraints)
                Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", tpc);

    // List the variance and special constraint flags. 
    private static string ListGenericParameterAttributes(Type t)
        string retval;
        GenericParameterAttributes gpa = t.GenericParameterAttributes;
        GenericParameterAttributes variance = gpa & 

        // Select the variance flags.
        if (variance == GenericParameterAttributes.None)
            retval = "No variance flag;";
            if ((variance & GenericParameterAttributes.Covariant) != 0)
                retval = "Covariant;";
                retval = "Contravariant;";

        // Select 
        GenericParameterAttributes constraints = gpa & 

        if (constraints == GenericParameterAttributes.None)
            retval += " No special constraints";
            if ((constraints & GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint) != 0)
                retval += " ReferenceTypeConstraint";
            if ((constraints & GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) != 0)
                retval += " NotNullableValueTypeConstraint";
            if ((constraints & GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint) != 0)
                retval += " DefaultConstructorConstraint";

        return retval;
/* This example produces the following output:

Examining generic type Test`2[T,U]

Type parameter: T
        No variance flag; no special constraints.

Type parameter: U
        No variance flag; ReferenceTypeConstraint DefaultConstructorConstraint
Imports System.Reflection

' Define a sample interface to use as an interface constraint.
Public Interface ITest
End Interface 

' Define a base type to use as a base class constraint.
Public Class Base
End Class 

' Define the generic type to examine. The first generic type parameter,
' T, derives from the class Base and implements ITest. This demonstrates
' a base class constraint and an interface constraint. The second generic 
' type parameter, U, must be a reference type (Class) and must have a 
' default constructor (New). This demonstrates special constraints.
Public Class Test(Of T As {Base, ITest}, U As {New, Class}) 
End Class

' Define a type that derives from Base and implements ITtest. This type
' satisfies the constraints on T in class Test.
Public Class Derived
    Inherits Base
    Implements ITest
End Class 

Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        ' To get the generic type definition, omit the type
        ' arguments but retain the comma to indicate the number
        ' of type arguments. 
        Dim def As Type = GetType(Test(Of ,))
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Examining generic type {0}", def)
        ' Get the type parameters of the generic type definition,
        ' and display them.
        Dim defparams() As Type = def.GetGenericArguments()
        For Each tp As Type In defparams

            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Type parameter: {0}", tp.Name)
            Console.WriteLine(vbTab & ListGenericParameterAttributes(tp))
            ' List the base class and interface constraints. The
            ' constraints do not appear in any particular order. An
            ' empty array is returned if there are no constraints.
            Dim tpConstraints As Type() = _
            For Each tpc As Type In  tpConstraints
                Console.WriteLine(vbTab & tpc.ToString())
            Next tpc
        Next tp
    End Sub 
    ' List the variance and special constraint flags.
    Private Shared Function ListGenericParameterAttributes(ByVal t As Type) As String 
        Dim retval As String
        Dim gpa As GenericParameterAttributes = t.GenericParameterAttributes

        ' Select the variance flags.
        Dim variance As GenericParameterAttributes = _
            gpa And GenericParameterAttributes.VarianceMask
        If variance = GenericParameterAttributes.None Then
            retval = "No variance flag;"
            If (variance And GenericParameterAttributes.Covariant) <> 0 Then
                retval = "Covariant;"
                retval = "Contravariant;"
            End If
        End If 

        ' Select the constraint flags.
        Dim constraints As GenericParameterAttributes = _
            gpa And GenericParameterAttributes.SpecialConstraintMask
        If constraints = GenericParameterAttributes.None Then
            retval &= " no special constraints."
            If (constraints And GenericParameterAttributes.ReferenceTypeConstraint) <> 0 Then
                retval &= " ReferenceTypeConstraint"
            End If
            If (constraints And GenericParameterAttributes.NotNullableValueTypeConstraint) <> 0 Then
                retval &= " NotNullableValueTypeConstraint"
            End If
            If (constraints And GenericParameterAttributes.DefaultConstructorConstraint) <> 0 Then
                retval &= " DefaultConstructorConstraint"
            End If
        End If 
        Return retval
    End Function 
End Class 
' This example produces the following output:
'Examining generic type Test`2[T,U]
'Type parameter: T
'        No variance flag; no special constraints.
'        Base
'        ITest
'Type parameter: U
'        No variance flag; ReferenceTypeConstraint DefaultConstructorConstraint


GenericParameterAttributes 枚举的成员分为两个组:方差组和特殊约束组。 若要测试方差标志的 GenericParameterAttributes 值,请先使用 VarianceMask 执行按位 AND 操作。 如果结果为 None,则没有方差标志。 同样,使用 SpecialConstraintMask 测试约束标志。
