TypeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride(MethodInfo, MethodInfo) 方法



 void DefineMethodOverride(System::Reflection::MethodInfo ^ methodInfoBody, System::Reflection::MethodInfo ^ methodInfoDeclaration);
public void DefineMethodOverride(System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfoBody, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfoDeclaration);
member this.DefineMethodOverride : System.Reflection.MethodInfo * System.Reflection.MethodInfo -> unit
Public Sub DefineMethodOverride (methodInfoBody As MethodInfo, methodInfoDeclaration As MethodInfo)



要使用的方法体。 应当为 MethodBuilder 对象。




methodInfoBody 不属于此类。


该类型是以前使用 CreateType() 创建的。

- 或 -

methodInfoBody 的声明类型不是此 TypeBuilder 表示的类型。


下面的代码示例包含一个具有 方法的接口I、一个实现 接口的基类A和一个替代 基类实现的M()派生类C,并提供 的I.M()单独显式M()实现。

main()代码示例的 方法演示如何发出派生类 C。 的替代 A.M() 只需发出具有相同签名的方法 M() 即可实现。 但是,若要提供 的 I.M()单独实现,必须定义方法主体,然后使用 DefineMethodOverride 方法将该方法主体与 MethodInfo 表示 的 I.M()关联。 方法正文的名称并不重要。

代码示例创建发出的 类的实例。 它获取 MethodInfoI.M()对象,并使用它来调用发出的类的显式接口实现。 然后,它获取 MethodInfoA.M()对象,并使用它调用发出的类对该方法的重写。

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Reflection::Emit;

public interface class I 
    void M();

public ref class A 
    virtual void M() { Console::WriteLine("In method A.M"); }

// The object of this code example is to emit code equivalent to
// the following C++ code:
public ref class C : A, I 
    virtual void M() override 
        Console::WriteLine("Overriding A.M from C.M"); 

    // In order to provide a different implementation from C.M when 
    // emitting the following explicit interface implementation, 
    // it is necessary to use a MethodImpl.
    virtual void IM() sealed = I::M 
        Console::WriteLine("The I::M implementation of C");

void main() 
    String^ name = "DefineMethodOverrideExample";
    AssemblyName^ asmName = gcnew AssemblyName(name);
    AssemblyBuilder^ ab = 
            asmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess::RunAndSave);
    ModuleBuilder^ mb = ab->DefineDynamicModule(name, name + ".dll");

    TypeBuilder^ tb = 
        mb->DefineType("C", TypeAttributes::Public, A::typeid);

    // Build the method body for the explicit interface 
    // implementation. The name used for the method body 
    // can be anything. Here, it is the name of the method,
    // qualified by the interface name.
    MethodBuilder^ mbIM = tb->DefineMethod("I.M", 
        MethodAttributes::Private | MethodAttributes::HideBySig |
            MethodAttributes::NewSlot | MethodAttributes::Virtual | 
    ILGenerator^ il = mbIM->GetILGenerator();
    il->Emit(OpCodes::Ldstr, "The I.M implementation of C");
    il->Emit(OpCodes::Call, Console::typeid->GetMethod("WriteLine", 
        gcnew array<Type^> { String::typeid }));

    // DefineMethodOverride is used to associate the method 
    // body with the interface method that is being implemented.
    tb->DefineMethodOverride(mbIM, I::typeid->GetMethod("M"));

    MethodBuilder^ mbM = tb->DefineMethod("M", 
        MethodAttributes::Public | MethodAttributes::ReuseSlot | 
            MethodAttributes::Virtual | MethodAttributes::HideBySig, 
    il = mbM->GetILGenerator();
    il->Emit(OpCodes::Ldstr, "Overriding A.M from C.M");
    il->Emit(OpCodes::Call, Console::typeid->GetMethod("WriteLine", 
        gcnew array<Type^> { String::typeid }));

    Type^ tc = tb->CreateType();

    // Save the emitted assembly, to examine with Ildasm.exe.
    ab->Save(name + ".dll");

    Object^ test = Activator::CreateInstance(tc);

    MethodInfo^ mi = I::typeid->GetMethod("M");
    mi->Invoke(test, nullptr);

    mi = A::typeid->GetMethod("M");
    mi->Invoke(test, nullptr);

/* This code example produces the following output:

The I.M implementation of C
Overriding A.M from C.M
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;

public interface I
    void M();

public class A
    public virtual void M() { Console.WriteLine("In method A.M"); }

// The object of this code example is to emit code equivalent to
// the following C# code:
public class C : A, I
    public override void M()
        Console.WriteLine("Overriding A.M from C.M");

    // In order to provide a different implementation from C.M when
    // emitting the following explicit interface implementation,
    // it is necessary to use a MethodImpl.
    void I.M()
        Console.WriteLine("The I.M implementation of C");

class Test
    static void Main()
        string name = "DefineMethodOverrideExample";
        AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName(name);
        AssemblyBuilder ab =
                asmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave);
        ModuleBuilder mb = ab.DefineDynamicModule(name, name + ".dll");

        TypeBuilder tb =
            mb.DefineType("C", TypeAttributes.Public, typeof(A));

        // Build the method body for the explicit interface
        // implementation. The name used for the method body
        // can be anything. Here, it is the name of the method,
        // qualified by the interface name.
        MethodBuilder mbIM = tb.DefineMethod("I.M",
            MethodAttributes.Private | MethodAttributes.HideBySig |
                MethodAttributes.NewSlot | MethodAttributes.Virtual |
        ILGenerator il = mbIM.GetILGenerator();
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "The I.M implementation of C");
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine",
            new Type[] { typeof(string) }));

        // DefineMethodOverride is used to associate the method
        // body with the interface method that is being implemented.
        tb.DefineMethodOverride(mbIM, typeof(I).GetMethod("M"));

        MethodBuilder mbM = tb.DefineMethod("M",
            MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.ReuseSlot |
                MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.HideBySig,
        il = mbM.GetILGenerator();
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Overriding A.M from C.M");
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, typeof(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine",
            new Type[] { typeof(string) }));

        Type tc = tb.CreateType();

        // Save the emitted assembly, to examine with Ildasm.exe.
        ab.Save(name + ".dll");

        Object test = Activator.CreateInstance(tc);

        MethodInfo mi = typeof(I).GetMethod("M");
        mi.Invoke(test, null);

        mi = typeof(A).GetMethod("M");
        mi.Invoke(test, null);

/* This code example produces the following output:

The I.M implementation of C
Overriding A.M from C.M
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Reflection.Emit

Public Interface I
    Sub M() 
End Interface

Public Class A
    Public Overridable Sub M() 
        Console.WriteLine("In method A.M")
    End Sub
End Class

' The object of this code example is to emit code equivalent to
' the following C# code:
Public Class C
    Inherits A
    Implements I
    Public Overrides Sub M() 
        Console.WriteLine("Overriding A.M from C.M")
    End Sub
    ' In order to provide a different implementation from C.M when 
    ' emitting the following explicit interface implementation, 
    ' it is necessary to use a MethodImpl.
    Private Sub IM() Implements I.M
        Console.WriteLine("The I.M implementation of C")
    End Sub
End Class

Class Test
    Shared Sub Main() 

        Dim name As String = "DefineMethodOverrideExample"
        Dim asmName As New AssemblyName(name)
        Dim ab As AssemblyBuilder = _
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly( _
                asmName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave)
        Dim mb As ModuleBuilder = _
            ab.DefineDynamicModule(name, name & ".dll")
        Dim tb As TypeBuilder = _
            mb.DefineType("C", TypeAttributes.Public, GetType(A))
        ' Build the method body for the explicit interface 
        ' implementation. The name used for the method body 
        ' can be anything. Here, it is the name of the method,
        ' qualified by the interface name.
        Dim mbIM As MethodBuilder = _
            tb.DefineMethod("I.M", _
            MethodAttributes.Private Or MethodAttributes.HideBySig Or _
                MethodAttributes.NewSlot Or MethodAttributes.Virtual Or _
                MethodAttributes.Final, _
            Nothing, _
        Dim il As ILGenerator = mbIM.GetILGenerator()
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "The I.M implementation of C")
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, GetType(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", _
            New Type() {GetType(String)}))
        ' DefineMethodOverride is used to associate the method 
        ' body with the interface method that is being implemented.
        tb.DefineMethodOverride(mbIM, GetType(I).GetMethod("M"))
        Dim mbM As MethodBuilder = tb.DefineMethod("M", _
            MethodAttributes.Public Or MethodAttributes.ReuseSlot Or _
                MethodAttributes.Virtual Or MethodAttributes.HideBySig, _
            Nothing, _
        il = mbM.GetILGenerator()
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "Overriding A.M from C.M")
        il.Emit(OpCodes.Call, GetType(Console).GetMethod("WriteLine", _
            New Type() {GetType(String)}))
        Dim tc As Type = tb.CreateType()
        ' Save the emitted assembly, to examine with Ildasm.exe.
        ab.Save(name & ".dll")
        Dim test As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(tc)
        Dim mi As MethodInfo = GetType(I).GetMethod("M")
        mi.Invoke(test, Nothing)
        mi = GetType(A).GetMethod("M")
        mi.Invoke(test, Nothing)
    End Sub
End Class

' This code example produces the following output:
'The I.M implementation of C
'Overriding A.M from C.M


请勿使用此方法发出方法替代或接口实现。 若要重写基类的方法或实现接口的方法,只需发出一个与要重写或实现的方法具有相同名称和签名的方法,如代码示例所示。

DefineMethodOverride 方法正文和方法声明具有不同的名称时,将使用 方法。 例如,类可能会重写基类方法,并为具有相同名称的接口成员提供单独的实现,如代码示例所示。

DefineMethodOverride 定义一个 methodimpl,它由一对元数据标记组成。 一个标记指向实现,另一个标记指向正文实现的声明。 必须在方法 impl 所定义的类型上定义正文,并且正文必须是 Visual Basic) Overridable 中的虚拟 (。 声明可以针对由 类型实现的接口上定义的方法、派生类上的方法或在 类型中定义的方法。 如果声明仅在接口上,则会更改为接口定义的槽。 如果对基类型上的方法进行声明,则该方法的槽将被重写,并替换重写方法的任何重复项。 重写的方法不能是声明的实际方法。 如果方法位于同一类型上,则替换槽,并重写所替换方法的任何重复项。


DefineMethodOverride调用 方法后,无法更改 的某些methodInfoBody功能。 例如,不能使用 SetGenericParameterAttributes 方法将 特性应用于 的methodInfoBody泛型类型参数。 如果必须使用 DefineMethodOverride 方法,请在定义 的所有特征 methodInfoBody 后执行此操作。
