Exception.ToString 方法



 override System::String ^ ToString();
public override string ToString();
override this.ToString : unit -> string
Public Overrides Function ToString () As String





以下示例导致异常,并显示对该异常调用 ToString 的结果。 请注意, Exception.ToString 当 Exception 类实例出现在方法的参数列表中 Console.WriteLine 时,将隐式调用 方法。

using namespace System;

public ref class TestClass{};

int main()
   TestClass^ test = gcnew TestClass;
   array<Object^>^ objectsToCompare = { test, test->ToString(), 123,
                                        (123).ToString(), "some text",
                                        "Some Text" };
   String^ s = "some text";
   for each (Object^ objectToCompare in objectsToCompare) {
      try {
         Int32 i = s->CompareTo(objectToCompare);
         Console::WriteLine("Comparing '{0}' with '{1}': {2}",
                            s, objectToCompare, i);
      catch (ArgumentException^ e) {
            Console::WriteLine("Bad argument: {0} (type {1})",
            Console::WriteLine("Exception information: {0}", e);
// The example displays the following output:
//     Bad argument: TestClass (type TestClass)
//     Exception information: System.ArgumentException: Object must be of type String.
//        at System.String.CompareTo(Object value)
//        at Example.Main()
//     Comparing 'some text' with 'TestClass': -1
//     Bad argument: 123 (type Int32)
//     Exception information: System.ArgumentException: Object must be of type String.
//        at System.String.CompareTo(Object value)
//        at Example.Main()
//     Comparing 'some text' with '123': 1
//     Comparing 'some text' with 'some text': 0
//     Comparing 'some text' with 'Some Text': -1
using System;

public class TestClass

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      var test = new TestClass();
      Object[] objectsToCompare = { test, test.ToString(), 123,
                                    123.ToString(), "some text",
                                    "Some Text" };
      string s = "some text";
      foreach (var objectToCompare in objectsToCompare) {
         try {
            int i = s.CompareTo(objectToCompare);
            Console.WriteLine("Comparing '{0}' with '{1}': {2}",
                              s, objectToCompare, i);
         catch (ArgumentException e) {
            Console.WriteLine("Bad argument: {0} (type {1})",
            Console.WriteLine("Exception information: {0}", e);
// The example displays the following output:
//     Bad argument: TestClass (type TestClass)
//     Exception information: System.ArgumentException: Object must be of type String.
//        at System.String.CompareTo(Object value)
//        at Example.Main()
//     Comparing 'some text' with 'TestClass': -1
//     Bad argument: 123 (type Int32)
//     Exception information: System.ArgumentException: Object must be of type String.
//        at System.String.CompareTo(Object value)
//        at Example.Main()
//     Comparing 'some text' with '123': 1
//     Comparing 'some text' with 'some text': 0
//     Comparing 'some text' with 'Some Text': -1
open System

type TestClass() = class end

let test = TestClass()
let objectsToCompare: obj[] =
    [| test; test.ToString(); 123
       string 123; "some text"
       "Some Text" |]

let s = "some text"
for objectToCompare in objectsToCompare do
        let i = s.CompareTo objectToCompare
        printfn $"Comparing '{s}' with '{objectToCompare}': {i}"
    with :? ArgumentException as e ->
        printfn $"Bad argument: {objectToCompare} (type {objectToCompare.GetType().Name})"
        printfn $"Exception information: {e}"
    printfn ""

// The example displays the following output:
//     Bad argument: Example+TestClass (type TestClass)
//     Exception information: System.ArgumentException: Object must be of type String.
//        at System.String.CompareTo(Object value)
//        at <StartupCode$fs>.$Example.main@()
//     Comparing 'some text' with 'Example+TestClass': -1
//     Bad argument: 123 (type Int32)
//     Exception information: System.ArgumentException: Object must be of type String.
//        at System.String.CompareTo(Object value)
//        at <StartupCode$fs>.$Example.main@()
//     Comparing 'some text' with '123': 1
//     Comparing 'some text' with 'some text': 0
//     Comparing 'some text' with 'Some Text': -1
Public Class TestClass
End Class 

Public Class Example
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim test As New TestClass()
      Dim objectsToCompare() As Object = { test, test.ToString(), 123,
                                           123.ToString(), "some text",
                                           "Some Text" }
      Dim s As String = "some text"
      For Each objectToCompare In objectsToCompare
            Dim i As Integer = s.CompareTo(objectToCompare)
            Console.WriteLine("Comparing '{0}' with '{1}': {2}",
                              s, objectToCompare, i)
         Catch e As ArgumentException
            Console.WriteLine("Bad argument: {0} (type {1})",
            Console.WriteLine("Exception information: {0}", e)
         End Try
   End Sub 
End Class 
' The example displays the following output:
'     Bad argument: TestClass (type TestClass)
'     Exception information: System.ArgumentException: Object must be of type String.
'        at System.String.CompareTo(Object value)
'        at Example.Main()
'     Comparing 'some text' with 'TestClass': -1
'     Bad argument: 123 (type Int32)
'     Exception information: System.ArgumentException: Object must be of type String.
'        at System.String.CompareTo(Object value)
'        at Example.Main()
'     Comparing 'some text' with '123': 1
'     Comparing 'some text' with 'some text': 0
'     Comparing 'some text' with 'Some Text': -1


ToString 返回旨在由人类理解的当前异常的表示形式。 如果异常包含区域性敏感数据,则 返回的字符串表示形式 ToString 需要考虑当前的系统区域性。 尽管对返回的字符串的格式没有确切要求,但它应尝试反映用户感知到的对象值。

的默认实现 ToString 获取引发当前异常的类的名称、消息、对内部异常调用 ToString 的结果以及调用 Environment.StackTrace的结果。 如果其中任一成员为 null,则返回的字符串中不包含其值。

如果没有错误消息,或者它是空字符串 (“”) ,则不会返回任何错误消息。 仅当内部异常和堆栈跟踪不是 null时,才会返回内部异常和堆栈跟踪的名称。

此方法重写 Object.ToString
