InstallException 类
一些信息与预发行产品相关,相应产品在发行之前可能会进行重大修改。 对于此处提供的信息,Microsoft 不作任何明示或暗示的担保。
public ref class InstallException : SystemException
public class InstallException : SystemException
type InstallException = class
inherit SystemException
Public Class InstallException
Inherits SystemException
- 继承
- 属性
以下示例以及构造函数中的 InstallException 示例共同构成一个示例,演示程序集具有其自己的安装程序。 安装程序名为 MyInstaller
,它具有 属性 RunInstallerAttribute
,指示Installutil.exe ( 安装程序工具) 调用此安装程序。
Installutil.exe (安装程序工具) 调用方法 Commit、 RollbackInstall 和 Uninstall。 中的 Commit 代码假定在可以提交程序集安装之前存在名为 FileDoesNotExist.txt
的文件。 如果文件 FileDoesNotExist.txt
不存在, Commit 将 InstallException引发 。 同样的情况 Uninstall 是,只有在存在名为 FileDoesNotExist.txt
的文件时才会发生卸载。 否则,它将引发 InstallException。 在 中 Rollback,执行代码片段,这可能会引发异常。 如果引发异常,则会捕获该异常,并 InstallException 引发 ,并将该异常传递给该异常。
借助 Installutil.exe 运行此示例。 在命令提示符中键入:
Installutil InstallException.exe
- 或 -
Installutil /u InstallException.exe
#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Configuration.Install.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Configuration::Install;
using namespace System::IO;
ref class MyInstaller: public Installer
virtual void Install( IDictionary^ savedState ) override
Installer::Install( savedState );
Console::WriteLine( "Install ..." );
// Commit is called when install goes through successfully.
// Rollback is called if there is any error during Install.
// Uncommenting the code below will lead to 'RollBack' being called,
// currently 'Commit' shall be called.
// throw new IOException();
virtual void Commit( IDictionary^ savedState ) override
Installer::Commit( savedState );
Console::WriteLine( "Commit ..." );
// Throw an error if a particular file doesn't exist.
if ( !File::Exists( "FileDoesNotExist.txt" ) )
throw gcnew InstallException;
// Perform the final installation if the file exists.
virtual void Rollback( IDictionary^ savedState ) override
Installer::Rollback( savedState );
Console::WriteLine( "RollBack ..." );
// Performing some activity during rollback that raises an 'IOException*'.
throw gcnew IOException;
catch ( Exception^ e )
throw gcnew InstallException( "IOException* raised",e );
// Perform the remaining rollback activites if no exception raised.
virtual void Uninstall( IDictionary^ savedState ) override
Installer::Uninstall( savedState );
Console::WriteLine( "UnInstall ..." );
// Throw an error if a particular file doesn't exist.
if ( !File::Exists( "FileDoesNotExist.txt" ) )
throw gcnew InstallException( "The file 'FileDoesNotExist' does not exist" );
// Perform the uninstall activites if the file exists.
int main()
Console::WriteLine( "This assembly is just an example for the Installer" );
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration.Install;
using System.IO;
public class MyInstaller : Installer
public override void Install(IDictionary savedState)
Console.WriteLine("Install ...");
// Commit is called when install goes through successfully.
// Rollback is called if there is any error during Install.
// Uncommenting the code below will lead to 'RollBack' being called,
// currently 'Commit' shall be called.
// throw new IOException();
public override void Commit(IDictionary savedState)
Console.WriteLine("Commit ...");
// Throw an error if a particular file doesn't exist.
throw new InstallException();
// Perform the final installation if the file exists.
public override void Rollback(IDictionary savedState)
Console.WriteLine("RollBack ...");
// Performing some activity during rollback that raises an 'IOException'.
throw new IOException();
catch(Exception e)
throw new InstallException("IOException raised", e);
// Perform the remaining rollback activites if no exception raised.
public override void Uninstall(IDictionary savedState)
Console.WriteLine("UnInstall ...");
// Throw an error if a particular file doesn't exist.
throw new InstallException("The file 'FileDoesNotExist'" +
" does not exist");
// Perform the uninstall activites if the file exists.
// An Assembly that has its own installer.
public class MyAssembly1
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("This assembly is just an example for the Installer");
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Configuration.Install
Imports System.IO
<RunInstaller(True)> Public Class MyInstaller
Inherits Installer
Public Overrides Sub Install(savedState As IDictionary)
Console.WriteLine("Install ...")
' Commit is called when install goes through successfully.
' Rollback is called if there is any error during Install.
' Uncommenting the code below will lead to 'RollBack' being called,
' currently 'Commit' shall be called.
' throw new IOException();
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Commit(savedState As IDictionary)
Console.WriteLine("Commit ...")
' Throw an error if a particular file doesn't exist.
If Not File.Exists("FileDoesNotExist.txt") Then
Throw New InstallException()
End If
' Perform the final installation if the file exists.
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Rollback(savedState As IDictionary)
Console.WriteLine("RollBack ...")
' Performing some activity during rollback that raises an 'IOException'.
Throw New IOException()
Catch e As Exception
Throw New InstallException("IOException raised", e)
End Try
End Sub
' Perform the remaining rollback activites if no exception raised.
Public Overrides Sub Uninstall(savedState As IDictionary)
Console.WriteLine("UnInstall ...")
' Throw an error if a particular file doesn't exist.
If Not File.Exists("FileDoesNotExist.txt") Then
Throw New InstallException("The file 'FileDoesNotExist'" + " does not exist")
End If
' Perform the uninstall activites if the file exists.
End Sub
End Class
' An Assembly that has its own installer.
Public Class MyAssembly1
Public Shared Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("This assembly is just an example for the Installer")
End Sub
End Class
InstallException() |
初始化 InstallException 类的新实例。 |
InstallException(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) |
用序列化数据初始化 InstallException 类的新实例。 |
InstallException(String) |
初始化 InstallException 类的新实例,并指定要显示给用户的消息。 |
InstallException(String, Exception) |
初始化 InstallException 类的新实例,并指定要向用户显示的消息,以及对作为该异常原因的内部异常的引用。 |
Data |
获取键/值对的集合,这些键/值对提供有关该异常的其他用户定义信息。 (继承自 Exception) |
HelpLink |
获取或设置指向与此异常关联的帮助文件链接。 (继承自 Exception) |
HResult |
获取或设置 HRESULT(一个分配给特定异常的编码数字值)。 (继承自 Exception) |
InnerException |
获取导致当前异常的 Exception 实例。 (继承自 Exception) |
Message |
获取描述当前异常的消息。 (继承自 Exception) |
Source |
获取或设置导致错误的应用程序或对象的名称。 (继承自 Exception) |
StackTrace |
获取调用堆栈上的即时框架字符串表示形式。 (继承自 Exception) |
TargetSite |
获取引发当前异常的方法。 (继承自 Exception) |
Equals(Object) |
确定指定对象是否等于当前对象。 (继承自 Object) |
GetBaseException() |
当在派生类中重写时,返回 Exception,它是一个或多个并发的异常的根本原因。 (继承自 Exception) |
GetHashCode() |
作为默认哈希函数。 (继承自 Object) |
GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) |
当在派生类中重写时,用关于异常的信息设置 SerializationInfo。 (继承自 Exception) |
GetType() |
获取当前实例的运行时类型。 (继承自 Exception) |
MemberwiseClone() |
创建当前 Object 的浅表副本。 (继承自 Object) |
ToString() |
创建并返回当前异常的字符串表示形式。 (继承自 Exception) |
SerializeObjectState |
当异常被序列化用来创建包含有关该异常的徐列出数据的异常状态对象时会出现该问题。 (继承自 Exception) |