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ISecurityConnectorsOperations Interface


SecurityConnectorsOperations operations.

public interface ISecurityConnectorsOperations
type ISecurityConnectorsOperations = interface
Public Interface ISecurityConnectorsOperations


CreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, String, SecurityConnector, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Creates or updates a security connector. If a security connector is already created and a subsequent request is issued for the same security connector id, then it will be updated.

DeleteWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, String, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Deletes a security connector.

GetWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, String, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Retrieves details of a specific security connector

ListByResourceGroupNextWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified resource group. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified resource group.

ListByResourceGroupWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified resource group. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified resource group.

ListNextWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified subscription. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified subscription.

ListWithHttpMessagesAsync(Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified subscription. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified subscription.

UpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(String, String, SecurityConnector, Dictionary<String,List<String>>, CancellationToken)

Updates a security connector

Extension Methods

CreateOrUpdate(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, String, SecurityConnector)

Creates or updates a security connector. If a security connector is already created and a subsequent request is issued for the same security connector id, then it will be updated.

CreateOrUpdateAsync(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, String, SecurityConnector, CancellationToken)

Creates or updates a security connector. If a security connector is already created and a subsequent request is issued for the same security connector id, then it will be updated.

Delete(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, String)

Deletes a security connector.

DeleteAsync(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Deletes a security connector.

Get(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, String)

Retrieves details of a specific security connector

GetAsync(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Retrieves details of a specific security connector


Lists all the security connectors in the specified subscription. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified subscription.

ListAsync(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, CancellationToken)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified subscription. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified subscription.

ListByResourceGroup(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified resource group. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified resource group.

ListByResourceGroupAsync(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified resource group. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified resource group.

ListByResourceGroupNext(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified resource group. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified resource group.

ListByResourceGroupNextAsync(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified resource group. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified resource group.

ListNext(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified subscription. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified subscription.

ListNextAsync(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Lists all the security connectors in the specified subscription. Use the 'nextLink' property in the response to get the next page of security connectors for the specified subscription.

Update(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, String, SecurityConnector)

Updates a security connector

UpdateAsync(ISecurityConnectorsOperations, String, String, SecurityConnector, CancellationToken)

Updates a security connector

Applies to