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IotSecuritySolutionOperationsExtensions Class


Extension methods for IotSecuritySolutionOperations

public static class IotSecuritySolutionOperationsExtensions
type IotSecuritySolutionOperationsExtensions = class
Public Module IotSecuritySolutionOperationsExtensions


CreateOrUpdate(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, String, IoTSecuritySolutionModel)

Use this method to create or update yours IoT Security solution

CreateOrUpdateAsync(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, String, IoTSecuritySolutionModel, CancellationToken)

Use this method to create or update yours IoT Security solution

Delete(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, String)

Use this method to delete yours IoT Security solution

DeleteAsync(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Use this method to delete yours IoT Security solution

Get(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, String)

User this method to get details of a specific IoT Security solution based on solution name

GetAsync(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

User this method to get details of a specific IoT Security solution based on solution name

ListByResourceGroup(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, String)

Use this method to get the list IoT Security solutions organized by resource group.

ListByResourceGroupAsync(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Use this method to get the list IoT Security solutions organized by resource group.

ListByResourceGroupNext(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String)

Use this method to get the list IoT Security solutions organized by resource group.

ListByResourceGroupNextAsync(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Use this method to get the list IoT Security solutions organized by resource group.

ListBySubscription(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String)

Use this method to get the list of IoT Security solutions by subscription.

ListBySubscriptionAsync(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Use this method to get the list of IoT Security solutions by subscription.

ListBySubscriptionNext(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String)

Use this method to get the list of IoT Security solutions by subscription.

ListBySubscriptionNextAsync(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Use this method to get the list of IoT Security solutions by subscription.

Update(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, String, UpdateIotSecuritySolutionData)

Use this method to update existing IoT Security solution tags or user defined resources. To update other fields use the CreateOrUpdate method.

UpdateAsync(IIotSecuritySolutionOperations, String, String, UpdateIotSecuritySolutionData, CancellationToken)

Use this method to update existing IoT Security solution tags or user defined resources. To update other fields use the CreateOrUpdate method.

Applies to