OrchestrationBinding(BizTalk Server 示例)
业务流程绑定示例演示使用 Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM 管理对象来配置和管理业务流程。
此示例要求通过运行位于 < Samples Path>\Orchestrations\HelloWorld 目录中 setup.bat 部署 HelloWorld 示例。
必须具有BizTalk Server管理权限才能使用此示例中的管理对象。
Windows PowerShell 脚本示例需要 Windows PowerShell 执行策略才能允许脚本执行。 有关详细信息,请参阅 检查执行策略。
本示例演示使用 Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM 命名空间中的管理对象来管理业务流程。 本示例演示如何使用 ExplorerOM 对象完成以下操作:
使用Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer 类连接到 BizTalk 管理数据库。
通过更改 Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsOrchestration 类的 Status 属性来停止和启动业务流程。
通过更改 Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsOrchestration 类的 Status 属性来登记和取消登记业务流程。
通过使用 Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsOrchestration 类上的 Ports 集合来绑定和取消绑定业务流程。
本示例位于以下 SDK 位置中:
文件 | 说明 |
OrchestrationBinding.cs | 此示例中演示的操作的 Visual C# 源文件。 |
OrchestrationBinding.sln、OrchestrationBinding.csproj、OrchestrationBinding.suo | 示例的解决方案文件和项目文件。 |
确保您已经完成生成和初始化 HelloWorld 示例的步骤。 HelloWorld (BizTalk Server 示例) 中提供了这些步骤。
在 Visual Studio 中,打开解决方案文件 OrchestrationBinding.sln。
在 “生成” 菜单上,单击 “生成解决方案” 。
运行文件 OrchestrationBinding.exe 并按照示例提供的说明进行操作。
Windows Powershell 脚本示例
以下 Windows PowerShell 脚本可用于演示 ExplorerOM 类的相同功能。
Function RefreshPrompt($oldstatus,$newstatus)
Write-Host Orchestration Status should now be `"$oldstatus`"
Write-Host Press F5 in the Orchestrations view of BizTalk Server Administration Console to refresh and verify
if ($newstatus)
Write-Host Pressing `<Enter`> now will $newstatus the orchestration using ExplorerOM`.`.`.
Write-Host "=== Please wait, attempting to $newstatus the orchestration... ===`r`n"
write-host `r`n
#=== Main Script ===#
#=== Make sure the ExplorerOM assembly is loaded ===#
[void] [System.reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM")
#=== Connect to the BizTalk Management database ===#
$Catalog = New-Object Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsCatalogExplorer
$Catalog.ConnectionString = "SERVER=.;DATABASE=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=SSPI"
#=== This sample expects the HelloWorld sample orchestration to be using the ===#
#=== default name "Biztalk Application 1" ===#
$HelloWorldApp = $Catalog.Applications["Biztalk Application 1"]
$orch = $HelloWorldApp.orchestrations["Microsoft.Samples.BizTalk.HelloWorld.HelloSchedule"]
#=== Register a trap handler to discard changes on exceptions ===#
#=== Execution will continue in the event we need to re-enlist, ===#
#=== re-bind, or restart the orchestration. ===#
trap { "Exception encountered:`r`n"; $_; "`r`nDiscarding Changes and continuing execution...`r`n";$Catalog.DiscardChanges();}
write-host `r`nMake sure the "HelloWorld" sample application is deployed and running.
write-host By default it will be listed in the BizTalk Server Administration Console
write-host with the application name: `"BizTalk.Application.1`"`r`n
#=== Change orchestration state from Started to stopped ===#
RefreshPrompt Started stop
$orch.Status = [Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.OrchestrationStatus] "Enlisted"
#=== Change orchestration state from stopped to unenlisted ===#
RefreshPrompt Stopped unenlist
$orch.Status = [Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.OrchestrationStatus] "Unenlisted"
#=== Change orchestration state from unenlisted to unbound ===#
RefreshPrompt Unenlisted unbind
$orch.Ports["SendInvoicePort"].SendPort = $null
$orch.Ports["ReceivePOPort"].ReceivePort = $null;
$orch.Host = $null
#=== Change orchestration state from unbound back to unenlisted ===#
RefreshPrompt Unenlisted`(Unbound`) re-bind
$orch.Ports["SendInvoicePort"].SendPort = $Catalog.SendPorts["HelloWorldSendPort"]
$orch.Ports["ReceivePOPort"].ReceivePort = $Catalog.ReceivePorts["HelloWorldReceivePort"]
$orch.Host = $Catalog.Hosts["BizTalkServerApplication"]
#=== Change orchestration state from unenlisted back to stopped ===#
RefreshPrompt Unenlisted enlist
$orch.Status = [Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.OrchestrationStatus] "Enlisted"
#=== Change orchestration state from stopped back to started ===#
RefreshPrompt Stopped restart
$orch.Status = [Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.OrchestrationStatus] "Started"
RefreshPrompt Started
下面是运行 Windows PowerShell 脚本的示例输出。
PS C:\> .\OrchestrationBind.ps1
Make sure the HelloWorld sample application is deployed and running.
By default it will be listed in the BizTalk Server Administration Console
with the application name: "BizTalk.Application.1"
Orchestration Status should now be "Started"
Press F5 in the Orchestrations view of BizTalk Server Administration Console to refresh and verify
Pressing <Enter> now will stop the orchestration using ExplorerOM...
=== Please wait, attempting to stop the orchestration... ===
Orchestration Status should now be "Stopped"
Press F5 in the Orchestrations view of BizTalk Server Administration Console to refresh and verify
Pressing <Enter> now will unenlist the orchestration using ExplorerOM...
=== Please wait, attempting to unenlist the orchestration... ===
Orchestration Status should now be "Unenlisted"
Press F5 in the Orchestrations view of BizTalk Server Administration Console to refresh and verify
Pressing <Enter> now will unbind the orchestration using ExplorerOM...
=== Please wait, attempting to unbind the orchestration... ===
Orchestration Status should now be "Unenlisted(Unbound)"
Press F5 in the Orchestrations view of BizTalk Server Administration Console to refresh and verify
Pressing <Enter> now will re-bind the orchestration using ExplorerOM...
=== Please wait, attempting to re-bind the orchestration... ===
Orchestration Status should now be "Unenlisted"
Press F5 in the Orchestrations view of BizTalk Server Administration Console to refresh and verify
Pressing <Enter> now will enlist the orchestration using ExplorerOM...
=== Please wait, attempting to enlist the orchestration... ===
Orchestration Status should now be "Stopped"
Press F5 in the Orchestrations view of BizTalk Server Administration Console to refresh and verify
Pressing <Enter> now will restart the orchestration using ExplorerOM...
=== Please wait, attempting to restart the orchestration... ===
Orchestration Status should now be "Started"
Press F5 in the Orchestrations view of BizTalk Server Administration Console to refresh and verify
管理员-ExplorerOM (BizTalk Server 示例文件夹) HelloWorld (BizTalk Server 示例)