Docker@1 - Docker v1 任务
生成、标记、推送或运行 Docker 映像,或运行 Docker 命令。 将此任务与 Docker 或 Azure 容器注册表一起使用。
Docker@2 是此任务的较新版本,它通过删除可以作为参数传递给命令的输入来简化任务。
# Docker v1
# Build, tag, push, or run Docker images, or run a Docker command.
- task: Docker@1
# Container Registry
#containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry' # 'Azure Container Registry' | 'Container Registry'. Required when command != logout. Container registry type. Default: Azure Container Registry.
#dockerRegistryEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Container Registry && command != logout. Docker registry service connection.
#azureSubscriptionEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry && command != logout. Azure subscription.
#azureContainerRegistry: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry && command != logout. Azure container registry.
# Commands
#addBaseImageData: true # boolean. Add base image metadata to image(s). Default: true.
command: 'Build an image' # 'Build an image' | 'Tag image' | 'Push an image' | 'Run an image' | 'login' | 'logout'. Required. Command. Default: Build an image.
#dockerFile: '**/Dockerfile' # string. Required when command = Build an image || command = build. Dockerfile. Default: **/Dockerfile.
#arguments: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Arguments.
#pushMultipleImages: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Push an image || command = push. Push multiple images. Default: false.
#tagMultipleImages: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Tag image || command = tag. Tag multiple images. Default: false.
#imageName: '$(Build.Repository.Name):$(Build.BuildId)' # string. Required when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Run an image || command = run || pushMultipleImages = false || tagMultipleImages = false. Image name. Default: $(Build.Repository.Name):$(Build.BuildId).
#imageNamesPath: # string. Required when tagMultipleImages = true || pushMultipleImages = true. Image names path.
#qualifyImageName: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Tag image || command = tag || command = Push an image || command = push || command = Run an image || command = run. Qualify image name. Default: true.
#qualifySourceImageName: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Tag image || command = tag. Qualify source image name. Default: false.
#includeSourceTags: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Tag image || command = tag || command = Push an image || command = push. Include source tags. Default: false.
#includeLatestTag: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build. Include latest tag. Default: false.
#addDefaultLabels: true # boolean. Optional. Use when addDefaultLabels = false. Add default labels. Default: true.
#useDefaultContext: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build. Use default build context. Default: true.
#buildContext: # string. Optional. Use when useDefaultContext = false. Build context.
#imageDigestFile: # string. Optional. Use when command = Push an image || command = push. Image digest file.
#containerName: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Container name.
#ports: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Ports.
#volumes: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Volumes.
#envVars: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Environment variables.
#workingDirectory: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Working directory.
#entrypointOverride: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Entry point override.
#containerCommand: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Container command.
#runInBackground: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Run in background. Default: true.
restartPolicy: 'no' # 'no' | 'onFailure' | 'always' | 'unlessStopped'. Required when runInBackground = true. Restart policy. Default: no.
#maxRestartRetries: # string. Optional. Use when runInBackground = true && restartPolicy = onFailure. Maximum restart retries.
# Advanced Options
#dockerHostEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Docker host service connection.
#enforceDockerNamingConvention: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Force image name to follow Docker naming convention. Default: true.
#memoryLimit: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Memory limit.
# Docker v1
# Build, tag, push, or run Docker images, or run a Docker command.
- task: Docker@1
# Container Registry
#containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry' # 'Azure Container Registry' | 'Container Registry'. Required when command != logout. Container registry type. Default: Azure Container Registry.
#dockerRegistryEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Container Registry && command != logout. Docker registry service connection.
#azureSubscriptionEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry && command != logout. Azure subscription.
#azureContainerRegistry: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry && command != logout. Azure container registry.
# Commands
command: 'Build an image' # 'Build an image' | 'Tag image' | 'Push an image' | 'Run an image' | 'login' | 'logout'. Required. Command. Default: Build an image.
#dockerFile: '**/Dockerfile' # string. Required when command = Build an image || command = build. Dockerfile. Default: **/Dockerfile.
#arguments: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Arguments.
#pushMultipleImages: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Push an image || command = push. Push multiple images. Default: false.
#tagMultipleImages: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Tag image || command = tag. Tag multiple images. Default: false.
#imageName: '$(Build.Repository.Name):$(Build.BuildId)' # string. Required when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Run an image || command = run || pushMultipleImages = false || tagMultipleImages = false. Image name. Default: $(Build.Repository.Name):$(Build.BuildId).
#imageNamesPath: # string. Required when tagMultipleImages = true || pushMultipleImages = true. Image names path.
#qualifyImageName: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Tag image || command = tag || command = Push an image || command = push || command = Run an image || command = run. Qualify image name. Default: true.
#qualifySourceImageName: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Tag image || command = tag. Qualify source image name. Default: false.
#includeSourceTags: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Tag image || command = tag || command = Push an image || command = push. Include source tags. Default: false.
#includeLatestTag: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build. Include latest tag. Default: false.
#addDefaultLabels: true # boolean. Optional. Use when addDefaultLabels = false. Add default labels. Default: true.
#useDefaultContext: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build. Use default build context. Default: true.
#buildContext: # string. Optional. Use when useDefaultContext = false. Build context.
#imageDigestFile: # string. Optional. Use when command = Push an image || command = push. Image digest file.
#containerName: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Container name.
#ports: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Ports.
#volumes: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Volumes.
#envVars: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Environment variables.
#workingDirectory: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Working directory.
#entrypointOverride: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Entry point override.
#containerCommand: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Container command.
#runInBackground: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Run in background. Default: true.
restartPolicy: 'no' # 'no' | 'onFailure' | 'always' | 'unlessStopped'. Required when runInBackground = true. Restart policy. Default: no.
#maxRestartRetries: # string. Optional. Use when runInBackground = true && restartPolicy = onFailure. Maximum restart retries.
# Advanced Options
#dockerHostEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Docker host service connection.
#enforceDockerNamingConvention: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Force image name to follow Docker naming convention. Default: true.
#memoryLimit: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Memory limit.
# Docker v1
# Build, tag, push, or run Docker images, or run a Docker command.
- task: Docker@1
# Container Registry
#containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry' # 'Azure Container Registry' | 'Container Registry'. Required when command != logout. Container registry type. Default: Azure Container Registry.
#dockerRegistryEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Container Registry && command != logout. Docker registry service connection.
#azureSubscriptionEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry && command != logout. Azure subscription.
#azureContainerRegistry: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry && command != logout. Azure container registry.
# Commands
command: 'Build an image' # 'Build an image' | 'Tag image' | 'Push an image' | 'Run an image' | 'login' | 'logout'. Required. Command. Default: Build an image.
#dockerFile: '**/Dockerfile' # string. Required when command = Build an image || command = build. Dockerfile. Default: **/Dockerfile.
#arguments: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Arguments.
#pushMultipleImages: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Push an image || command = push. Push multiple images. Default: false.
#tagMultipleImages: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Tag image || command = tag. Tag multiple images. Default: false.
#imageName: '$(Build.Repository.Name):$(Build.BuildId)' # string. Required when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Run an image || command = run || pushMultipleImages = false || tagMultipleImages = false. Image name. Default: $(Build.Repository.Name):$(Build.BuildId).
#imageNamesPath: # string. Required when tagMultipleImages = true || pushMultipleImages = true. Image names path.
#qualifyImageName: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Tag image || command = tag || command = Push an image || command = push || command = Run an image || command = run. Qualify image name. Default: true.
#includeSourceTags: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Tag image || command = tag || command = Push an image || command = push. Include source tags. Default: false.
#includeLatestTag: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build. Include latest tag. Default: false.
#addDefaultLabels: true # boolean. Optional. Use when addDefaultLabels = false. Add default labels. Default: true.
#useDefaultContext: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build. Use default build context. Default: true.
#buildContext: # string. Optional. Use when useDefaultContext = false. Build context.
#imageDigestFile: # string. Optional. Use when command = Push an image || command = push. Image digest file.
#containerName: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Container name.
#ports: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Ports.
#volumes: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Volumes.
#envVars: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Environment variables.
#workingDirectory: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Working directory.
#entrypointOverride: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Entry point override.
#containerCommand: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Container command.
#runInBackground: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Run in background. Default: true.
restartPolicy: 'no' # 'no' | 'onFailure' | 'always' | 'unlessStopped'. Required when runInBackground = true. Restart policy. Default: no.
#maxRestartRetries: # string. Optional. Use when runInBackground = true && restartPolicy = onFailure. Maximum restart retries.
# Advanced Options
#dockerHostEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Docker host service connection.
#enforceDockerNamingConvention: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Force image name to follow Docker naming convention. Default: true.
#memoryLimit: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Memory limit.
# Docker v1
# Build, tag, push, or run Docker images, or run a Docker command. Task can be used with Docker or Azure Container registry.
- task: Docker@1
# Container Registry
#containerregistrytype: 'Azure Container Registry' # 'Azure Container Registry' | 'Container Registry'. Required when command != logout. Container registry type. Default: Azure Container Registry.
#dockerRegistryEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Container Registry && command != logout. Docker registry service connection.
#azureSubscriptionEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry && command != logout. Azure subscription.
#azureContainerRegistry: # string. Optional. Use when containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry && command != logout. Azure container registry.
# Commands
command: 'Build an image' # 'Build an image' | 'Tag image' | 'Push an image' | 'Run an image' | 'login' | 'logout'. Required. Command. Default: Build an image.
#dockerFile: '**/Dockerfile' # string. Required when command = Build an image || command = build. Dockerfile. Default: **/Dockerfile.
#arguments: # string. Optional. Use when command != Run an image && command != run && command != login && command != logout. Arguments.
#useDefaultContext: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build. Use default build context. Default: true.
#buildContext: # string. Optional. Use when useDefaultContext = false. Build context.
#pushMultipleImages: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Push an image || command = push. Push multiple images. Default: false.
#tagMultipleImages: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Tag image || command = tag. Tag multiple images. Default: false.
#imageName: '$(Build.Repository.Name):$(Build.BuildId)' # string. Required when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Run an image || command = run || pushMultipleImages = false || tagMultipleImages = false. Image name. Default: $(Build.Repository.Name):$(Build.BuildId).
#imageNamesPath: # string. Required when tagMultipleImages = true || pushMultipleImages = true. Image names path.
#qualifyImageName: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Tag image || command = tag || command = Push an image || command = push || command = Run an image || command = run. Qualify image name. Default: true.
#includeSourceTags: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build || command = Tag image || command = tag || command = Push an image || command = push. Include source tags. Default: false.
#includeLatestTag: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build. Include latest tag. Default: false.
#addDefaultLabels: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Build an image || command = build. Add default labels. Default: true.
#imageDigestFile: # string. Optional. Use when command = Push an image || command = push. Image digest file.
#containerName: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Container name.
#ports: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Ports.
#volumes: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Volumes.
#envVars: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Environment variables.
#workingDirectory: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Working directory.
#entrypointOverride: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Entry point override.
#containerCommand: # string. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Command.
#runInBackground: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = Run an image || command = run. Run in background. Default: true.
restartPolicy: 'no' # 'no' | 'onFailure' | 'always' | 'unlessStopped'. Required when runInBackground = true. Restart policy. Default: no.
#maxRestartRetries: # string. Optional. Use when runInBackground = true && restartPolicy = onFailure. Maximum restart retries.
# Advanced Options
#dockerHostEndpoint: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Docker host service connection.
#enforceDockerNamingConvention: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Force image name to follow Docker naming convention. Default: true.
#memoryLimit: # string. Optional. Use when command != login && command != logout. Memory limit.
. 当 command != logout
时,需要此选项。 允许的值:Azure Container Registry
、Container Registry
。 默认值:Azure Container Registry
指定使用 Azure 服务连接进行连接的Azure 容器注册表。 选择一个Azure 容器注册表以连接到Docker Hub或任何其他专用容器注册表。
将基础图像元数据添加到映像 ()
. 默认值:true
默认值添加基础映像数据(例如基础映像名称和摘要),以帮助实现可跟踪性。 可以通过将此值设置为 false
Docker 注册表服务连接
. 可选。 在 时 containerregistrytype = Container Registry && command != logout
使用 。
指定 Docker 注册表服务连接。 对于使用注册表进行身份验证的命令是必需的。
Azure 订阅
. 可选。 在 时 containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry && command != logout
使用 。
指定 Azure 订阅。
Azure 容器注册表
. 可选。 在 时 containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry && command != logout
使用 。
指定所选 Azure 订阅中的Azure 容器注册表。 容器映像生成并推送到此容器注册表。
. 必需。 允许的值: Build an image
(build) 、 Tag image
(tag) 、 Push an image
(push) 、 Run an image
(run) 、 、 login
。 默认值:Build an image
指定要运行的 docker 命令。
. 当 command = Build an image || command = build
时,需要此选项。 默认值:**/Dockerfile
指定 Docker 文件的路径。 任务使用找到的第一个 docker 文件来生成映像。
. 可选。 在 时 command != login && command != logout
使用 。
指定要传递给 docker 客户端的其他参数。 使用命令参数中的值 buildAndPush
将忽略 arguments 属性。
. 可选。 在 时 command != Run an image && command != run && command != login && command != logout
使用 。
指定要传递给 docker 客户端的其他参数。 使用命令参数中的值 buildAndPush
将忽略 arguments 属性。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Push an image || command = push
使用 。 默认值:false
指定要推送的 Docker 映像的文本文件中的列表。 在单独的行中以 格式 Imagename1:tag1
列出每个映像名称。 列出不带标记的映像名称(例如 Imagename2
)会推送容器中的所有 Imagename2
. 可选。 在 时 command = Tag image || command = tag
使用 。 默认值:false
指定要在文本文件中标记的多个映像标记和 Docker 映像的列表。 在单独的行中以 格式 Imagename1:tag1
列出每个映像名称。 列出时不带 标记的 Imagename2
映像默认标记为 最新 。
. 当 command = Build an image || command = build || command = Run an image || command = run || pushMultipleImages = false || tagMultipleImages = false
时,需要此选项。 默认值:$(Build.Repository.Name):$(Build.BuildId)
指定要生成、推送或运行的 Docker 映像的名称。
. 当 tagMultipleImages = true || pushMultipleImages = true
指定文本文件的路径,该文件包含要标记或推送的 Docker 映像的名称。 在单独的行中列出每个映像名称。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Build an image || command = build || command = Tag image || command = tag || command = Push an image || command = push || command = Run an image || command = run
使用 。 默认值:true
使用 Docker 注册表服务连接的主机名指定限定映像名称。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Tag image || command = tag
使用 。 默认值:false
使用 Docker 注册表服务连接的主机名指定限定映像名称。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Build an image || command = build || command = Tag image || command = tag || command = Push an image || command = push
使用 。 默认值:false
指定生成或推送 Docker 映像时要包括的 Git 标记。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Build an image || command = build
使用 。 默认值:false
指定在生成 Docker 映像时是否使用 最新 标记。
. 可选。 在 时 addDefaultLabels = false
使用 。 默认值:true
指定是否使用 Docker 标签(如存储库、提交、生成和发布信息)将 CI/CD 元数据添加到容器映像。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Build an image || command = build
使用 。 默认值:true
指定是否使用 Docker 标签(如存储库、提交、生成和发布信息)将 CI/CD 元数据添加到容器映像。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Build an image || command = build
使用 。 默认值:true
指定添加或删除包含 Docker 文件的目录的生成上下文。
. 可选。 在 时 useDefaultContext = false
使用 。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Push an image || command = push
使用 。
指定使用推送的 Docker 映像的完整映像存储库摘要创建并填充的文件的路径。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Run an image || command = run
使用 。
指定要运行的 Docker 容器的名称。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Run an image || command = run
使用 。
指定要发布到主机的 Docker 容器中的端口。 在单独的行上列出每个 host-port:container-port
. 可选。 在 时 command = Run an image || command = run
使用 。
指定要从主机装载的卷。 在单独的行中列出每个 host-dir:container-dir
. 可选。 在 时 command = Run an image || command = run
使用 。
指定 Docker 容器的环境变量。 在单独的行上列出每 name=value
. 可选。 在 时 command = Run an image || command = run
使用 。
指定 Docker 容器的工作目录。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Run an image || command = run
使用 。
指定是否替代 Docker 容器的默认入口点。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Run an image || command = run
使用 。
指定 Docker run 命令。 docker run 命令首先在指定的映像上创建可写容器层,然后使用指定的 run 命令启动它。 例如,如果映像包含简单的 Python Flask Web 应用程序,则可以指定 python
用于启动 Web 应用程序。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Run an image || command = run
使用 。
指定 Docker run 命令。 docker run 命令首先在指定的映像上创建可写容器层,然后使用指定的 run 命令启动它。 例如,如果映像包含简单的 Python Flask Web 应用程序,则可以指定 python
用于启动 Web 应用程序。
. 可选。 在 时 command = Run an image || command = run
使用 。 默认值:true
指定是否在后台运行 Docker 容器。
. 当 runInBackground = true
时,需要此选项。 允许的值: no
、 onFailure
(失败) 、 always
除非停止) 。 默认值:no
. 可选。 在 时 runInBackground = true && restartPolicy = onFailure
使用 。
指定重启重试 Docker 守护程序尝试的最大次数。
Docker 主机服务连接
. 可选。 在 时 command != login && command != logout
使用 。
指定 Docker 主机服务连接。 默认为代理的主机。
强制映像名称遵循 Docker 命名约定
. 可选。 在 时 command != login && command != logout
使用 。 默认值:true
默认值根据 Docker 命名约定修改 Docker 映像名称。 例如,将大写字符转换为小写并删除空格。
. 可选。 在 时 command != login && command != logout
使用 。
将容器可用的最大内存量指定为具有可选后缀(如 ) 2GB
除了任务输入,所有任务都有控制选项。 有关详细信息,请参阅 控制选项和常见任务属性。
此任务定义以下 输出变量,可在下游步骤、作业和阶段中使用。
存储 docker 命令的输出
Docker@2 是此任务的较新版本,它通过删除可以作为参数传递给命令的输入来简化任务。
要求 | 说明 |
管道类型 | YAML、经典版本、经典版本 |
运行平台 | Agent、DeploymentGroup |
需求 | 无 |
功能 | 此任务不满足作业中后续任务的任何要求。 |
命令限制 | 任意 |
可设置变量 | 任意 |
代理版本 | 所有支持的代理版本。 |
任务类别 | 构建 |