本文是有关如何容器化和部署容器化 Python Web 应用以Azure App 服务的教程的一部分。 App 服务使你能够使用 Docker 中心、Azure 容器注册表和 Visual Studio Team Services 运行容器化 Web 应用,并通过持续集成/持续部署(CI/CD)功能进行部署。 本教程的这一部分介绍如何在本地生成和运行容器化 Python Web 应用。 此步骤是可选的,不需要将示例应用部署到 Azure。
# LOCATION: The Azure region. Use the "az account list-locations -o table" command to find a region near you.
# RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME: The resource group name. Can contain underscores, hyphens, periods, parenthesis, letters, and numbers.
# ACCOUNT_NAME: The Azure Cosmos DB for MongDB account name. Can contain lowercase letters, hyphens, and numbers.
# Create a resource group
echo "Creating resource group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME in $LOCATION..."
az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --location $LOCATION
# Create a Cosmos account for MongoDB API
echo "Creating $ACCOUNT_NAME. This command may take a while to complete."
az cosmosdb create --name $ACCOUNT_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --kind MongoDB
# Create a MongoDB API database
echo "Creating database restaurants_reviews"
az cosmosdb mongodb database create --account-name $ACCOUNT_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name restaurants_reviews
# Create a MongoDB API collection
echo "Creating collection restaurants_reviews"
az cosmosdb mongodb collection create --account-name $ACCOUNT_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --database-name restaurants_reviews --name restaurants_reviews
# Get the connection string for the MongoDB database
echo "Get the connection string for the MongoDB account"
az cosmosdb keys list --name $ACCOUNT_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --type connection-strings
echo "Copy the Primary MongoDB Connection String from the list above"
此时,应该有一个 Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB 连接字符串窗体mongodb://<server-name>:<password>@<server-name>.mongo.cosmos.azure.com:10255/?ssl=true&<other-parameters>、一个名为数据库restaurants_reviews和一个名为的restaurants_reviews集合。