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使用 Azure 市场映像为 Azure Stack Edge Pro GPU 创建 VM 映像

适用于:对于 Pro GPU SKU 是必需的Azure Stack Edge Pro - GPU对于 Pro 2 SKU 是必需的Azure Stack Edge Pro 2对于 Pro R SKU 是必需的Azure Stack Edge Pro R对于 Mini R SKU 是必需的Azure Stack Edge Mini R

要在 Azure Stack Edge Pro GPU 设备上部署 VM,需要创建可用于创建 VM 的 VM 映像。 本文介绍从 Azure 市场映像开始创建 VM 映像所需的步骤。 你之后可以使用此 VM 映像在 Azure Stack Edge Pro GPU 设备上部署 VM。

VM 映像工作流

以下步骤介绍了使用 Azure 市场工作流的 VM 映像工作流:

  1. 连接到 Azure Cloud Shell 或已安装 Azure CLI 的客户端。
  2. 搜索 Azure 市场,并确定首选映像。
  3. 从市场映像创建新的托管磁盘。
  4. 将 VHD 从托管磁盘导出到 Azure 存储帐户。
  5. 清理托管磁盘。

有关详细信息,请转到使用 Azure PowerShell 在 Azure Stack Edge Pro 设备上部署 VM


在将 Azure 市场映像用于 Azure Stack Edge 之前,请确保已通过以下任一方式连接到 Azure。

搜索 Azure 市场映像

确定希望使用的特定 Azure 市场映像。 Azure 市场托管数以千计的 VM 映像。


az vm image list --all [--publisher <Publisher>] [--offer <Offer>] [--sku <SKU>]



#Returns all images of type "Windows Server"
az vm image list --all --publisher "MicrosoftWindowsserver" --offer "WindowsServer"

#Returns all Windows Server 2019 Datacenter images from West US published by Microsoft
az vm image list --all --location "westus" --publisher "MicrosoftWindowsserver" --offer "WindowsServer" --sku "2019-Datacenter"

#Returns all VM images from a publisher
az vm image list --all --publisher "Canonical"

以下是查询某个发布者、套餐和 SKU 的 VM 映像时的示例输出。

PS /home/user> az vm image list --all --publisher "Canonical" --offer "UbuntuServer" --sku "12.04.4-LTS"
    "offer": "UbuntuServer",
    "publisher": "Canonical",
    "sku": "12.04.4-LTS",
    "urn": "Canonical:UbuntuServer:12.04.4-LTS:12.04.201402270",
    "version": "12.04.201402270"
    "offer": "UbuntuServer",
    "publisher": "Canonical",
    "sku": "12.04.4-LTS",
    "urn": "Canonical:UbuntuServer:12.04.4-LTS:12.04.201404080",
    "version": "12.04.201404080"
    "offer": "UbuntuServer",
    "publisher": "Canonical",
    "sku": "12.04.4-LTS",
    "urn": "Canonical:UbuntuServer:12.04.4-LTS:12.04.201404280",
    "version": "12.04.201404280"
    "offer": "UbuntuServer",
    "publisher": "Canonical",
    "sku": "12.04.4-LTS",
    "urn": "Canonical:UbuntuServer:12.04.4-LTS:12.04.201405140",
    "version": "12.04.201405140"
    "offer": "UbuntuServer",
    "publisher": "Canonical",
    "sku": "12.04.4-LTS",
    "urn": "Canonical:UbuntuServer:12.04.4-LTS:12.04.201406060",
    "version": "12.04.201406060"
    "offer": "UbuntuServer",
    "publisher": "Canonical",
    "sku": "12.04.4-LTS",
    "urn": "Canonical:UbuntuServer:12.04.4-LTS:12.04.201406190",
    "version": "12.04.201406190"
    "offer": "UbuntuServer",
    "publisher": "Canonical",
    "sku": "12.04.4-LTS",
    "urn": "Canonical:UbuntuServer:12.04.4-LTS:12.04.201407020",
    "version": "12.04.201407020"
    "offer": "UbuntuServer",
    "publisher": "Canonical",
    "sku": "12.04.4-LTS",
    "urn": "Canonical:UbuntuServer:12.04.4-LTS:12.04.201407170",
    "version": "12.04.201407170"
PS /home/user>

在此示例中,我们将选择 Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Core 版本 2019.0.20190410。 我们将通过其通用资源号(“URN”)识别此映像。



下面是一些最常用映像的 URN 列表。 如果只需要特定 OS 的最新版本,则可以在 URN 中将版本号替换为“最新”。 例如,“MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2019-Datacenter:Latest”。

Windows Server 2019 Datacenter 17763.1879.2104091832 MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2019-Datacenter:17763.1879.2104091832
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter(30 GB 小型磁盘) 17763.1879.2104091832 MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2019-Datacenter-smalldisk:17763.1879.2104091832
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Core 17763.1879.2104091832 MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2019-Datacenter-Core:17763.1879.2104091832
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Core(30 GB 小型磁盘) 17763.1879.2104091832 MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2019-Datacenter-Core-smalldisk:17763.1879.2104091832
Windows 桌面 Windows 10 20H2 Pro 19042.928.2104091209 MicrosoftWindowsDesktop:Windows-10:20h2-pro:19042.928.2104091209
Ubuntu Server Canonical Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS 18.04.202002180 Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:18.04.202002180
Ubuntu Server Canonical Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS 16.04.202104160 Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-LTS:16.04.202104160


从所选市场映像创建 Azure 托管磁盘。

  1. 设置一些参数。

    $urn = <URN of the Marketplace image> #Example: “MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2019-Datacenter:Latest”
    $diskName = <disk name> #Name for new disk to be created
    $diskRG = <resource group> #Resource group that contains the new disk
  2. 创建磁盘并生成 SAS 访问 URL。

    az disk create -g $diskRG -n $diskName --image-reference $urn
    $sas = az disk grant-access --duration-in-seconds 36000 --access-level Read --name $diskName --resource-group $diskRG
    $diskAccessSAS = ($sas | ConvertFrom-Json)[0].accessSas


PS /home/user> $urn = “MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2019-Datacenter:Latest”
PS /home/user> $diskName = "newmanageddisk1"
PS /home/user> $diskRG = "newrgmd1"
PS /home/user> az disk create -g $diskRG -n $diskName --image-reference $urn
  "burstingEnabled": null,
  "creationData": {
    "createOption": "FromImage",
    "galleryImageReference": null,
    "imageReference": {
      "id": "/Subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/Providers/Microsoft.Compute/Locations/eastus/Publishers/MicrosoftWindowsServer/ArtifactTypes/VMImage/Offers/WindowsServer/Skus/2019-Datacenter/Versions/17763.1935.2105080716",
      "lun": null
    "logicalSectorSize": null,
    "sourceResourceId": null,
    "sourceUniqueId": null,
    "sourceUri": null,
    "storageAccountId": null,
    "uploadSizeBytes": null
  "diskAccessId": null,
  "diskIopsReadOnly": null,
  "diskIopsReadWrite": 500,
  "diskMBpsReadOnly": null,
  "diskMBpsReadWrite": 100,
  "diskSizeBytes": 136367308800,
  "diskSizeGb": 127,
  "diskState": "Unattached",
  "encryption": {
    "diskEncryptionSetId": null,
    "type": "EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformKey"
  "encryptionSettingsCollection": null,
  "extendedLocation": null,
  "hyperVGeneration": "V1",
  "id": "/subscriptions/aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e/resourceGroups/newrgmd1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/NewManagedDisk1",
  "location": "eastus",
  "managedBy": null,
  "managedByExtended": null,
  "maxShares": null,
  "name": "NewManagedDisk1",
  "networkAccessPolicy": "AllowAll",
  "osType": "Windows",
  "propertyUpdatesInProgress": null,
  "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
  "purchasePlan": null,
  "resourceGroup": "newrgmd1",
  "securityProfile": null,
  "shareInfo": null,
  "sku": {
    "name": "Premium_LRS",
    "tier": "Premium"
  "supportsHibernation": null,
  "tags": {},
  "tier": "P10",
  "timeCreated": "2021-06-08T00:39:34.205982+00:00",
  "type": "Microsoft.Compute/disks",
  "uniqueId": "1a649ad4-3b95-471e-89ef-1d2ed1f51525",
  "zones": null

PS /home/user> $sas = az disk grant-access --duration-in-seconds 36000 --access-level Read --name $diskName --resource-group $diskRG
PS /home/user>  $diskAccessSAS = ($sas | ConvertFrom-Json)[0].accessSas
PS /home/user>

将 VHD 从托管磁盘导出到 Azure 存储

此步骤会将 VHD 从托管磁盘导出到首选 Azure blob 存储帐户。 然后可以使用此 VHD 在 Azure Stack Edge 上创建 VM 映像。

  1. 设置复制 VHD 的目标存储帐户。

    $storageAccountName = <destination storage account name>
    $containerName = <destination container name>
    $destBlobName = <blobname.vhd> #Blob that will be created, including .vhd extension
    $storageAccountKey = <storage account key>
  2. 将 VHD 复制到目标存储帐户。

    $destContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $storageAccountKey
    Start-AzureStorageBlobCopy -AbsoluteUri $diskAccessSAS -DestContainer $containerName -DestContext $destContext -DestBlob $destBlobName

    VHD 复制需要几分钟才能完成。 通过运行以下命令来确保先完成复制,然后再继续操作。 状态字段会在完成时显示“成功”。

    Get-AzureStorageBlobCopyState –Container $containerName –Context $destContext -Blob $destBlobName


PS /home/user> $storageAccountName = "edgeazurevmeus"
PS /home/user> $containerName = "azurevmmp"
PS /home/user> $destBlobName = "newblobmp.vhd"
PS /home/user> $storageAccountKey = "n9sCytWLdTBz0F4Sco9SkPGWp6BJBtf7BJBk79msf1PfxJGQdqSfu6TboZWZ10xyZdc4y+Att08cC9B79jB0YA=="

PS /home/user> $destContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $storageAccountKey
PS /home/user> Start-AzureStorageBlobCopy -AbsoluteUri $diskAccessSAS -DestContainer $containerName -DestContext $destContext -DestBlob $destBlobName

   AccountName: edgeazurevmeus, ContainerName: azurevmmp

Name                 BlobType  Length          ContentType                    LastModified         AccessTier SnapshotTime                 IsDeleted  VersionId
----                 --------  ------          -----------                    ------------         ---------- ------------                 ---------  ---------
newblobmp.vhd        PageBlob  -1                                             2021-06-08 00:50:10Z                                         False

PS /home/user> Get-AzureStorageBlobCopyState –Container $containerName –Context $destContext -Blob $destBlobName

CopyId                  : 24a1e3f5-886a-490d-9dd7-562bb4acff58
CompletionTime          :
Status                  : Pending
Source                  : https://md-lfn221fppr2c.blob.core.windows.net/d4tb2hp5ff2q/abcd?sv=2018-03-28&sr=b&si=4f588db1-9aac-44d9-9607-35497cc08a7f
BytesCopied             : 696254464
TotalBytes              : 136367309312
StatusDescription       :
DestinationSnapshotTime :

PS /home/user> Get-AzureStorageBlobCopyState –Container $containerName –Context $destContext -Blob $destBlobName

CopyId                  : 24a1e3f5-886a-490d-9dd7-562bb4acff58
CompletionTime          : 6/8/2021 12:57:26 AM +00:00
Status                  : Success
Source                  : https://md-lfn221fppr2c.blob.core.windows.net/d4tb2hp5ff2q/abcd?sv=2018-03-28&sr=b&si=4f588db1-9aac-44d9-9607-35497cc08a7f
BytesCopied             : 136367309312
TotalBytes              : 136367309312
StatusDescription       :
DestinationSnapshotTime :



az disk revoke-access --name $diskName --resource-group $diskRG
az disk delete --name $diskName --resource-group $diskRG --yes



在 Azure Stack Edge Pro GPU 设备上部署 VM