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使用 MATLAB 查询数据
MATLAB 是一个编程和数值计算平台,用于分析数据、开发算法和创建模型。 本文介绍如何在适用于 Azure 数据资源管理器的 MATLAB 中获取授权令牌,以妨如何使用此令牌与群集进行交互。
选择用于运行 MATLAB 的操作系统的选项卡。
从 NuGet 下载 Microsoft Identity 客户端和 Microsoft Identity 抽象包。
从 lib\net45 中将下载的包和 DLL 文件提取到所选文件夹中。 在本文中,我们将会使用文件夹“C:\Matlab\DLL”。
执行用户身份验证时,系统会提示用户通过浏览器窗口登录。 成功登录后,将授予用户授权令牌。 本部分介绍如何配置此交互式登录流。
定义授权所需的常数。 有关这些值的详细信息,请参阅授权参数。
% The Azure Data Explorer cluster URL clusterUrl = 'https://<adx-cluster>.kusto.windows.net'; % The Azure AD tenant ID tenantId = ''; % Send a request to https://<adx-cluster>.kusto.windows.net/v1/rest/auth/metadata % The appId should be the value of KustoClientAppId appId = ''; % The Azure AD scopes scopesToUse = strcat(clusterUrl,'/.default ');
在 MATLAB 工作室中,加载提取的 DLL 文件:
% Access the folder that contains the DLL files dllFolder = fullfile("C:","Matlab","DLL"); % Load the referenced assemblies in the MATLAB session matlabDllFiles = dir(fullfile(dllFolder,'*.dll')); for k = 1:length(matlabDllFiles) baseFileName = matlabDllFiles(k).name; fullFileName = fullfile(dllFolder,baseFileName); fprintf(1, 'Reading %s\n', fullFileName); end % Load the downloaded assembly in MATLAB NET.addAssembly(fullFileName);
使用 PublicClientApplicationBuilder 提示用户进行交互式登录:
% Create an PublicClientApplicationBuilder app = Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(appId)... .WithAuthority(Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance.AzurePublic,tenantId)... .WithRedirectUri('http://localhost:8675')... .Build(); % System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; NET.setStaticProperty ('System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol',System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12) % Start with creating a list of scopes scopes = NET.createGeneric('System.Collections.Generic.List',{'System.String'}); % Add the actual scopes scopes.Add(scopesToUse); fprintf(1, 'Using appScope %s\n', scopesToUse); % Get the token from the service % and show the interactive dialog in which the user can login tokenAcquirer = app.AcquireTokenInteractive(scopes); result = tokenAcquirer.ExecuteAsync; % Extract the token and when it expires % and retrieve the returned token token = char(result.Result.AccessToken); fprintf(2, 'User token aquired and will expire at %s & extended expires at %s', result.Result.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime.ToString,result.Result.ExtendedExpiresOn.ToLocalTime.ToString);
使用授权令牌通过 REST API 查询群集:
options=weboptions('HeaderFields',{'RequestMethod','POST';'Accept' 'application/json';'Authorization' ['Bearer ', token]; 'Content-Type' 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; 'Connection' 'Keep-Alive'; 'x-ms-app' 'Matlab'; 'x-ms-client-request-id' 'Matlab-Query-Request'}); % The DB and KQL variables represent the database and query to execute querydata = struct('db', "<DB>", 'csl', "<KQL>"); querryresults = webwrite("https://sdktestcluster.westeurope.dev.kusto.windows.net/v2/rest/query", querydata, options); % Extract the results row results=querryresults{3}.Rows
Microsoft Entra 应用程序授权可用于不需要交互式登录且需要自动运行的情况。
预配 Microsoft Entra 应用程序。 在“重定向 URI”处,选择“Web”,在 URI 处输入“http://localhost:8675”。
定义授权所需的常数。 有关这些值的详细信息,请参阅授权参数。
% The Azure Data Explorer cluster URL clusterUrl = 'https://<adx-cluster>.kusto.windows.net'; % The Azure AD tenant ID tenantId = ''; % The Azure AD application ID and key appId = ''; appSecret = '';
在 MATLAB 工作室中,加载提取的 DLL 文件:
% Access the folder that contains the DLL files dllFolder = fullfile("C:","Matlab","DLL"); % Load the referenced assemblies in the MATLAB session matlabDllFiles = dir(fullfile(dllFolder,'*.dll')); for k = 1:length(matlabDllFiles) baseFileName = matlabDllFiles(k).name; fullFileName = fullfile(dllFolder,baseFileName); fprintf(1, 'Reading %s\n', fullFileName); end % Load the downloaded assembly NET.addAssembly(fullFileName);
使用 ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder 对 Microsoft Entra 应用程序执行非交互式自动登录:
% Create an ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder app = Microsoft.Identity.Client.ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(appId)... .WithAuthority(Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance.AzurePublic,tenantId)... .WithRedirectUri('http://localhost:8675')... .WithClientSecret(appSecret)... .Build(); % System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; NET.setStaticProperty ('System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol',System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12) % Start with creating a list of scopes scopes = NET.createGeneric('System.Collections.Generic.List',{'System.String'}); % Add the actual scopes scopes.Add(scopesToUse); fprintf(1, 'Using appScope %s\n', scopesToUse); % Get the token from the service and cache it until it expires tokenAcquirer = app.AcquireTokenForClient(scopes); result = tokenAcquirer.ExecuteAsync; % Extract the token and when it expires % retrieve the returned token token = char(result.Result.AccessToken); fprintf(2, 'User token aquired and will expire at %s & extended expires at %s', result.Result.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime.ToString,result.Result.ExtendedExpiresOn.ToLocalTime.ToString);
使用授权令牌通过 REST API 查询群集:
options=weboptions('HeaderFields',{'RequestMethod','POST';'Accept' 'application/json';'Authorization' ['Bearer ', token]; 'Content-Type' 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; 'Connection' 'Keep-Alive'; 'x-ms-app' 'Matlab'; 'x-ms-client-request-id' 'Matlab-Query-Request'}); % The DB and KQL variables represent the database and query to execute querydata = struct('db', "<DB>", 'csl', "<KQL>"); querryresults = webwrite("https://sdktestcluster.westeurope.dev.kusto.windows.net/v2/rest/query", querydata, options); % Extract the results row results=querryresults{3}.Rows
- 使用 REST API 查询群集