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教程:第 3 部分 - 使用 Azure AI Foundry SDK 评估自定义聊天应用程序
在本教程中,你将使用 Azure AI SDK(和其他库)来评估在本教程系列的第 2 部分中构建的聊天应用。 在第 3 部分中,你将学习如何:
- 创建评估数据集
- 使用 Azure AI 评估程序评估聊天应用
- 循环访问和改进应用
- 完成本教程系列的第 2 部分才能构建聊天应用程序。
- 确保你已完成第 2 部分中添加遥测日志记录的步骤。
将评估程序与评估数据集和 get_chat_response()
在 assets 文件夹中创建名为 chat_eval_data.jsonl 的文件。
{"query": "Which tent is the most waterproof?", "truth": "The Alpine Explorer Tent has the highest rainfly waterproof rating at 3000m"} {"query": "Which camping table holds the most weight?", "truth": "The Adventure Dining Table has a higher weight capacity than all of the other camping tables mentioned"} {"query": "How much do the TrailWalker Hiking Shoes cost? ", "truth": "The Trailewalker Hiking Shoes are priced at $110"} {"query": "What is the proper care for trailwalker hiking shoes? ", "truth": "After each use, remove any dirt or debris by brushing or wiping the shoes with a damp cloth."} {"query": "What brand is TrailMaster tent? ", "truth": "OutdoorLiving"} {"query": "How do I carry the TrailMaster tent around? ", "truth": " Carry bag included for convenient storage and transportation"} {"query": "What is the floor area for Floor Area? ", "truth": "80 square feet"} {"query": "What is the material for TrailBlaze Hiking Pants?", "truth": "Made of high-quality nylon fabric"} {"query": "What color does TrailBlaze Hiking Pants come in?", "truth": "Khaki"} {"query": "Can the warrenty for TrailBlaze pants be transfered? ", "truth": "The warranty is non-transferable and applies only to the original purchaser of the TrailBlaze Hiking Pants. It is valid only when the product is purchased from an authorized retailer."} {"query": "How long are the TrailBlaze pants under warranty for? ", "truth": " The TrailBlaze Hiking Pants are backed by a 1-year limited warranty from the date of purchase."} {"query": "What is the material for PowerBurner Camping Stove? ", "truth": "Stainless Steel"} {"query": "Is France in Europe?", "truth": "Sorry, I can only queries related to outdoor/camping gear and equipment"}
使用 Azure AI 评估程序进行评估
- 围绕聊天应用逻辑生成一个目标函数包装器。
- 上传示例
数据集。 - 运行评估,该评估采用目标函数,并将评估数据集与聊天应用的响应合并。
- 生成一组 GPT 辅助指标(相关性、真实性和连贯性)来评估聊天应用响应的质量。
- 在本地输出结果,并将结果记录到云项目中。
通过脚本,可以在本地查看结果,方法是将结果输出到命令行和 json 文件。
在主文件夹中创建名为 evaluate.py 的文件。
import os import pandas as pd from azure.ai.projects import AIProjectClient from azure.ai.projects.models import ConnectionType from azure.ai.evaluation import evaluate, GroundednessEvaluator from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential from chat_with_products import chat_with_products # load environment variables from the .env file at the root of this repo from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # create a project client using environment variables loaded from the .env file project = AIProjectClient.from_connection_string( conn_str=os.environ["AIPROJECT_CONNECTION_STRING"], credential=DefaultAzureCredential() ) connection = project.connections.get_default(connection_type=ConnectionType.AZURE_OPEN_AI, include_credentials=True) evaluator_model = { "azure_endpoint": connection.endpoint_url, "azure_deployment": os.environ["EVALUATION_MODEL"], "api_version": "2024-06-01", "api_key": connection.key, } groundedness = GroundednessEvaluator(evaluator_model)
def evaluate_chat_with_products(query): response = chat_with_products(messages=[{"role": "user", "content": query}]) return {"response": response["message"].content, "context": response["context"]["grounding_data"]}
最后,添加代码以运行评估,在本地查看结果,并提供一个指向 Azure AI Foundry 门户中的评估结果的链接:
# Evaluate must be called inside of __main__, not on import if __name__ == "__main__": from config import ASSET_PATH # workaround for multiprocessing issue on linux from pprint import pprint from pathlib import Path import multiprocessing import contextlib with contextlib.suppress(RuntimeError): multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn", force=True) # run evaluation with a dataset and target function, log to the project result = evaluate( data=Path(ASSET_PATH) / "chat_eval_data.jsonl", target=evaluate_chat_with_products, evaluation_name="evaluate_chat_with_products", evaluators={ "groundedness": groundedness, }, evaluator_config={ "default": { "query": {"${data.query}"}, "response": {"${target.response}"}, "context": {"${target.context}"}, } }, azure_ai_project=project.scope, output_path="./myevalresults.json", ) tabular_result = pd.DataFrame(result.get("rows")) pprint("-----Summarized Metrics-----") pprint(result["metrics"]) pprint("-----Tabular Result-----") pprint(tabular_result) pprint(f"View evaluation results in AI Studio: {result['studio_url']}")
在本教程系列的第 1 部分中,你创建了一个指定评估模型名称 (gpt-4o-mini
) 的 .env 文件。 如果有可用配额,请尝试增加此模型的每分钟令牌限制。 如果没有足够的配额来增加该值,请不要担心。 该脚本能够处理限制错误。
- 在 Azure AI Foundry 门户中的项目中,选择“模型 + 终结点”。
- 选择“gpt-4o-mini”。
- 选择“编辑” 。
- 如果有配额来增加“每分钟令牌数速率限制”,请尝试将其增加到 30。
- 选择“保存并关闭”。
在控制台中,使用 Azure CLI 登录到 Azure 帐户:
az login
pip install azure-ai-evaluation[remote]
python evaluate.py
在控制台输出中,你会看到每个问题的答案,后跟一个包含汇总指标的表。 (输出会存在不同的列。)
如果无法增加模型的每分钟令牌数限制,则可能会看到一些超时错误,这在意料之中。 评估脚本能够处理这些错误并继续运行。
你可能还会看到许多 WARNING:opentelemetry.attributes:
- 可以放心地忽略这些警告,它们不会影响评估结果。
'-----Summarized Metrics-----'
{'groundedness.gpt_groundedness': 1.6666666666666667,
'groundedness.groundedness': 1.6666666666666667}
'-----Tabular Result-----'
outputs.response ... line_number
0 Could you specify which tent you are referring... ... 0
1 Could you please specify which camping table y... ... 1
2 Sorry, I only can answer queries related to ou... ... 2
3 Could you please clarify which aspects of care... ... 3
4 Sorry, I only can answer queries related to ou... ... 4
5 The TrailMaster X4 Tent comes with an included... ... 5
6 (Failed) ... 6
7 The TrailBlaze Hiking Pants are crafted from h... ... 7
8 Sorry, I only can answer queries related to ou... ... 8
9 Sorry, I only can answer queries related to ou... ... 9
10 Sorry, I only can answer queries related to ou... ... 10
11 The PowerBurner Camping Stove is designed with... ... 11
12 Sorry, I only can answer queries related to ou... ... 12
[13 rows x 8 columns]
('View evaluation results in Azure AI Foundry portal: '
在 Azure AI Foundry 门户中查看评估结果
评估运行完成后,请点击链接在 Azure AI Foundry 门户中的评估页面上查看评估结果。
还可以查看各个行并查看每行的指标分数,并查看检索到的完整上下文/文档。 这些指标有助于解释和调试评估结果。
有关 Azure AI Foundry 门户中的评估结果的详细信息,请参阅如何在 Azure AI Foundry 门户中查看评估结果。
请注意,答复没有充分的依据。 在许多情况下,模型会回复问题但并非答案。 这是提示模板说明的结果。
- 在 assets/grounded_chat.prompty 文件中,找到“如果问题与户外/露营装备和服装有关,但含糊不清,要求澄清问题,而不是引用文档”这句话。
- 将句子更改为“如果问题与户外/露营装备和服装有关,但含糊不清,请尝试根据参考文档回答,然后要求澄清问题”。
- 保存文件并重新运行评估脚本。
为了避免产生不必要的 Azure 成本,如果不再需要在本快速入门中创建的资源,应该将其删除。 若要管理资源,可以使用 Azure 门户。