What is holding back mobile access to enterprise applications?

This week's InformationWeek (published Oct 30th) has an in-depth analysis on the factors that hold back mobile access to enterprise applications. A survey was conducted with more than 500 business technology professionals. Here are the results:

1. High cost

2. Inadequate security

3. Lack of integration

4. Limitations of wireless broadband

5. Inadequate mobile app development

6. Not a high IT priority

7. Short battery life

8. Management requirements

9. Inadequate device screens and formats

10. Lack of industry standards

11. Inadequate device memory

12. Other

Right now, the most popular enterprise applications are E-mail, personal contact and calendar, among others.

As a mobile platform, what Windows Mobile can do to help potential enterprise customers? For one thing, Windows Mobile will need to get involved with security standardization such as Mobile Trusted Module. The .Net Compact Framework has already provided a powerful software platform that for mobile application development on Windows Mobile devices. Porting an enterprise application onto Windows Mobile becomes a lot easier with the framework.
