I know, I know. Macros are evil. So just FYI, with those:
#define FOR_EACH( ___T, ___V, ___C ) \
___T * ___V ; \
Enumerator<___T> __enum_##___V(___C) ; \
while ( (__enum_##___V).MoveNext() ? ( ___V = __enum_##___V.get_Current() , true): false )
#define FOR_EACHV( ___T, ___V, ___C ) \
___T __box * ___V ; \
ValueEnumerator<___T> __enum_##___V(___C) ; \
while ( (__enum_##___V).MoveNext() ? ( ___V = __enum_##___V.get_Current() , true): false )
You can write:
FOR_EACH( Module, m, Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly()->GetModules() )
Console::WriteLine( S"\n\nTypes of module {0}:", m->Name ) ;
FOR_EACH( Type, t, m->GetTypes() )
Console::WriteLine( S"{0}", t->Name ) ;
Console::WriteLine( S"\n\nMethods of module {0}:", m->Name ) ;
FOR_EACH( MethodInfo, mi, m->GetMethods() )
Console::WriteLine( S"{0}", mi->Name ) ;
Console::WriteLine( S"\n\nFields of module {0}:", m->Name ) ;
FOR_EACH( FieldInfo, fi, m->GetFields() )
Console::WriteLine( S"{0}", fi->Name ) ;
Int32 ai __gc [] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } ;
FOR_EACHV( Int32, i, ai )
Console::WriteLine( S"{0}", i->ToString() ) ;
- Anonymous
March 08, 2004
Check this out for a more elaborate (evil? ;-) FOR_EACH implementation by Eric Niebler: - Anonymous
March 09, 2004
Indeed! Thank you very much Fred.
I really need to keep on reading and finishing that book on Modern C++ Design! ;-) - Anonymous
March 09, 2004
I wonder if he's working on a version that could handle managed C++ reference types.