Countdown to MEDC
MEDC is almost here! This year I'm giving a talk on the Windows Mobile security model, which has traditionally been a source of much confusion both inside and outside Microsoft. So if you've ever wondered why you can't run -- or debug -- your app on a particular device, come to the talk and hopefully I can demystify the process for you.
I'm actually not on the Windows Mobile security team; my day job is development lead for "Shell API and Developer Experience". "Shell API" is pretty self-explanatory, but "Developer Experience" may not be. Think of it as "Looking out for the interests of Windows Mobile ISVs". And since the security model can have a large impact on ISVs, that's how I got involved.
MEDC is a great chance for you to learn about our products and technologies, but it's also a great chance for us at Microsoft to learn from you. We want to know what problems you're facing, what solutions you're implementing, what you like and don't like about our products, and what you'd like to see in future releases. I'll be in the "Device Testing and Porting Lab" at MEDC on Tuesday and Wednesday from noon to 4:00, and would love to hear from you.
- Jason Fuller
- Anonymous
May 06, 2006
little offtopic
Since release wm2005 I've heard what its first wm os which you can manage area codes formating. wm2003 isn't support it at all there no such thing in SDK2003. I got first fast look at SDK2005 and can't find this, can you confirm is it possible? - Anonymous
June 08, 2006