Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Rui Melo

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See An index to all Rangers covered on this blog for more details.

Who you are?

I’m a senior consultant for Microsoft Services in Portugal. My line of work is mostly IW (Information Worker), where I deliver projects around the office platform (mainly SharePoint related). Actively involved in community activities (SharePoint User Group Portugal).The spare time I invest in family activities and photography.

What makes you “tick”?

  • My family
  • Photography
  • The sea

Where you live?

Western Europe – Portugal – Lisbon – Oeiras(

Where is the place you call home?

Home is wherever my wife and 3 kids are J If there is something I’ve come to learn in the last 10 years is that the world is a small place. I’ve come to consider it cosy, as long as the family is around.

Why are you active in the Rangers program?

Ranger community is one of the best formulas I know to bring the community into Microsoft. In addition, as MS Services employee, I don’t have much of a chance in my day-of-work, to cooperate closer to the product line. The most important points for me are:

  • leveraging the information from the field back into the product group
  • bring the community (MVPs) closer to the Company
  • VS is a heck of a product; stable, powerful, recognised by the developer community as THE development environment. On top of this is as flexible and expandable as your imagination can reach!
  • This Team is a GREAT Team. The selection of feasible and useful projects that actually get to be delivered and appreciated are top achievements.

What is the best Rangers project you worked in and why?

The best Ranger project is always the current one, as that one is where all the buzz and hype is :)

The picture was taken in Seattle aboard a 70 foot sail boat called Obsession :) … isn’t that just the perfect name?

Rui’s blog –>