Top 10 posts from this blog and other stats

While checking some of the questions and comments from my blog, starting thinking which of my blog posts are actually the most popular and which has the most of comments. So here’s some stats just for fun and more for my personal usage. Stats are taken from the blog system at 15th of August 2014. I’m not expecting this blog post to be among the top entries of this blog, but it also gives nice insights on the most interesting topics at least in this blog.

Top 10 most read posts

Obviously older posts always have more reads, but we can clearly see which one’s have been the most interesting one’s for the audience. One of the consideration is also the size of the blog post, which directly impacts on the findability due key word matching with search engines.

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SharePoint 2010 and web templates


When I wrote this one back in 2010, it was the only real documentation out there related on the web template. Longest post I’ve done, but whole point was to explain the reasoning and advantages of the new model we introduced in 2010. It’s actually kind of ironic that now we are then trying to teach our partners and customers away from this pattern for the benefit of the CSOM based model, due the maintenance and operation issues with web templates. At the time this was however by far the best possible option for on-premises or cloud for providing alternate templates.  This was one of the pre-read materials for MCM (Microsoft Certified Master) training and lot of the concepts where covered in there when the program existed. I did all 18 rotations as content owner and instructor, so it was sad to see the program to end.

How to – SharePoint 2010 – JS client object model and UI advancements


Pretty similar story as with the web templates. This was hot topic in 2010 and when we did alpha and beta tranings for selected partners, it was evident that this would be highly asked capability. Since there was nothing in MSDN, I quickly wrote something up for helping on showing how to use the oob JS capabilities.

SharePoint 2013 IT Pro and Developer training materials released


During SP2013 time frame I worked as program manager for the Ignite program, which was responsible of the global readiness materials for the field. Playing with the alpha or beta 1 versions of the product are always at the same time painful and interesting. You never knew which build will work and which not, but at the same time you will just have to start creating slides and labs. We had lot of people involved in the Ignite content creration and this was the release blog post on getting the material out during Beta 2 big bang launch. This was personally the second time I worked on the Ignite program (2010 & 2013) for creating the initial global readiness materials for SharePoint.

Controlling publishing features from onet.xml


This is actually from 2007 (more than 7 years) and my second blog post ever. At the time we were cracking the code of the onet.xml and I could not find proper documentation explain the options for the publishing feature properties, so had to explain that in detail for the benefit of the others.

Controlling navigation options from the onet.xml


Another one from 2007 which is actually the first blog post I ever wrote. Another onet.xml and publishing feature related topic with proper screenshot on the UI comparison.

Site provisioning techniques and remote provisioning in SharePoint 2013


It’s actually good to see this one pretty high in the list as well, since this IS the future of site provisioning models with SharePoint and pattern gives us lot of benefits compared to web templates, site templates or site definitions. This is kind of follow up on the Web Template post with updated guidance and details on recommended options. Graphics on this one were heavily used also in the

SharePoint 2010 Virtual Machine for customers & partners now available


At the time all the SharePoint development had to be done using VMs, so the fact that we got trial version out with SP and VS was pretty big deal.

FTC to CAM – Stop creating content types and site columns declaratively


One of the posts with most of the comments, due the fact it’s telling something which will be later updated also to the MSDN. We learn to do SharePoint customizations using xml, so when statement suddenly changes, it’s causing lot of questions. Good to see however that non-xml based provisioning is taking some ground, since that will be better for the deployments in long run.

New advance SharePoint 2010 training material released


I was also involved in the SharePoint 2010 Ignite program for creating readiness material for that release. Developer side was done by me and Todd Carter and we had some great time in the deliveries of these cross the world. This was the public availability statement for the material, so it got some reads.

Continuous integration in MOSS development using TFS


Pretty old post from 2008 based on the ALM patterns we used with SharePoint 2007 and Visual Studio 2008. Thank god we have proper tooling nowadays for this stuff, since at the time this was pretty difficult.


Top 10 posts with most comments

These are also pretty interesting stats. There are quite a few posts which are also in the most visits list, but then there are those, which have been slightly different or show something which existing documentation has not been in place and there has been quite a few questions on the covered topic.

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SharePoint 2010 and web templates


Lot of questions and comments on the topic… it’s pretty long post, so understandable.

FTC to CAM – Stop creating content types and site columns declaratively


This one had few long discussions in the comments from the people who could not believe why Microsoft would recommend this…  Try to move away from the xml based provisioning to align with the service and product roadmap.

Site provisioning techniques and remote provisioning in SharePoint 2013


Also in the top 10 most reads, so understandable with nice graphics and video.

SharePoint 2013 IT Pro and Developer training materials released


Also in top 10 most reads.

Provisioning site collections using SP App model in on-premises with just CSOM


This one is only few months old, but has got lot of reads, since we are still missing this from the MSDN. Or it’s actually currently only in downloads, but not released from the MSDN site as such. There’s lot of interest for the app model also in on-premises and this explains the required steps to get started with site collection provisioning, which is the #1 ask with app model.

How to – SharePoint 2010 – JS client object model and UI advancements


Top 2 in the most reads, so understandable.

Office365 – Multilingual content types, site columns and other site elements


This is area where we don’t have that much in the MSDN either, so it’s causing lot of questions.

Getting started on building social Intranets with SharePoint and Yammer


This one is not in the top 10 reads, but has lot of questions, since the Yammer development is not quite main stream, but customers are asking about the details quite often. Unfortunately Yammer guys decided to change their APIs, so right now the code shown in here is partly out-dated. New post coming sooner or later with details.

Provisioning site collections using SP App in on-premises


This is older version of the on-premises app model usage for site collection creation with some nice example code on how to build WCF proxy for app model.

Controlling publishing features from onet.xml


7 year old post with some Q&A discussions. This was pretty hot topic when we created custom definitions back in 2007 time frame… please do not create them anymore.


This was more for personal fun, but wanted to also share the view counts and comments for others as well, since every now and then I get the question on how many views these blog posts actually get.