Games Resources and all that jazz...

Having played my X-Box 360 to death over Christmas (yes I finally got one!), and in the process forgetting all my coding skills, it was time to give the brain a bit of post-holiday clean out. What better way than to get the low-down on Direct-X programming?!

The following are a bunch of useful resources on Direct X programming and some of the math behind the games (always useful to know a bit of theory)

Hope you find them as useful as me. Have you got any other resources you think I should know about?! Drop a comment on the blog to let me know!

Ian (while(true) { renderBlog(); } )

Microsoft Direct X Message Board

Coding 4 Fun Website – Their gaming tutorial has got A LOT of useful content

Direct X

A number of interesting Slide decks from GDC 2005


  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2006
    Gamasutra is one of the websites I love for up-to-date and useful gaming codes!
  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2006
    There's only 1 place for managed directX, even if I do say so myself :-)

    (There are other places but they are all linked from The ZBuffer)