Built in Reports with SQL Server 2005

Question: I was talking with someone today and they were telling me about some of the new features of SQL Server 2005. They had mentioned that there was some built in reports that showed my server status. I just finished installing SQL Server 2005 and don’t see them? Any ideas where they may be?


Answer: One of the new features of SQL Server 2005 is SQL Server Management Studio. The reports are part of the built in management interface and are a very nice way to see a variety of statistics about your server.


As an example you can follow these steps.

1.       Start SQL Server Management studio and log into your database.

2.       Within the Server Object Explorer select the Server name and the Report button lights up

3.       Select the drop down to the see the list of reports available for the server

4.       As an example select the Server Dashboard to see an overview report of your server

You can also select an individual database to see the reports available.


  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2006
    Since the perf bottleneck of many TFS systems will be the SQL Server instance where the databases reside,

  • Anonymous
    November 21, 2006
    SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Reports