Standardize Data Management with Custom Content Types

The vast number of disparate documents and other content items stored throughout a large organization can make it difficult to manage documents, their associated metadata, and their behaviors in a centralized and reusable way. In the February issue of TechNet Magazine, we discuss how content types in SharePoint 2007 can simplify content management across the enterprise.

Pav Cherny demonstrates how to use the new content model to build hierarchies for enterprise content based on general characteristics. "These content hierarchies," he explains, "enable uniform application of metadata, workflows, and information management policies at a global level, while also providing the flexibility to accommodate unique content management needs at the level of site collections, sites, document libraries, and lists." Pav also created some custom tools, available in the accompanying code, that can be customized to your particular needs.

And for more information on SharePoint, see these online resources:
