SQL Q&A: Non-Clustered Indexes and Retaining Permissions

The ever-changing and ever-growing databases you have to manage these days can really keep you on your toes. There are always new problems to tackle and new questions to ask.  Every other month (it used to be monthly, but now we're answering Exchange questions also), we get database experts to answer your SQL questions. In the February issue, Saleem Hakani and Dan Carollo look at non-clustered indexes and techniques for retaining permissions.

Question: What are non-clustered indexes, and what are the pros and cons of using them?

Question: How can I avoid losing permissions when a subscription is reinitialized? I have experienced the problem several times that when a snapshot is reinitialized, it loses all the granted permissions.

For answers to these two questions, check out the latest installment of SQL Q&A. And browse some of our past installments for lots of handy tips and techniques you can use to improve SQL Server performance and simplify the task of managing your databases:
