Security Watch: User Account Control
UAC. Does anyone really have mild feelings about this much-discussed feature of Windows Vista?
I didn't think so.
And proving my point, in the September 2007 installment of our Security Watch column, Jesper Johansson explains what UAC is... and what it isn't. He also shows how using UAC correctly represents one step down the road of empowering users to make their own educated decisions about the security of their systems.
Jesper mentions it in his column, but I'd also recommend going back to the June 2007 issue of TechNet Magazine to read Mark Russinovich's deep-dive inside Windows Vista User Account Control. Mark's article imparts excellent information about UAC on its own, but also provides valuable background for Jesper's discussion.
Of course, don't forget to check in on the TechNet Security Center for security bulletins, webcasts, tools, and other information that helps you keep your systems safe.
Terrence Dorsey