Hey, Scripting Guy! The Return of WinRM

Tune in to the next episode of scripting WinRM—the intriguing new technology that promises to make remote management of your computers much easier. As Part 2 proves, working with the raw XML data returned by WinRM is not nearly as daunting as you might think. The Scripting Guys show you a simple way to parse and format XML data—without having to rely on the XSLT transform. If you somehow, inexplicably, failed to catch Part 1 in the November issue, you’ll probably want to look at that column first.

What you definitely don’t want to miss is Dr. Scripto's Scripting Perplexer, the new brainteaser now appearing in every Hey Scripting Guy! column.

While you're at it, take a look at all of the scripting coverage in our TechNet Magazine archives.
