Connecting Users with Office Communications Server 2007

Keeping in touch with customers, partners, and colleagues is an essential part of being successful. If you can't communicate, business often grinds to a halt. 

In the September 2007 issue of TechNet Magazine, Alan Maddison explains how Office Communications Server 2007 improves the unified messaging experience available through Live Communications Server 2005.

Office Communication Server MMC snap-in

In addition to architectural and administration improvements, Office Communications Server 2007 includes a new client, Office Communicator. It also features new and enhanced capabilities such as Enterprise Voice, on-premise Web conferencing, enhanced presence and instant messaging, and federation.

We're just starting our coverage of Communications Server with this issue, but stay tuned for more in future issues. In the meantime, check the TechNet Magazine archives for past coverage of mobility and messaging topics.

Also, be sure to visit the TechNet Live Communications Server and Office Communications Server tech centers for articles, downloads, and other useful deployment and management information.

Terrence Dorsey
