Cool feature for a news aggregator
Nobody wants to post a link to a story that is old news. All you aggregator writers, how about a “check this link” feature against the recent entries in your blog roll? That way when I post the Developer Roadmap, I won't feel bad when I realize Scoble already blogged this last week. Grr...
- Anonymous
August 03, 2003
SharpReader has neato little Search textbox that links into just used it to look for "microsoft developer product roadmap" and got quite a few results back...might want to check it out! ;) - Anonymous
August 03, 2003
try SharpReader. It has a threading feature that will show other posts in your subscriptions that point to the same URL.
Or, try Feedster or Technorati and search for the specific link. - Anonymous
June 08, 2009
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