RSA Authentication Manager User Auditing
RSA Authentication Manager exports the list of users and SecurID fobs in a text format with multiline records. Moreover, if the user does not have a SecurID, the number of fields displayed is truncated. Fortunately, .CSV will gladly accept 'short' records. Here is a way to convert the User.DMP file that lists all users in the RSA Authentication Manager DB, and their fobs if present:
param (
[string]$dmpPath = "$home\desktop\users.dmp",
[string]$csvPath = $null
if (!(Test-Path $dmpPath)) { Write-Error "-dmpPath $dmpPath not found"; }
if (!$csvPath) { $csvPath = "$dmpPath.csv";
& {
$buffer = $null;
gc $dmpPath | % {
$line = $_ -replace "[\s]+", " ";
if (($line -match '->') -or ($line -match '^\s*$')) {
$line = $line -replace "\s+", "`t";
$buffer += "`t$line";
if (
!($buffer -match "^\s*User\s+Name") -and
!($buffer -match "^\s*User\s+Report") -and
!($buffer -match "^\s*$")
) {
$buffer -replace "\s+->\s+", "`t" -replace "Key`tFob", "Key Fob" -replace "^", '"' -replace "`t", '","' -replace "$", '"';
$buffer = $null;
} else {
$line = $line -replace "\s+(\S+)\s*$", "`t`$1";
$buffer += "$line`t";
} | Set-Content $csvPath -Encoding ascii;