Remotely Logging off RDP Sessions
In our lab, we don't have Terminal Services Licensing set up. This means our servers have only 2 logon sessions per host. We have a GPO in place to log off non-console sessions after 24 hours of idle time, but we also have tradition of playfully chiding people idling on the logon sessions.
Here's a script to log off a bunch of machines:
function Logoff-RemoteComputer {
param (
[string[]]$computer = @(),
[string]$userName = $env:USERNAME,
if ($verbose) { $local:verbosePreference = 'continue'; }
$quser = (Get-Command -CommandType Application -Name quser -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Definition
if (!$quser) {
Write-Warning "qusuer.exe not found. Skipping.";
return $false;
} else {
Write-Verbose "quser found at $quser";
foreach ($myComputer in $computer) {
if (!$myComputer) { continue;}
Write-Progress "querying" $myComputer;
Write-Verbose "processing $myComputer";
foreach ($mySession in (& cmd /c $quser /server:$myComputer "2>NUL" | Select-String $userName)) {
Write-Verbose "Session: $mySession";
if ($mySession -match $userName) {
$sessionName = $mySession -replace "^\s*$userName\s+" -replace "\s+.*";
Write-Progress "logging off" $mySession;
Write-Verbose "session $Sessionname";
logoff $sessionName /server:$myComputer;
- Anonymous
June 24, 2011
On a related note, if we search for "s0s" instead of "$userName", we can get all the people sitting on the /console (or /admin) session.