One-Liner: Setting Default Web Proxy for Windows Server 2003 and 2008
Our labs run a mix of Windows Server 2003 and 2008. Setting a proxy in Windows Server 2003 is as follows:
CMD> proxycfg.exe proxy.fqdn *.first.excluded.domain;*.second.excluded.domain;*
Windows Server 2008 doesn’t have proxycfg.exe, so the command is:
CMD> netsh.exe winhttp set proxy proxy-server="proxy.fqdn" bypass-list="*.first.excluded.domain;*.second.excluded.domain;*"
Of course, Windows Server 2003's version of netsh.exe doesn't support setting the proxy...
January 22, 2014
Thanks. This saved me time looking for how to do it on W2K3.Anonymous
January 23, 2014
Well, look at the good news - this will all be irrelevant come 2015-07-14...