Is .Net 3.5 Installed?
A quick-and-dirty way to determine if .NET 3.5SP1 is installed.
$path = "\\$myComputer\c$\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\csc.exe";
if((Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $myComputer -Query "select * from Win32_OperatingSystem").OsArchitecture -eq '64-bit') { $path = $path -replace "Framework", "Framework64"; }
if (!(Test-Path $path)) {
$return = $false;
} elseif (!( (Get-Command $path).FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion -match '3\.5\.30729\.')) {
$return = $false;
Two caveats.
This doesn't account for $env:windir on the remote machine. Our labs have a very set layout, so we don't have to worry about that. Otherwise, we'd have to do something along the lines of
$winDir = (Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $myComputer -Query "select * from Win32_Environment where username='<system>' and name='windir'").VariableValue -replace ":", "$";
However, this doesn't address the case where $env:windir is actually set to %systemroot%, which is then interpolated. Ouch.
This is why I prefer our lab setup.
3.5.30729 is the major.minor.micro version, but there's a sub-micro version value as well. That sub-micro version value varies between 2008 and below (".1") and 2008R2, ('.4926').
June 30, 2011
Maybe extract info from this..
July 07, 2011
It looks at HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftNET Framework SetupNDP, so we could just do the same thing and see what subkeys exist under it. Thanks!