Getting Remote Event Logs
Here's a quick-and dirty script to save event logs via LogParser.
function Get-RemoteEventLog {
## Get-RemoteEventLog [-computer <string>] [-log <string>]
## [-logpath <string>] [-logParserPath <string>] [-clause <string>]
## [-day <int>] | [-help]
## Saves Event Log from remote machine via LogParser.exe as CSV (to
## %TEMP% folder by default).
## -computer <string>
## Computer from which to download Event Log. Default: localhost.
## -log <string>
## Event Log to save. Default: Application
## -logPath <string>
## Full/path/to/saved-log.csv. Default: %TEMP% folder, named
## <computer>-<log>-<timestamp in yyyyMMddhhmmss format>.csv
## -logParserPath <string>
## Full/path/to/logparser.exe. Default: network share for
## LogParser 2.2 package (the EXE, DLL, etc.)
## -clause <string>
## Filtering clause. Default: "(EventTypeName LIKE 'Warn%' OR
## EventTypeName LIKE 'Error%')". Note the beginning 'WHERE' is
## not part of the argument. Set to $null to get INFO and SUCCESS
## log entries as well as ERROR and WARNING.
## -day <int>
## Additional filter for date. Default: 1 day. Set to 0 to get
## all days in log.
## -help
## Show this text and exit.
[string]$computer = "$env:computerName",
[string]$log = 'Application',
[string]$logParserPath = '\\path\to\Log Parser 2.2\LogParser.exe',
[string]$clause = "(EventTypeName LIKE 'Warn%' OR EventTypeName LIKE 'Error%')",
[int]$day = 1,
if ($help) {
((Get-Content function:\Get-RemoteEventLog).ToString().Split("`n") | Select-String "^\s+##") -replace '^\s+##\s?';
$dateStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddhhmmss";
if (!$logPath) { $logPath = "$env:temp\$computer-$log-$datestamp.csv"; }
if ($day -ge 0) {
if ($clause) { $clause += " AND"; }
$start = Get-Date ((Get-Date) - (New-TimeSpan -Days $day)) -format 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss';
$clause += " (TimeWritten >= '$start')";
if ($clause) { $clause = "WHERE $clause"; }
$query = "SELECT * INTO '$logPath' FROM \\$computer\$log $clause";
Write-Verbose "query: '$query'";
$output = & $logParserPath -i:evt -fulltext:off -o:csv -tabs:off $query;
Write-Verbose "output: '$output'";
if (Test-Path $logPath) {
} else {
Write-Warning "Unable to create $logPath.";
- Anonymous
October 06, 2011
Why don't publishing it in the TechNet Gallery?