Getting Event Logs with wevtutil.exe
A long time ago, I wrote a painful way to export event logs (to CSV) on Server 2003, which lacks wevtutil.exe. Well, here’s the flip side of the coin.
Also, I wrote a simple wrapper to get the topmost event log names. It’s really just Get-EventLog –ComputerName $ComputerName –List | Select-Object MachineName, Log. Still, that’s a lot to type (and to remember), and I’m hoping that Get-EventLogName is easier:
function Export-EventLog
param (
[string[]]$ComputerName = @($env:ComputerName),
[string[]]$LogName = @('System', 'Application'),
[String]$Path = "$home\Desktop\EventLogs"
$baseName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name;
$dateStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd";
if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop -Path $Path | Out-Null;
} # if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path))
$Path = (Resolve-Path -Path $Path).ProviderPath;
foreach ($_computerName in $ComputerName)
foreach ($_logName in $LogName)
$logFileBaseName = "$_computerName-$_logName-$dateStamp.evtx";
$logFileRemoteName = "\\$_computerName\c$\Windows\temp\$logFileBaseName";
$logFileLocalName = "$Path\$logFileBaseName";
Write-Progress $baseName "exporting $logFileBaseName";
wevtutil.exe epl $_logName "c:\windows\temp\$logFileBaseName" /ow:True /r:$_computerName;
if (Test-Path -Path $logFileRemoteName)
Write-Progress $baseName "Copying $logFileRemoteName";
Copy-Item -Path $logFileRemoteName -Destination $logFileLocalName;
if (Test-Path -Path $logFileLocalName)
} # if (Test-Path -Path $logFileLocalName)
Write-Warning "$basename failed to copy $logFileRemoteName to $logFileLocalName";
} # if (Test-Path -Path $logFileLocalName)
} # if (Test-Path -Path $logFileRemoteName)
Write-Warning "$basename failed to export $_logName on $_computerName to $logFileRemoteName";
} # if (Test-Path -Path $logFileRemoteName)
} # foreach ($_logName in $LogName)
} # foreach ($_computerName in $ComputerName)
} # function Export-EventLog
function Get-EventLogName
[string[]]$ComputerName = @($env:ComputerName)
Get-EventLog -List -ComputerName $ComputerName |
Select-Object -Property @{
n = 'ComputerName';
e = {
} # n = 'ComputerName';
}, Log
} # function Get-EventLogName