Stylish candy bar wrappers - what else could chocolate want?

I can't tell you how many requests I've seen from Office Online template users for a candy bar wrapper. Adding a personalized wrap to delectable treats is certainly one way to ensure people will remember your event.

And at long last, one of our community members (hello, drumfairy!) has created two beautiful, stylish templates in Publisher. What more could chocolate ask for?

(The image above is just the detail on the wrapper. The full wrapper looks like the version below, including tape and glue guides.)


Don't be misled by the labels of "birthday" and "wedding". These templates will work well for any special event, including anniversaries, bridal showers, baby showers, and fundraiser activities. Just get creative with the text and themes!  I hope we see more of these in our community content, and see them sooner than later...

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